Title: World%20War%20II
1World War II
- The Unfinished Business
- Of
- The Great War
2How did 1919 Paris Peace Conference contribute to
rising tensions in the 30s?
3How did 1919 Paris Peace Conference contribute to
rising tensions in the 30s?
- European Allies (GB, France Italy)
- Desire to punish weaken Germany
- Negotiate traditionally Winner / Loser
- Sought security from future aggression
- Execute the secret treaties
- US wanted to create lasting peace
- Wilsons Fourteen Points
- League of Nations
4How did 1919 Paris Peace Conference contribute to
rising tensions in the 30s?
- Germany
- War Guilt Clause, , Occupation, Borders
- Weimar Republics instability
- Italy
- Treaty of London promises LAND!
- Fiume more!
- Japan
- Pacific Rim control G islands free hand in
Asia - Equal status as a Great Power? Racism!
5The Road to World War II
6Rhineland Austria Munich Conference 38
- Sudetenland demanded
- Munich Pact avoids war
- Hitler takes over Czechoslovakia early 39
7Checking 4 Understanding
- Which nation(s) did Japan have conflict with?
- China, Russia, Korea
- Which nation was conquered by Fascist Italy?
- Ethiopia
- Which areas did Hitler annex in the 30s prior to
armed conflict? - Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland, Czech
8Pablo Picasso Cubist PaintingGuernica,
1937What is he communicating?
9Hitler Poland
- Lebensraum
- Polish Corridor
- Goal German Unification
10War in Europe Phase I
- Invasion of Poland 9/1/1939
- Nazi Blitzkrieg
- Air attack
- Armor
- Infantry
- USSR Expands per Nazi-Soviet Pact
- Eastern Poland
- Baltic nations
- Finland
- Sitzkrieg Phony War WAIT
11War in Europe Blitzkrieg Phase II 1940
- Invasion of Scandinavia
- Norway Denmark
- Invasion of Low Countries
- Holland, Belgium Luxembourg
- Invasion of France
- Dunkirk (Gs Mistake)
- Capture of Paris
- Occupied France
- v. Vichy France is a puppet state of Nazi G
12WW II Phase II continued
- Operation Sea Lion gtgt Battle of Britain
- GB is isolated, Nazi controls Continent
- Prime Minister Churchill finest hour
- Nazi Luftwaffe bombs military targetsoops,
civilians too! - GB bombs Berlin Hitler angry ?
- Nazi bombing shifts to London BLITZ
- the Blitz day night bombings
- RAF defends with help of RADAR
- US is neutral isolationism but WC FDR deal
- Cash Carry gt Destroyer Deal gt Lend Lease gt
Atlantic Charter - Hitler abandons plan where next?
13Operation BarbarossaJune 1941
- Hitler invades USSR
- Stalin unprepared
- Stalin Scorched Earth Plan
- Nazi Siege of Leningrad
- 9/41 gtgt survival
- Moscow
- 10/41 gtgt WINTER!!
- Stalingrad oil fields
- 8/41 gtgt 2/42
- Urban Warfare
- Soviets defend drive Nazis back turning point
14WW II The Pacific TheaterJapan v. US
- Japan expanded into Indochina SE Asia
- Japanese aggression gtgt US Embargo no more oil
- Gen. Tojo
- Takes control of Japan
- Envoys negotiating peace in Washington, DC
- 12/7/1941 J surprise attack on Pearl Harbor plus
Hong Kong (GB), Wake (US), Guam (US) Thailand - a day which will live in infamy
15The Effect of Pearl Harbor Attack
- US declares war 12/8/1941 on Japan
- G Italy declare war on US vice versa
- US Entry into WW2!
- 1942 Japanese victories
- PhilippinesBataan
- Singapore Malaysia
- Dutch East Indies
- Doolittle B-25 Raid 4/1942
- US deciding on focus point strategy
161942A Big Year for the Allies
- European Theater
- Aug 42 Stalingrad
- Oct 42 El Alamein
- Nov 42
- Operation Torch (US)
- Gen Eisenhower
- Pacific Theater
- May 42 Coral Sea
- June 42 Midway
- Island Hopping
- Gen. MacArthur
- Aug 42 Guadalcanal
17The Big Three FDR, Churchill, Stalin
18The Big Meetings
- 1941 Atlantic Charter by FDR/WC
- Idealistic statement of goals
- Freedom from want tyranny
- Freedom of seas, religion sovereignty
- 1943 Casablanca Conference FDR/WC
- Unconditional Surrender demanded
- 1943 Tehran Conference FDR/WC/JS
- G to be disarmed occupied
- 1945 Yalta Conference FDR/WC/JS
- Postwar agreements UN, G divided, RgtJ, Eastern
European governments
19Operation Overlord D-Day
- Invasion of France
- 6/6/1944
- Allied Foothold gt Liberation of France gt Germany
20Big Meetings
- Potsdam Conference
- HST (FDR now dead),
- Stalin GB (no WC)
- Demand for unconditional surrender of Japan (?)
- Ultimatum to Japan
- no response A-Bombs away
- Tension HST ltgt Stalin
21The Home Front
- Role of Women
- Industrial jobs
- Spies Support
- Raising Citizens
- Propaganda
- Ideology
- Censorship
- Raising Money
- Bonds Taxes
- Rationing
22The End of WW2
- Europe
- D-Day gt March to Berlin
- US controls western Europe
- USSR controls eastern Europe
- Hitler and other key Nazis commit suicide
- War Crimes Trials
- Crimes Against Humanity
- Pacific
- Island Hopping to Tokyo
- Firebombing of Tokyo
- Invasion or bomb?
- August 1945
- Hiroshima
- Nagasaki
- J Surrenders
- War Crimes Trials
23Now What?
- How will the world change as a result of this
war? - Europe?
- Asia?
- Africa?
- Middle East?
- Western Hemisphere?