Title: Entrepreneurship%20skills%20and%20incentives%20related%20activities%20within%20the%20ECIU
1Entrepreneurship skills and incentivesrelated
activities within the ECIU
- dr. Frits Schutte
- vice-president
- Universiteit Twente
- arguments contra entrepreneurship
- arguments pro entrepreneurship
- introduction ECIU
- some examples of activities of ECIU members
3arguments con(UNISPIN 1999)
- the culture does not fit
- there is no need for such an activity
- there is a strategic mismatch
- there are no resources available
4arguments pro(UNISPIN 1999)
- improvement of academic research
- better performance towards students
- improvement of university culture and image
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
- European Consortium of
- Innovative Universities
- education
- joint Masters, European doctorate, CE
- research
- 5FP
- regional development
- public relations
- international relations
- mobility staff students
- regional development
- exchange of best practicesbook - articles in
HEI - co-operation, e.g.
- joint bids for EU FP5 (RTD Inn. SME)EURO
ABCRELAIS - benchmarking in TTTransUniverseel
- engage academic incubators andscience
parksAalborg Barcelona seminars
9ECIUUniversity of AalborgLisbeth Tved Linde
- SME attraction
- in Aalborg region 95 SME
- 10 available tools
- Networking Centre
- 600 companies
- 20 networks
- 10 - 100 participants
- NOVI Science Park TT Venture Capital
- TeleMedia
10ECIUUniversity of AalborgLisbeth Tved Linde
- problem-oriented educational model
- management system
- formalised regional co-operation
- Master degree programmes
- industrial PhD programmes
- continuing professional development
- student and staff mobility
- research co-operation
- science park
11ECIUUniversity of AveiroCarlos Rodrigues
- less favoured regions (LFRs)
- Regional Development Agency
- group UNAVE
12ECIUUniversity of ChalmersOlle Stenberg
- Chalmers Innovation System
- know how
- financing
13ECIUTechnological University of Compiegne
- I.L.C. Pôle Technologique
- Transfer Centre
- Entrepreneurial start-up centre
- private company managing innovation and start up
processes - SECANT
- seed money for start ups
14ECIUUniversity of DortmundFritz Krieger - Silke
- spin-offs
- regional projects
- Science on SiteWissenschaft vor Ort
- TechnologieZentrum Dortmund Ltd.
15ECIUTechn. University of Hamburg Harburg
- TuTech StarterZentrum
- Council for Entrepreneurship
- Hamburgs Entrepreneur Program
- TuTech Incubator Center
- biotechnology
- microelectronics applications
16ECIUUniversity of JoensuuSeppo Hölttä
- Carelian Science Park
- BIC Carelia
17ECIUUniversity of StrathclydeH.G. Thomson
- networking with local development agencies
- licensing IPR to SMEs
- supporting industry-related research
- encouraging SMEs to collaborate
- Strathclyde University Incubator Ltd.
18ECIUUniversity of TwentePeter van der Sijde -
Frits Schutte
- minor (1/2 yr) entrepreneurship
- IPR regulations
- Entrepreneurs Centre
- USE student-entrepreneurs
- LiaisonGroup liaison office
- TOP programme
- BTC Twinning Center Twenteincubator
- Business Science Park
- Innofonds venture capital
19entrepreneurial university
- TOP temporary entrepreneurial post
- expertise support
- use of UT facilities
- housing
- interest-free loan
- relation network
- business management support
- TSM course Entrepreneurship
20spin-off companies UTlt 1977 - 1999 cumulative
21spin-off companies UTlt 1977 - 1999 cumulative
22spin-off UTsectors
23spin-off UTrevenues
24ECIUUniversity of WarwickMichael Shattock
- University of Warwick Science Park
- Business Support ActivitiesBusiness Angels
- Consultancy Experiences
- Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
25governmental incentives
- tax exemption
- national and/or regional incentives
- IPR regulations
- benchmarking
- best practices
- stimulation programmes
- incubator facilities
- coaching and counselling
- funds venture seed capital
- networking
- training
- mobility