Title: Use Visual Signaling Techniques 071-326-0608
1Use Visual Signaling Techniques071-326-0608
- Conditions Given a requirement to use visual
signals while mounted. -
- Standards Give the proper procedures for each
required action. -
2 Visual Signaling Techniques
- Hand and arm signals. (a) These are given while
mounted - vehicle to vehicle, and dismounted -
from ground to vehicle or ground to ground.
Dismounted signals given from ground to vehicle
are normally referred to as Ground Guide
signals. - (b) These are used to communicate to either
one element or to an entire unit.
3 Visual Signaling Techniques
- (2) Flag signals. These are used in the same
manner as hand and arm signals. - (3) Ground to air signals. These are used to
guide helicopter(s) to a landing point.
42. Herringbone
3. Contact Left
4. Contact right
55. Action Left
6. Action Right
7. Action Front (Right, Left, or Rear), Fight on
Foot, or Assault fire (Dismounted Troops).
8. Air Attack
69. Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Attack
10. Traveling
12.Bounding overwatch, cover my move
11. Traveling overwatch
714. Move to Right
13. Move to Left
15. Move Forward
16. Attention!
817. I Am Ready, or Ready to Move, Are you Ready?
18. Mount
19. Disregard Previous Command or As You Were
20. I Do Not Understand
921. Start Engine, or Prepare to Move
22. Halt or Stop
24. Advance or Move Out
22. Increase Speed
1026. Close Up
25. Open Up
28. Slow Down
27. Right or Left Turn
1129. Move in Reverse (For Stationary Vehicles
30. Close Distance Between Vehicles and Stop
31. Stop Engines
32. Dismount
1233. Neutral Steer (Track Vehicles)
34. Stop (Alternate Signal to Stop Track
35. Button Up or Unbutton
36. Message Acknowledged
1338. Mount
37. Use a Single Signal Flag
40. Dismount and Assault
39. Dismount
1441. Assemble or Close
42. Move Out
43. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Hazard Present