W e l co m e t o: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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W e l co m e t o:


* * Mrs. Osman classroom teacher Mr. Sleiman teaching assistant child specific ? student teacher from Muhlenberg College. Science and Health: Health The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: W e l co m e t o:


W e l co m e t o Pa re n t I n f o r
m a t i on N ig h t Ke r n sv i l l e
E l e m e n t a r y

September 19, 2013
Mrs. Osman classroom teacher Mr.
Sleimanteaching assistant child specific
? student teacher from Muhlenberg College.

Fourth grade areas of study

Science and Health
  • HealthThe Body Systems (Respiratory,
    Circulatory, and Excretory System)
  • EcosystemsEnvironment and Ecology
  • Light, Sound, and Energy
  • Magnetism

Social Studies
  • Map Skills
  • United States Regions
  • Pennsylvania

  • COMMON CORE focus this year
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Place Value and Money
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Money, Time, and Measurement
  • Fractions
  • Geometry
  • Decimals
  • Graphing
  • Calculators
  • Xtra math for daily practice of math facts.
    Access via my website www.parklandsd.org/kv or

Dear Parents, Pennsylvania Schools are
embarking on a period of transition from the PA
Academic Standards to the PA Core State
Standards. The goal is to provide a clear,
consistent core of standards so all children
have access to an excellent education. Keystone
exams at the secondary school level are aligned
to the PA Core State Standards. PSSA will be
aligned to the PA Core State Standards in the
2014-2015 school year. Parkland School District
has a steadfast commitment to improving the
education of all students to prepare them for
college and career readiness. This parent letter
was developed to assist parents with
understanding the new Common Core curriculum
movement and the need to work together to ensure
our students success as they move towards their
college and/or career goals. The PA Core State
Standards Prepare students with the knowledge
and skills they need to succeed in college and
work Provide educators, parents and students
with clear focused standards Set consistent
expectations Include both knowledge and
application of subject area Build upon
strengths and lessons of current state standards
Are based on real-world application Are
evidence and research-based
Key math shifts include FOCUS Learn more
about fewer, key topics COHERENCE Build
skills within and across grades RIGOR
Develop a deep, authentic command of mathematical
concepts through o Conceptual understanding
deep understanding of content -Procedural
skill and fluency the standards require speed
and accuracy in calculation -Application
we learn math so we can use it in situations that
require mathematical knowledge
Reading Lead 21
  • Lead 21
  • Which includes differentiated readers.
  • SSR (Sustained Silent Reading)
  • Book Adventure program for Pizza Hut Book-it
    Program starting October through March.

  • All Parkland students in grades K-5 will be
    taking a STAR assessment at three different times
    during this school year September, January, and
  • All STAR assessments are computer-adaptive tests.
    Computer-adaptive tests continually adjust the
    difficulty of each childs test by choosing each
    test question based on the childs previous
  • Students take STAR Enterprise tests at individual
  • The software delivers multiple-choice items one
    by one, and the student selects answers with a
    mouse or the keyboard.

  • (continued)
  • After a test is completed, the software
    calculates a score, and teachers and
    administrators view and analyze reports that show
    results for an individual, class, grade, or
  • STAR assessments measure specific skills as well
    as overall early literacy and reading ability.
  • They compare students achievement to that of
    students across the nation
  • estimate mastery of state standards and Common
    Core State Standards and
  • report growth over time.
  • Results from this assessment will help us to
  • provide students with appropriate materials
  • identify areas where students need more
  • set learning goals
  • make plans for meeting those goals and
  • determine whether the instruction and
    intervention are effective.

  • Writing Strategies
  • GrammarPrefixes and Suffixes
  • Narrative ProceduralRealistic FictionPersonal
    NarrativePoetryWriting Across the
    CurriculumPersuasiveDescriptive EssayLetter
    WritingBiographyScience ReportsScience Fiction
  • Handwriting

How can parents help prepare their child for
learning? Read a combination of fiction and
non-fiction aloud or with your child. Select more
difficult passages over time. Read more
informational texts including newspapers,
magazines, technical manuals, science and social
studies articles and books. Talk with your
child and have him or her explain things.
Encourage writing at home. Help your child
know basic math facts. Discuss and do real
life math with your children. Look for
problems based in real life. Encourage a good
work ethic. Discuss with your children their
performance in school and what they are learning.
Talk with your children about the importance
of graduating from high school ready for college
and career success.
Key English Language Arts shifts include
Read as much non-fiction as fiction Learn
about the world by reading Read more
challenging material closely Discuss reading
using evidence Write non-fiction using
evidence Increase academic vocabulary
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Work on patterns and strategies
  • Spelling tests will occur on different days of
    the week
  • Will NOT run Monday through Friday
  • Same list for all students as requested by the
    school district

  • Computer lab
  • in the school with scanner
  • 5 classroom computers
  • 24 netbooks on a cart
  • Class Set of I-Pods
  • Digital Cameras
  • Portable TV Studio/ video cameras
  • Interactive White Board with Ben Q pen
  • Use of the Internet

Grading System
  • A 90-100
  • B 80-89
  • C 70-79
  • D 60-69
  • F 59 and below


A fourth grade student at Kernsville should be
able to


Complete all assignments on time

Promptly return all papers and folders requiring
a signature


C o m e t o c l a s s p r e p a r e d


Work quietly when necessary

F o l l o w K e r n s v i l l e r u l
e s B e i n g part o f t h e
p a c k!
Items to discuss
  • Book orders checks please to book co. Also, an
    on-line option available
  • School calendar
  • Reporting your child absent by calling
    610-351-5900 EXT 27711
  • (www.parklandsd.org/kv)
  • Getting homework when out sick or on vacation
    (Call by 930 am)

Contact Information
  • osmana_at_parklandsd.org
  • 610-351-5900 extension 27420
  • Check notes, e-mails, voicemail
  • Class website on www.parklandsd.org/kv
  • -Staff List
  • -Fourth Grade
  • -Andrea Osman

Rapid communication service sends 1,000s of
messages in minutes Expect 3-4 voice
messages/month from Principal regarding upcoming
events/important reminders. Will be used to
communicate instructions in case of emergency.
Will call you around 530 AM to announce
inclement weather delay or closure to the primary
number on file only A test call in October
will ensure accuracy of the system. If school
dismisses early for any unscheduled reason, will
call all emergency numbers, send a text message
and an email to all contacts on file. We
strongly encourage all parents to participate in
this new notification system as opting out will
not allow families to receive messages that will
be communicated via the system in the event of a
true emergency. Changes to the information we
have on file can be made any time by contacting
the school building secretary.
Parent Pick Up
  • Forms available on www.parklandsd.org/kv under
    Parents then click on Elementary Forms.
  • http//www.parklandsd.org/kv/kernsville-elementary

  • New system may have to add blocks for snacks
    again. May add money online for a small few using
    credit card.
  • Otherwise check or cash with childs name,
    teacher, room number, and amount in an envelope.
  • School lunch is 2.50

Caftrac From Miss Amy
  • 1.  Caftrac is now called eTrition.
  • 2.  By accessing your child's account
    with birthdate or ID, you can check balances,
    purchases and make payment online for a small
    fee.  Need to go to www.myschoolbucks.com
  • 3.  When sending in cash/check, PLEASE put in a
    envelope with FULL name, teacher's name and
    amount of deposit.
  • Checks are made out to PSD Cafe acct.  Envelopes
    can be a PPL envelope, etc, just make sure it is
  • 4.  All blocks on your child's account must be
    requested again. (new system did not carry them
    over) You can send in a note.
  • 5.  Negative balance letters are sent out before
    lunch on Tuesday and Thursday.

CAF-TRAC Procedure
  • Please write the following on the outside of
    envelope (no plastic bags)
  • Students Name (no nicknames)
  • Teachers Name
  • Amount of Money being deposited
  • (for more than one child, write all names on
    envelope and designate the amount for each)
  • Checks made payable to PSD Cafe Account

Parkland Bullying Pledge
  • We will not bully others
  • We will try to help students who are bullied
  • We will include students who are easily left out
  • When we know someone is being bullied, we will
    tell an adult at school and an adult at home
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