Competency Goal 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Competency Goal 1


Competency Goal 1 Objective 1.02 and Objective 1.03 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Competency Goal 1

Competency Goal 1
  • Objective 1.02 and Objective 1.03

Competency Goal 1 Investigate the foundations of
the American political system and explore basic
values and principles of American democracy
  • Objective 1.02 Trace and analyze the
    development of ideas about self-government in
    British North America
  • Objective 1.03 Examine the causes of the
    American Revolution

Objective 1.02 Objective 1.03
  • Early Foundations of Law Government
  • Magna Carta / Great Charter Limited power of
    the king by granting liberties to certain
    subjects (noblemen)
  • 1215, guaranteed such rights as the right to a
    fair trial protection from having property
    seized w/o due process of law.
  • Also, basis of British Common Law, or law based
    on custom and court decisions rather than
    legislative action.
  • British Common Law is part of the Law in the U.S.

(No Transcript)
  • Natural Rights
  • A group of British noblemen established the 1st
    Parliament, a legislative body.
  • Marked the beginning of Representative Government
    in the West.
  • In 1689, following the overthrow (Glorious
    Revolution) of King James II in Britain, the
    Parliament passed the British Bill of Rights

  • Document recognized a number of natural rights,
    or rights of people have simply by being people.
  • Right to life, liberty, and property.
  • Also guaranteed the right to a fair trial before
    a jury of equals and freedom of speech.
  • Many of these rights included in the U.S.

  • Ideas of the Enlightenment
  • A dominant idea of the Enlightenment was that
    governments are formed by a social contract (John
  • Social Contract Theory says that government comes
    from the consent of the governed (people),
    individuals agree to join together equally under
    a common law for protection from violence, for
    protection of their rights, and to achieve a
    common good.
  • They (people) agree to follow the law of the

  • The Pilgrims established their colony in Mass.,
    it was based on the Mayflower Compact, which
    became the foundation of law at the Plymouth
  • Gave colonists the right to establish a system of
    laws under which they would live.

  • The Houses of Burgesses, established in
    Jamestown, Va., in the 1600s, was the first
    representative governing body in the New World.
  • It was based largely on the British Parliament.
  • In New England, the town meeting was a form of
    direct democracy.
  • Landowners in the towns came together to discuss
    and directly vote on proposals, laws, and
  • They did not vote through representative

  • A republic is a political system in which the
    supreme power lies with the citizens.
  • It has two basic principles governments
    authority arises form the consent of the governed
    (people) and the sovereign rules by law
  • In a republic, society is governed by laws that
    apply equally to all, not governed by absolute
  • In a total democracy, majority rules always
    carries the day.

  • The Founding Fathers felt the need to preserve
    the civil liberties, or political rights, of
    those in the minority.
  • It had to be a limited government, or government
    with built-in restrictions on its power.
  • In the 1st 2nd Continental Congresses limiting
    the power of the central government was one of
    their major concerns.

The American Revolution
No Taxation Without Representation !!!!!!!!
  • Discontent with Foreign Rule
  • A number of actions taken by the B. govt. that
    angered the American colonists.
  • Convinced the colonists would be better off
    establishing own country making own laws.

  • British govt. pass a series on Navigation Acts
  • The colonies of Great Britain could trade only
    with Great Britain.
  • After the Nav. Acts until the middle of the
    18th Century, colonists enjoyed a period of
    salutary neglect.
  • Britain did not pay close attention colonists
    enjoyed a relatively free period of self-govt.

  • B/t 1754 1763, B F fought the French and
    Indian War.
  • B Govt. started taxing colonists to help pay for
    the war
  • B. Govt. introduced a system of taxation that
    continued for the next 2 decades.
  • Also, passed other laws that colonists saw as

  • Proclamation of 1763 prohibited from settling
    west of App. Mts.
  • Writs of Assistance Gave B customs officials
    authority to search peoples homes for smuggled
    goods w/o warrant.
  • Britain was trying to achieve a favorable balance
    of trade Profits made on exports exceeds the
    costs of imports.
  • Smuggling was upsetting this favorable balance.

  • James Otis, an early patriot, argued against this
    invasion of privacy against B. tax policy.
  • Otis is believed to have coined phrase
    Taxation without representation is tyranny

  • Probably most unpopular Act Stamp Act (1765)
  • Passed by Parliament w/o input from colonial
    governing bodies
  • Placed a tax on all materials printed on paper
  • Newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards
  • All printed matter had to have special stamp on
    it to show the tax had been paid.
  • Led to attacks on B tax collectors

  • Merchants boycotted, refused to buy B goods.
  • Colonies sent a petition to B. king and
  • Said Colonists could not be taxed except w/ the
    consent of their elected assemblies.
  • Stamp Act repealed the following yr.

  • The Declaratory Act was the British response to
    repealing the Stamp Act in 1766.
  • It maintained that Britain could tax the
    colonists without consulting them.

  • Another unpopular law was the Quartering Act of
  • If asked, Colonists were required by law to
    provide temporary housing food to British
  • Unwanted intrusion into their privacy
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