Hooking the Reader - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hooking the Reader


Anecdote Three. Words. Only. 6 Ways of Hooking the Reader Fact / Data Use a Quote Set the Scene Imagine Picture Visualize Ask a Question????? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hooking the Reader

Hooking the Reader
Three. Words. Only.
6 Ways of
Fact / Data
Use a Quote
Set the Scene Imagine Picture Visualize
Ask a Question ????????
Quote It! (Dont forget the quotation,
punctuation, end quotation rule.) WHAT PHRASE IS
E.Q. What are effective hooks to engage the
  • ELACC8W1 Write arguments to support claims with
    clear reasons and relevant evidence.
  • ELACC8S4 Engage effectively in a range of
    classroom discussions.
  • Today I will identify and practice one way to
    hook the reader for various argumentative topics.

I Have a DreamQuote IT
Quote It Another way to Hook your reader.
  • Open with a quotation that is well-known (but be
    sure to use the quotation rule).
  • You can also use a quotation from someone that is
    not famous. It could be from a song, movie, or
    one of your own.

Examples of Famous Quotes
  • A penny saved is a penny earned.
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • All that glitters is not gold. Shakespeare
  • Student Example
  • John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your
    country can
  • do for you, ask what you can do for your
  • My uncle always says, Dont just talk the talk,
    walk the walk.

Fact /Data Another way to Hook your reader.
  • Make a general statement about the topic. It
    sounds like you know what youre talking about.
  • The number of ________________ increases each
  • The rate of ________________ decreases
    each second.
  • The reports of ________________ goes down each
  • The amount of ________________ goes up each day.

Teachers Model
  • Question/Topic Should homework be banned?

Homework should NOT be banned.
Homework should be banned.
Homework should NOT be banned.
Students need to practice skills learned in class
so that they dont forget them.
Students need homework grades to help boost
possible low test/quiz grades.
  • Quote It
  • Momma always says, Practice makes perfect.
  • Fact / Data
  • The amount of homework students have to do goes
    up each day.
  • The number of students that drop out of school
    increases each decade.
  • .

Independent Practice
  • Topic Should students earn pay for good grades?
  • Create a Monster
  • Show Three Ways to Hook the Reader
  • Set the Scene
  • Three Words Only
  • Question
  • Anecdote
  • Quote It
  • Fact / Data

Quiz Time!
  • Clear your desk and prepare for our quiz!
  • Youve Got This!

Are you Hooked?Read the passage below.Would
this hook the reader? Why or why not?
  • I remember walking into the cold, white room as
    the beeping of the machines echoed immensely in
    my head and I knew that noise would haunt me for
    the rest of my life. I walked in further to join
    my family that stood beside the bed. I hung my
    head in grief and my family made a hard decision.

Activator Story Time
  • Story Scrambler
  • Spin the Wheel, and write a short story based on
    the topic given.
  • I remember
  • Years ago
  • When I was younger

Anecdote Another way to Hook your reader.
  • You can hook the reader by sharing a personal
    experience or story at the beginning of your
    essay. Remember- the readers doesnt know you.
    Make it up!
  • Sentence Starters
  • I remember
  • When I was younger
  • Years ago

Teacher Model Do sports teach
life skills?
  • I remember this day like it was yesterday. 10,
    9, 8, 7, 6 It was my first basketball game
  • and I had the ball with the clock ticking away.
    My team depended on me to take the winning shot.
    I was full of nervous energy, but I didnt want
    to let them down. It took determination to

Guided Practice
  • Claim Freddy Krueger is the best movie villain.
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine not being able to close your eyes for
    even one second because every time you do you are
    haunted in your dreams.
  • Picture a man in red and black with a burnt
    charred face and nails the size of bear claws.
  • Visualize getting up every day and not knowing if
    you are really awake or still dreaming.
  • Help me add an anecdote I remember,
  • When I was younger Years ago

Independent Practice
  • Claim
  • Choose 3 monsters from your Sourcebook.
  • Create an I remember
  • When I was younger
  • Years ago
  • Experts will blog it!

Blog It!
  • Lets read what the experts have said!

Questions? 9-25-13
  • Who is your favorite artist, player, musician or
    inspiration? If you could interview that person
    today, write 5 questions you would ask him?

E.Q. What are effective hooks to engage the
  • ELACC8W1 Write arguments to support claims with
    clear reasons and relevant evidence.
  • ELACC8S4 Engage effectively in a range of
    classroom discussions.
  • Today I will identify and practice two ways to
    hook the reader for various argumentative topics.

Activator 20 questions
  • What is a topic that you know a lot about?

Three Words Only Another way to Hook your
  • You simply list three words as standalone
  • Each word must be capitalized.
  • Each word has a period behind it.
  • Examples
  • No. No. No.
  • Cars. Bikes. Trains.
  • Unfair. Unfair. Unfair.

Teachers Model
  • Question/Topic Should homework be banned?

Homework should NOT be banned.
Homework should be banned.
Homework should NOT be banned.
Students need to practice skills learned in class
so that they dont forget them.
Students need homework grades to help boost
possible low test/quiz grades.
  • Set the Scene
  • Visualize homework papers floating down streets
    of every town in America.
  • Imagine never having to make up another lame
    excuse for why you didnt do your homework.
  • Picture how happy the world would be if we never
    had to do homework again.
  • Ask a Question
  • What if no child in America ever had homework?
  • Three Words
  • Practice. Practice. Practice. / Boring. Useless.

Guided Practice
  • Claim Freddy Krueger is the best movie villain.
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine not being able to close your eyes for
    even one second because every time you do you are
    haunted in your dreams.
  • Picture a man in red and black with a burnt
    charred face and nails the size of bear claws.
  • Visualize getting up every day and not knowing if
    you are really awake or still dreaming.
  • Help me add a question
  • 3 Words

Practice. Practice. Practice.
  • Choose 2 Monsters from your Sourcebook.
  • Create a question and 3 words hook for each

Should Guns Be Banned ?
1. View the video clip.
2. Make a monster to organize your ideas.
3. After your monster, -Set the scene write a
picture, visualize, imagine statement -Ask a
question, -3 words Only.
  • Guns or NO Guns?

Tag It!
  • On the Chart Paper, select one of your hooks to

Hook Me! 9/23/13
  • How do you get someones attention if you dont
    know them? Give a specific example.

Student Learning Maps
  • Lets Map Our Weekly Learning.
  • You will keep the learning map in your 3 prong
    folder and refer to it daily.

Make your writing a page turner!
  • The hook (1st line in the introduction)
  • should grab your reader's
  • attention to the point they dont want to let go.

  • Hook Me!
  • When you are writing an essay, it is just as
    important as a movie trailer is to the success of
    the movie. You want to give a little bit of the
    content, but you really want them to buy the

What is a hook?
Definition- (noun) A technique used to grab the
readers attention
Characteristics, First sentence(s) in the
introduction of a story, essay or even movie
Non-Examples I think. I am going to tell you
about In my opinion
Example Setting the Scene Question Anecdote Fact
/ Data
What does it mean to engage?
Definition- (verb) To become involved in
(interact) with a person to take part in,
participate to gain the attention of
Characteristics atrtractive, attention-grabber,
listening, collaborating
Non-Examples Refusing to participate, unattractive
Example Window shopping at the mall Involved in
a discussion War He engaged her in
conversation. He started his story with an
engaging beginning.
Setting the Scene!
  • Create an imaginary scene or event for your
    reader to picture. It must be related to your
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine
  • Picture
  • Visualize

Guided Practice
  • Claim Freddy Krueger is the best movie villain.
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine not being able to close your eyes for
    even one second because every time you do you are
    haunted in your dreams.
  • Picture a man in red and black with a burnt
    charred face and nails the size of bear claws.
  • Visualize getting up every day and not knowing if
    you are really awake or still dreaming.

Teacher Model
  • Topic Do fast food restaurants do more harm than
  • Claim Fast food restaurants do more harm than
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine not being able to get out of bed because
    of arthritis, asthma and depression.
  • Picture biting into a greasy burger and
    discovering something living inside of it.
  • Visualize the weight of a six pound bowling ball
    crushing your heart every time you ate a burger
    from a fast food restaurant.

Check for Understanding
  • Topic Is Reading Necessary for Life?
  • Claim
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine
  • Picture
  • Visualize

  • Select 8 topics from the list. DO NOT WRITE ON
    IT! In your Sourcebook Title the page
  • Setting the Scene Practice
  • Choose 8 topics. For each topic write 3 sentences
    using the sentence starters below.
  • Use the following sentence starters
  • Imagine
  • Picture
  • Visualize
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