Title: Choosing the right combination of ACCA Papers
1Choosing the right combination of ACCA Papers
Krista Farrugia BPP Professional Education
Malta Director of Studies
2ACCA Syllabus Structure
Fundamentals Level (9 papers)
Skills Module
F9 Financial Management (FM)
F8 Audit Assurance (AA)
F7 Financial Reporting (FR)
F6 Taxation (TX)
F5 Performance Management (PM)
F4 Corporate Business Law (CL)
The Fundamentals level has two modules
Knowledge and Skills. For certain ACCA
Accredited degrees full exemption from the
Fundamentals Level may be granted.
Knowledge Module
F3 Financial Accounting (FA)
F2 Management Accounting (MA)
F1 Accountant in Business (AB)
3ACCA Syllabus Structure
Professional level (5 papers)
Options Module (Any Two)
P7 Adv Audit Assurance (AAA)
P6 Adv Taxation (ATX)
P5 Adv Performance Management (APM)
P4 Adv Financial Management (AFM)
The Professional level is divided into two
modules Essentials and Options. Professional
Level exams are three hours long and are
paper-based. There is no longer a requirement to
sit all Essentials (previously Core) papers
Essentials Module
P3 Business Analysis (BA)
P2 Corporate Reporting (CR)
P1 Professional Accountant (PA)
4Local Variant Papers
- Three local variant papers -
- F4 Corporate and Business Law (Malta Variant)
- F6 Taxation (Malta Variant)
- P6 Advanced Taxation (Malta Variant)
5The Process
- Modules must be sat in the following order
Knowledge, Skills, Essentials and Options. - Up to four exams may be taken at any sitting and
exams may be taken in any order as long as the
modules are attempted in order. - Knowledge module exams are two hours long and can
be sat as computer or paper-based exams. - The Skills module and all Professional Level
exams are three hours long and are paper-based.
6Professional Ethics Course
- Must be completed before finally applying for
membership - Available online, on CD-ROM or paper-based
- Made available once eligible to take P1
(Professional Accountant) - Best taken when or before sitting P1
7BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting
- Partnership between ACCA and Oxford Brookes
University - Indicate on the initial registration form
- Submit a Research and Analysis Project (not
exceeding 5000 words) and a Key Skills Statement
(not exceeding 1500 words)
8What many papers should I choose in one sitting?
- ACCA is a very flexible qualification
- Can be done as slowly (max 10 years) or as fast
as one chooses - Maximum of 4 papers every sitting but we
recommend average of 2/3 papers every sitting
9What is the best combination of papers?
- The combination of papers depends on the
following - Your background of accountancy
- Your work experience
- Time constraints
- The desired speed of completion
10Extra Fast route
- First sitting F1,F2,F3 (CBEs), F4
- Second sitting F5, F7, F8
- Third sitting F6, F9
- Forth sitting P1, P2, P3
- Fifth sitting P6, P7
- Qualified in 2.5 years
11Fast route
- First sitting F1,F2,F3 (CBEs), F4
- Second sitting F5, F7
- Third sitting F8, F9
- Forth sitting F6
- Fifth sitting P1, P2, P3
- Sixth sitting P6, P7
- Qualified in 3 years
12Moderate route
- First sitting F1,F2,F3 (CBEs)
- Second sitting F5, F7
- Third sitting F4, F8
- Forth sitting F6
- Fifth sitting F9, P1
- Sixth sitting P2, P3
- Seventh sitting P6, P7
- Qualified in 3.5 years
13Slow route
- First sitting F2,F3 (CBEs)
- Second sitting F1, F4
- Third sitting F5, F7
- Forth sitting F8, F9
- Fifth sitting F6
- Sixth sitting P1/P3, P2
- Seventh sitting P1/P3, P7
- Eight sitting P6
- Qualified in 4 years
14Extra slow route
- First sitting F1
- Second sitting F2, F3
- Third sitting F4
- Forth sitting F5
- Fifth sitting F7
- Sixth sitting F8, F9
15Extra slow route
- Seventh sitting F6
- Eight sitting P1
- Ninth sitting P2
- Tenth sitting P3
- Eleventh sitting P6, P7
- Qualified in 5.5 years
16Any Questions