Title: Where the esophagus meets the stomach, a
1Where the esophagus meets the stomach, a valve
opens to allow food to enter the stomach. It
then quickly closes up to keep stomach acids out
of the esophagus
2When these wastes reach the end of the line,
nature tells us its time to go
3The liver filters out toxins from our bloodstream
produces a substance called bile. Bile
helps our bodies break down the fats in the foods
we eat.
4In the stomach, involuntary churning, stomach
acids, enzymes work to help break down food.
5With the food now in the small intestine, bile is
released from the gall bladder. This helps to
break down fats in the foods we eat.
Gall Bladder
6If food is NOT absorbed into the bloodstream, it
moves on to the large intestine where it will
eventually be eliminated as waste!
7Digestion begins in the mouth as teeth grind food
saliva begins to help break it down!
8.and that is the story of how the human
digestive system breaks down food into a
substance that can be utilized by the body for
nutrition or eliminated as wastes!
9This is the story of the foods we eat are either
absorbed into the body used to nourish our
bodies or eliminated as wastes !!
10The bile produced by the liver travels through
tiny canals which eventually lead to the small
intestine. Excess bile that is not immediately
needed is stored in the gall bladder.
11Food then slowly empties into the small intestine
12Our food becomes a liquidy mixture called
chyme is moved through the digestive system
in wave-like contractions called peristalsis.
13If food is going to be absorbed into the
bloodstream to nourish our bodies, it occurs in
the small intestine. The inside of the small
intestine has numerous finger-like projections
called villi that allow for the absorption of
food into the bloodstream.
14As the tongue pushes food to the back of the
mouth is swallowed, the epiglottis closes over
the trachea channeling our food drink to the
15As wastes move through the large intestine, water
is removed from it reabsorbed back into the
16Insulin is released by the pancreas to help move
glucose (sort of like sugar) from our
bloodstream into our body cells to be used as
17Involuntary muscles in the esophagus move the
food toward the stomach!!