Title: Nonlinear Coupled Data assimilation
1Nonlinear Coupled Data assimilation
- Peter Jan van Leeuwen
- Melanie Ades, Phil Browne, Javier Amezcua,
Mengbin Zhu
2Data assimilation general formulation
Bayes theorem
The solution is a pdf!
3Nonlinear filtering Particle filter
Use ensemble
the weights.
4What are these weights?
- The weight is the normalised value of the
pdf of the observations given model state . - For Gaussian distributed variables is is given
by - One can just calculate this value
- That is all !!!
- Or is it? More is needed for high-dimensional
5Fully nonlinear DA Particle Filters
6Particle Filters with resampling
7Why doesnt this work?
Volume of a hypersphere with radius ry in an
Ny-dimensional space
Log10 of Volume of hypersphere of radius 1.
Number of observations
8Reduce obs number via Localisation
Different particles perform Differently over the
domain. How do we glue different particles
together? Interesting work by Poterjoy.
Particle 17
Particle 3
Particle 7
9Another solution proposal densities
Use a different model and correct in the weights
The second model knows about future observations !
10Examples of proposed models
Use nudging or use LETKF or 4DVar
These are all hybrids but this time without
ad-hoc adjustments. There is solid maths behind
all this!
12Resulting weights
- The weights now contain contributions from
- the observations via the likelihood p(yx),
- The use of a different model than the original
- model (proposal density).
- So
13Weight of a particle
Weight of Particle i
Position of particle i in state space
14Optimal proposal density (1 timestep), implicit
PF (window)
This is a 4DVar on each particle, with a
perturbation added to it. But a special 4DVar
- no initial errors, - include model errors
(weak constraint) Weights proportional to
15Example simple Gaussian modelSnyder et al 2008,
2011, 2015
Claim Number of particles needed to avoid
collapse grows exponentially with system size
With ai found from
With wtarget given by
17So, ensure that the weights are equal..
Target weight
Likelihood weight Proposal weight
18Equal-weight Particle filtering
Define an implicit map as follows with
the mode of the optimal proposal density,
e.g. a random draw from the
density , with the
covariance of the optimal proposal
density, and chosen such that all
particles have equal weight (using the
expression for the weights).
19Experiments, model error and observation errors
Gaussian, H linear
- Linear model of Snyder et al. 2008.
- 1000 dimensional independent Gaussian linear
model - 20 particles
- Observations every time step
20Implicit Equal-weights Particle Filter1000
dimensional system, 20 particles
21Note on localisation
- This particle filter has localisation build into
it because all updates are pre-multiplied by
either the model error covariance or a covariance
of the form - In which Q is the model error covariance and R
the observation error covariance. - NO EXPLICIT LOCALISATION NEEDED !!
22ExampleHadCM3 climate model
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere climate model used
extensively in IPCC - 2.3 million variables
- No flux correction
- Atmosphere 3.75 X 2.5 staggered B, 19 levels
- Ocean 1.25 X 1.25 staggered B, 20
levels - Daily coupling
- Atmosphere run first with 30 min time step,
followed by ocean with 60 min time step
23EMPIRE data-assimilation framework
Fast coupling of any model to data assimilation
codes via MPI, e.g. HadCM3 (2 million), Unified
Model (300 million), etc.
24The model is nonlinear
Pdf of meridional wind at a point in the mid
North Atlantic.
25Data-assimilation parameters
- Identical twin experiment
- 32 particles
- Daily observations of Sea-Surface Temperature
with uncertainty 0.55 K - Model errors smaller than 0.1 times deterministic
model update - Correlation structure from snapshots of long
model run.
26Model error covariance
Correlation atmospheric zonal flow and oceanic
meridional flow
27Results Observed variable SST
28Results Ocean Temperature
29Results Meridional velocity
30Results Atmospheric Temperature
31Rank Histograms
SST (observed)
Meridional wind high up in Atmosphere
32Time evolution of particles
Prior ensemble (yellow), posterior ensemble
(blue), truth (red), for SST in two grid points
33Estimated pdfs
- Not only should particles be close to
observations, we have to move them such in state
space that their weights are equivalent. - We can use particle filters for climate models.
- Nonlinear filtering moves problem of state
covariances to covariances of model error - Efficient representation of pdf in
high-dimensional system is problematic.