Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?


Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?

Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?
Identified the composite beast (Rev. 131, 2
cf. Dan. 719-25) Identified the work of this
beast in thinking to change Gods times and
laws (Dan. 725 Rev. 135-8) Discovered the
very ancient pagan roots of Sunday worship
Summary of Study
Identified the Gnostic influence behind the
change of the day of worship from the
seventh-day Sabbath to first-day Sunday
Proved from history that during the first three
centuries there developed TWO distinct forms of
Christian worship
Summary of Study
Proved from Scripture that these two forms of
worship were prophesied by the apostles Paul
and John (2 Thess. 21-10 Revelation chapter
13) and are a fulfillment of the prophecy of
Daniel 7 and 8
Summary of Study
Proved from Scripture and the historical
record that paganism was exalted into a
counterfeit form of Christianity that is still
in prominent existence today, but with
diminished power
Summary of Study
Curious Ancient Symbol666
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast for it is the
number of a man and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six. Revelation 1318
Curious Ancient Symbol666
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with
fire and them that had gotten the victory over
the beast, and over his image, and over his mark,
and over the number of his name, stand on the sea
of glass, having the harps of God. Revelation
Curious Ancient Symbol666
The mark, in fact, is the number of his name
which the faithful refuse to receive, and so are
victorious over it. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown
Bible Commentary
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
he phren (Greek)
Stur (Chaldean and Aramaic)
He 8
Ph 500
R 100
E 8
N 50
S 200
T 60
U 400
R 6
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Latin speaking man
Latin Church
L 30
A 1
T 300
E 5
I 10
N 50
O 70
S 200
I 10
T 300
A 1
L 30
I 10
K 20
A 1
E 5
K 20
K 20
L 30
E 8
S 200
I 10
A 1
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Among the peoples of antiquity, the most widely
disseminated form of idolatry was sun worship.
Astrology divided the starry heavens into
thirty-six constellations. . .
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
. . .which were arranged in a square, and
frequently worn as a signet or ensign by the
priests of paganism.
Roy CottrellThe Dawn of a New Day, p. 327 (1934)
the True Breastplate of God
And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment
with cunning work . . . And thou shalt set in it
settings of stones, even four rows of stones . .
. And the stones shall be with the names of the
children of Israel, twelve, according to their
names. Exodus 2815, 17, 21
Counterfeit of the True
1 32 34 3 35 6
30 8 27 28 11 7
20 24 15 16 13 23
19 17 21 22 18 14
10 26 12 9 29 25
31 4 2 33 5 36






Counterfeit of the true
Berlin Museum, photographs of amulets taken in
Counterfeit of the True
Berlin Museum, photographs of amulets taken in
Counterfeit of the True
Berlin Museum, photographs of amulets taken in
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Throughout all Egyptian mythologies, this mystic
number was interwoven. . . .The highest symbolism
in Egyptian worship and that adopted by the
monarchs as the emblem of royalty was the union
of the solar disk and sacred serpent. . . .
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
. . . From Egypt this insignia was passed to
other nations. In this way the mystic number,
666, as a trademark of ancient paganism and sun
worship became the sigillum solis, or solar
seal of the Roman empire.
The Dawn of A New Day, p. 328
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Here we see the solar square used the in a
Tibetan mandala as a visual expression of the
macrocosm of the universe.
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast for it is the
number of a man and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six. Revelation 1318
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
At length Imperial Rome bequeathed his power
and his seat, and great authority Rev. 132 to
the Church of Rome. World paganism was
baptized, and with little more than a change of
name . . .
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
. . . was adopted and incorporated into the
papal system and to this princely church
Scripture prophecy bids us look to find written
upon her the name and superscription of
paganism666. The Dawn of A New Day, p. 328
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
The Sun was also connected with the number 666,
which was a sacred number in Egypt. . . Thus 6,
the evil number of Scripture, is the sacred
number of Paganism and the Egyptians. Colonel
John Gariner The Worship of the Dead, pp. 220,
221 (1904)
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
When it is recollected that almost every heathen
god had the name of 666, we need not be surprised
that the first Christians should call it the
number of the beast. Godfrey HigginsAnacalypsis,
an inquiry into the origins of languages,
nations and religions vol. II, p. 241 (1836)
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
The law of nature is the law of self . . . It is
thus the law of natural destruction and
reproduction of which, as we have seen, the
Serpent in Paganism was the symbol. Where this
law is supreme, its fruits. . .
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
. . . are selfishness, self-assertion, pride,
anger, envy, emulation, covetousness, etc., etc.
in a word it is the law of sin and moral evil,
and this is what the religion of Paganism
sanctified. Colonel John GarnierThe Worship of
the Dead, p. 225
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Let no man deceive you by any means for that
day shall not come, except there come a falling
away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the
son of perdition . . .
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
. . . who opposeth and exalteth himself above
all that is called God, or that is worshipped so
that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians
23, 4
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
Pope John XXIII
reigned 19581963
Counterfeit of the true
But what does Rome have to say for herself?
The title Vicarius Filii Dei the vicegerent
of the Son of God, is conferred upon the Pope of
Rome. This title has been accepted and used by
the popes, and according to certain Roman
Catholic authorities as been inscribed upon the
papal tiara. Our Sunday Visitor, of Huntington,
Indiana, April 18, 1915
Counterfeit of the true
And I will pray the Father, and He shall give
you another Comforter, that He may abide with you
for ever. John 1416 The Spirit is here
promised as the One who would supply Christs own
place in His absence. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown
Bible Commentary
Counterfeit of the true
The Holy Spirit is thus called, because He
transacts the cause of God and Christ with us,
explains to us the nature and importance of the
great atonement, shows the necessity of it,
counsels us to receive it. Adam Clarkes
Counterfeit of the true
The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted
that he is not a mere man, but as it were God,
and the vicar of God . . . We hold upon this
earth the place of God Almighty . . . Pope Leo
XIII, Encyclical June 20, 1894
Counterfeit of the true
. . . for thou art our shepherd, thou art our
physician, thou art our governor, thou art our
husbandman, thou art finally another God on
earth. Christopher Marcellus in oration
addressing Pope Julius II, in Fifth Lateran
Council, Session IV (1512)
Counterfeit of the true
The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted
that he is not a mere man, but as it were God.
and the vicar of God. Ferraris Ecclesiastical
Counterfeit of the true
The Pope and God are the same, so he has all
power in Heaven and earth. Pope Pius V
All power is given unto Me in heaven and in
earth. Jesus Christ
Trademark of Ancient Paganism
The mystical and sacred number 666 is found in
the religions of Ancient Babylon Egypt
Assyria Persia Religions of the east in
Tibet, India, China Pagan Rome
  • Quick Review of Prophecy

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a
beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy. . . .
  • Quick Review of Prophecy

. . . And the beast which I saw was like unto a
leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear,
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the
dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and
great authority. . . .
  • Quick Review of Prophecy

. . . And I saw one of his heads as it were
wounded to death and his deadly wound was
healed and all the world wondered after the
Revelation 131-3
Composite Beast
Revelation 131-3
  • Leopard
  • Bear
  • Lion
  • 7 heads
  • 10 horns
  • 10 crowns on horns

  1. Babylon (605 to 538 BC)
  2. Medo-Persia (538 to 331 BC)
  3. Greece (331 to 168 BC)
  4. Pagan (imperial) Rome (168 to 538)
  5. Papal Rome (AD 538 to 1798)
  6. Organized atheism (after 1798)
  7. Restored papal Rome (soon)

Trademark of Ancient Paganism
The most important point in all this discussion
is that there has always been a system of
religion that is in opposition to the true God of
heaven and earth. Ancient Babylon founded by
Nimrod established an anti-God system that
still exists today.
Paganism Exalted
It has not always been sufficiently considered
how much the Latin Church was a reproduction, on
a higher plane, of the old Roman Commonwealth.
The resemblance between the Roman Catholic
ceremonies and those of Pagan Rome has been often
noticed. . . .
Paganism Exalted
The Roman Catholic Church has borrowed from
Paganism saints days, incense, lustrations,
consecrations of sacred places, votive-offerings,
relics winking nodding, sweating, and bleeding
images holy water, vestments, etc. . . .
Paganism Exalted
But the Church of Rome itself, in its central
idea of authority is a reproduction of the Roman
state religion, which was a part of the Roman
state. . . .
Paganism Exalted
The Roman Catholic Church, at first an
aristocratic republic, like the Roman state,
afterwards became, like the Roman state, a
disguised despotism. The Papal Church is
therefore a legacy of ancient pagan Rome.
James Freeman ClarkTen Great Religions, pp.
349-354 (1889)
  • Quick Review of Key Dates


Clovis Baptized
Arian Tribes Fall
Justinians Decree
Summary of the Prophecy
  • When Justinian first mediated the conquest of
    Italy, he sent ambassadors to the kings of the
    Franks, and adjured them, by the common ties of
    alliance and religion, to join in the holy
    enterprise against the Arians.
  • Edward GibbonHistory of the Decline and Fall of
    the Roman Empire, chp. 41, par, 32

Summary of the Prophecy
  • With the conquest of Rome by Belisarius in
    538, the history of the ancient city may be
    considered as terminating . . . and commences the
    history of the Middle Ages.
  • George FinlayGreece Under the Romans, p. 295

Summary of the Prophecy
  • From this time on the popes, more and more
    involved in worldly events, no longer belong
    solely to the church they are men of the state,
    and then rulers of the state.
  • Philip SchaffHistory of the Christian Church,
    vol. 3, p. 327 (1893)

Principles Established
1. France as the handmaiden of the papacy from
Clovis the Frank beginning in A.D. 508 2.
Papal domination of political powers from A.D.
800 3. Union of church and state as a papal
strategy for political and ecclesiastical world
  • Quick Review of Key Dates


Donation of Constantine
Charlemagne is named Holy Roman Emperor
Clovis Baptized
Arian Tribes Fall
Justinians Decree
  • Quick Review of Key Dates

1260 years covered by the Prophecy
Holy Roman Empire formed
Woman now rides the Beast
Opposing Arian tribes destroyed
King Louis XVI killed by rebels
Pope Pius VI arrested at Rome
Justinians Decree
  • Deadly Wound Inflicted

At age 81, on the orders of the French Directory
in Paris Pope Pius VI is taken captive at Rome
Feb. 20, 1798
  • Deadly Wound Inflicted

At age 81, on the orders of the French Directory
in Paris Pope Pius VI is taken captive at Rome
Feb. 20, 1798
  • Deadly Wound Inflicted

O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,
even to the time of the end many shall run to
and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
  • Deadly Wound Inflicted

O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,
even to the time of the end many shall run to
and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
Do we truly know Who we are worshiping . . .
and why?
We build temples and churches, but will not
worship in them we hire spiritual advisors, but
refuse to heed them we buy Bibles, but will not
read them believing in God, we do not fear Him.
Harold Bell Wright
The RevelationofJesus Christ
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