Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?

Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?
Revelation Chapter 11
  • Are we there yet . . . ???

Does it Matter?
  • The American archbishop who heads the Vatican's
    supreme court said Catholic politicians

who support abortion rights should not receive
the sacraments, including funeral rites.
Raymond Burke
Does it Matter?
  • Burke said It is not possible to be a
    practicing Catholic and to conduct oneself in
    this manner. . . . Neither Holy Communion nor
    funeral rites should be administered to such
    politicians . . .

Supreme Power of the Pope
No Christian could hope for salvation who was
not in all things an obedient son of the Church,
and who was not ready to take up arms in its
defense. Henry Charles LeaHistory of the
Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Supreme Power of the Pope
. . . The papal mandate, just or unjust,
reasonable or unreasonable, was to be received
and implicitly obeyed, for there was no appeal
from the representative of St. Peter the pope .
. . for the destiny of all men lay in the hands
which could administer or withhold the sacraments
essential to salvation. Henry Charles
LeaHistory of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages
Revelation Chapter 11
  • I will give power unto My two witnesses, and
    they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and
    three score days clothed in sackcloth.
  • Revelation 113

Revelation Chapter 11
  • From the close of the 14th century, when
    Wycliffes translation of the Bible placed the
    Word of God in the hands of the common people of
    England . . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . .until the full dawn of the Reformation, the
    restraint which had long been placed upon the
    Scriptures was gradually removed.
  • Stephen N. HaskellSeer of Patmos, p. 199 (1905)

  • Quick Review of Key Dates


Clovis Baptized
Arian Tribes Fall
Justinians Decree
Revelation Chapter 11
  • When Justinian first mediated the conquest of
    Italy, he sent ambassadors to the kings of the
    Franks, and adjured them, by the common ties of
    alliance and religion, to join in the holy
    enterprise against the Arians.
  • Edward GibbonHistory of the Decline and Fall of
    the Roman Empire, chp. 41, par, 32

Revelation Chapter 11
  • With the conquest of Rome by Belisarius in
    538, the history of the ancient city Rome may
    be considered as terminating . . . and commences
    the history of the Middle Ages.
  • George FinlayGreece Under the Romans, p. 295

Revelation Chapter 11
  • From this time on the popes, more and more
    involved in worldly events, no longer belong
    solely to the church they are men of the state,
    and then rulers of the state.
  • Philip SchaffHistory of the Christian Church,
    vol. 3, p. 327 (1893)

Principles Established
  1. France as the handmaiden of the papacy from
    Clovis the Frank beginning in A.D. 508
  2. Papal domination of political powers from A.D.
  3. Union of church and state as a papal strategy
    for political and ecclesiastical world domination

Principles Established
It is separation of Church and State that makes
this nation of ours FREE, and all citizens in
America FREE to worship according to their
individual consciences.
  • Quick Review of Key Dates


Donation of Constantine
Charlemagne is named Holy Roman Emperor
Clovis Baptized
Arian Tribes Fall
Justinians Decree
  • Quick Review of Key Dates

1260 years covered by the Prophecy
Holy Roman Empire formed
Woman now rides the Beast
Opposing Arian tribes destroyed
King Louis XVI killed by rebels
Pope Pius VI arrested at Rome
Justinians Decree
  • Quick Review of Key Dates

At age 82, on the orders of the French Directory
in Paris Pope Pius VI is taken captive at Rome
Feb. 15, 1798
Revelation Chapter 11
And when they shall have finished their
testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the
bottomless pit shall make war against them, and
shall overcome them, and kill them.
Revelation 117
In the year 1793 twelve hundred and sixty years
from the letter of Justinian A.D. 533 declaring
the Pope Universal Bishop, the gospel was, by a
solemn act of the legislature and the people,
abolished in France. . .
. . . By the decree of the French government,
declaring that the nation acknowledged no God,
the Old and New Testaments were slain throughout
the limits of republican France. George
CrolyThe Apocalypse of St. John, pp. 175-176
Revelation Chapter 11
  • The symbolism of the prophecy gives a striking
    picture of an attack to be made upon the two
    witnesses,the Scriptures of the Old and New
    Testaments . . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . . It was to come just as the great prophetic
    period of 1260 years of papal supremacy was
    ending. And at the same time one of the ten parts
    of the mystical city. . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . . of the prophecy, is overturned as by
    earthquake. It was just at this time that the
    earthquake of the French Revolution came.
  • Beacon Lights of Prophecy, p. 253 (1935)

Revelation Chapter 11
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of
the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom
and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Revelation 118
Points to Define
What is the beast from the bottomless pit?
How does this prophecy apply to Sodom and
Egypt? How was Christ crucified?
Daniel Chapter 11
  • And the king shall do according to his will and
    he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above
    every god, and shall speak marvellous things
    against the God of gods . . .

Daniel Chapter 11
  • . . . and shall prosper till the indignation be
    accomplished for that that is determined shall
    be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his
    fathers, nor the desire of women . . .

Daniel Chapter 11
  • . . . nor regard any god for he shall magnify
    himself above all. But in his estate shall he
    honour the god of forces and a god whom his
    fathers knew not shall he honour with gold and
    silver. . .

Daniel 1136 - 38
Characteristics of this Power
  • A king or beast in prophecy is a political
    power or nation
  • Arose at the time of the end
  • Worshiped force, violence, and human reason
    as gods
  • Rejected the God of his fathers

Revelation Chapter 11
  • What were some of the things France did which
    caused it to be labeled atheistic and

Characteristics of France
  • Rejected the Creator God and everything that
    He had ordained for the welfare of mankind
  • Rejected the sacredness of marriage and family

Revelation Chapter 11
  • France is the only nation in the world
    concerning which the authentic record survives,
    that as a nation she lifted her hand in open
    rebellion against the Author of the universe.
  • Blackwoods Magazine, Nov. 1870

(No Transcript)
Revelation Chapter 11
  • If we search the annals of the world, we shall
    not find even a private society or sect, much
    less a civil community and state, which, before
    our day, has in the most public manner . . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . . proclaimed to all the nations around it,
    that there is no God! and made that position the
    basis of the constitution of its government.
  • Joseph GallowayBrief Commentaries on Such Parts
    of the Revelation and other Prophecies as Refer
    to the Present Times, vol. 1, p. 64 (1802)

Characteristics of France
Rejected the God-given seven day week This
new power exalted itself above every power
religious and political Deified brute force
and reason
French Revolution
  • The duke of Orleans, forty of the nobility, and
    200 of the clergy now joinedin the open

rebellion against the king and the Church
Revelation Chapter 11
  • The first atheistic act was the introduction of
    the Republican calendar, in which a decadi of
    ten days was substituted for the immemorial
    seven-day week . . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . . and the tenth day was instituted as a day
    of rest in place of the Sabbath. With the
    introduction of the new calendar the Christian
    dating of the years was also discontinued . . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . . and a new era was inaugurated. The French
    Era was to succeed the Christian Era, now
    declared abolished. . .

Revelation Chapter 11
  • . . . Henceforth the years were to date not from
    the birth of Christ, but the birth of the French
    Republic, September 22, 1792.
  • George BurnsideRevelations Wonders Unfolded,
    pp. 137-138

Points to Define
What is the beast from the bottomless pit?
The beast from the bottomless pit is not a
nation it is an ideology, international in
extent . . .
. . . France was the concrete agent which
initiated the change but it was the ideology
then dominating the Directory . . .
. . . the ruling power in Paris, which was
behind the change . . . It was a fundamental
change of ideas. George McCready PriceThe Time
of the End, p. 67 (1967)
What Revelation calls the beast from the
bottomless pit, or the abyss . . . was a new
manifestation of satanic power. George McCready
PriceThe Time of the End, p. 43 (1967)
The power symbolized in Revelation 117 by the
beast from the bottomless pit which made deadly
war on the Bible at the time of the French
Revolution . . .
. . . We have named it organized atheism,
infidelity on a national scale George McCready
PriceThe Time of the End, p. 55 (1967)
God Rejected
  • On the 26th of August, 1792, an open profession
    of Atheism was made by the whole nation, once
    zealously devoted to the Papal superstition . .
  • Ethan SmithDissertation on the Prophecies, p.
    154 (1814)

God Rejected
France is the only nation that ever openly
denied the existence of the Deity, and set up a
worship recognizing no other ruler than the
Goddess of Reason. Stephen N. HaskellSeer of
Patmos, p. 201
God Rejected
Proponents of the French Revolution appealed to
human reason to justify the universality of human
rights. In stark contrast to the French
revolutionaries, the American founding fathers
appealed to rights endowed by our
Creator. Who Created Human Rights?By James
God Rejected
Rousseau . . . preached the alluring doctrine
that the primitive state of man was one of virtue
and happiness, from which he man had declined
through the rather inexplicable activities of
priests, kings, lawyers, and the like. H. G.
Wells The Outline of History, p. 895 (1920)
But . . . What Caused It?
What Caused It?
  • The opinions of intelligent men at the time
    generally attributed the French Revolution to
    religious decay. In short, to the errors and
    defects of Popery we cannot but impute . . .

What Caused It?
  • . . . in a great degree the original of that
    revolutionary spirit which has gone so far toward
    the subversion of the ancient establishments of
    religion and civil government . . .

What Caused It?
  • . . . By the abuses of religion such minds have
    been led into all the extravagancies of deism and
    atheism, of revolution and anarchy.
  • George CrolyThe Apocalypse of St. John, p. 318

What Caused It?
  • Books were written by the most subtile crafty,
    cunning of their order, calculated to unhinge
    the mind from the truths of Revelation, and to
    bring the Gospel into contempt.
  • Ethan SmithDissertation on the Prophecies, p.
    158 (1814)

What Caused It?
  • Books . . . teeming with the most artful
    suggestions of Infidelity were profusely
    scattered through the whole mass of society.
  • Ethan SmithDissertation on the Prophecies, p.
    158 (1814)

What Caused It?
  • So that few or no good books could circulate in
    society or even be found.
  • The whole purpose for this work was to suppress
    every evangelical publication.
  • Ethan SmithDissertation on the Prophecies, p.
    158 (1814)

What Caused It?
  • Longstanding abuses by the Church (nearly
    1260 years)
  • Heavy taxation by the government and no
    representation of the lower classes of persons
  • New ideas overtaking the educational system
    which resulted in a rejection of God and the

(No Transcript)
The RevelationofJesus Christ
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