THERMODYNAMIC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conducted by Efa Mai Inanignsih Other parameters Molar heat capacity of gas Specific heat of gas Sample Problem One mole of gas is compressed at a constant ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Conducted by
  • Efa Mai Inanignsih

  • to be able to formulate work, heat and internal
    energy based on the principal law of
    thermodynamics and apply it in problem solving
  • to be able to apply general equation of ideal
    gases in isothermal, isochoric and isobaric
  • to be able to analyze ideal gases process based
    on pressure against volume graph
  • to be able to describe the principle of Carnot

The phenomenonWhat do you think of
  • This is it!!
  • If a balloon is inflated and kept in a hot place,
    it will finally explode, because the particles of
    gas in the balloon continue to expand and press
    the balloon wall so that when the wall is unable
    to stand the gas pressure,
  • the balloon will explode
  • Balloon explosion??

  • Thermodynamics discuss the relationship between
    heat and mechanical work
  • also the basic knowledge about temperature and
    heat, the influence of temperature and heat to
    the characteristics of substances, and kinetic
    theory of gases
  • System and Environment

is the everything becoming our observation object
is the everything which is outside the system
External Work
The figure is a tube containing ideal gas closed
with a piston If the gas in is heated at a
constant pressure, then the gas will expand and
push the piston with force F so that the piston
will shift as far as ?s
External Work (continued)
  • W F.?s
  • Because F pA
  • Then W p.A.?s
  •  Where
  • W mechanical work of gas (J)
  • p gas pressure
  • A section area of tube (m2)
  • ?s displacement of piston (m)
  • Because A ?s ?V, then the work equation above
    becomes W p.?V
  • Where ?V is change of volume (m3)
  • Work done by the gas is directly proportional to
    pressure (p) and change of volume (?V) of the

Sample Problem
  • A gas is compressed so that the volume decreases
    from 5.0 L to 3.5 L at a constant pressure of 1.0
    x 105 Pa. Calculate the external work applied to
    the gas!

Solution V1 5.0 L V2 3.5 L p 1.0 x 105
Pa because the gas is compressed, then W p
?V p (V2 V1) 1.0 x 105 Pa (3.5 L 0.5 L)
1.0 x 105 Pa (-1.5 x 10-3 m3) -150 J
Thus, the external work applied to the gas is
-150 J
  • A number of ideal gases are heated at a constant
    pressure of 2 x 105 N/m2 so that the volume
    changes from 20 liters to 30 liters. Calculate
    the external work done by the gas during
  • A gas is compressed at constant pressure 2.00 x
    105 Pa from a volume of 2.00 m3 to a volume of
    0.500 m3. What is the work done to the gas? If
    the temperature initially was 40oC, what is the
    final temperature of the gas?

Thermodynamics Processes
  • Isothermal Process
  • Isobaric Process
  • Isochoric Process
  • Adiabatic Process

Isothermal Process
  • Isothermal process is the change process of gas
    state at constant temperature
  • From the ideal gas state equation, pV nRT
  • obtained pV constant, because nRT has a
    constant value.
  • So pV constant
  • then p1V1 p2V2
  • Where
  • p1 initial pressure
  • V1 initial volume
  • p2 final pressure
  • V2 final volume

complies with the Boyles law
External work in Isothermal Process
  • The external work done by gas in the isothermal
    process can be determined from the equation pV
    nRT and W p ?V.

Isobaric Process
  • Isobaric process is the change process of gas
    state at constant pressure
  • because p is constant and nR is always constant,

the Gay-Lussacs law
Isobaric Process(continued)
  • Graph of isobaric process

External work in Isobaric Process
  • The external work done by gas in isobaric process
    can be determined by equation
  • W p ?V p (V1 V2)
  • it can also be determined by the area under the
    p V graph (shaded region)

Isochoric Process
  • Isochoric process is the change process of gas
    state at constant volume
  • because V is constant and nR is always constant,
  • This process complies the Gay-Lussacs law.

graph of isochoric process
External work in Isochoric Process
  • The external work done by gas in isochoric
  • In other words, in isochoric process (constant
    volume), the gas does not do any external work.
    So the area under the p V graph only forms a

The area under the p V graph for isochoric
process is zero

Adiabatic Process
  • Adiabatic process is the process change of a gas
    state which does not experience any transfer of
    heat or there is no heat entering or coming out
    of the system (gas)
  • This process complies with the Poissons formula
  • Where
  • ? Laplace constant Cp/Cv
  • Cp specific heat of gas at constant pressure
  • CV specific heat of gas at constant volume

Adiabatic Process(contd.)
  • The equation above can also be expressed in
    another equation as follows

Curvature of p V adiabatic graph is steeper
than isothermal
External work in Adiabatic Process
  • The external work done by gas in adiabatic
    process is expressed as follows.

The external work done by gas is equal to the
area of shaded region under the p V graph
Sample Problem
  • Two moles of gas is compressed at a constant
    temperature of -23oC so that its volume becomes
    half of the initial. Calculate the external work
    done by the gas! (R 8.31 J/mol K, ln 1 0, ln
    2 0.69)

Solution   Given n 2 mol R 8.31 J/mol K T
(-23 273) K 250 K V2 ½ V1 so
V2/V1 1/2 The external work done in
isothermal process W (2 mol) (8.31 J/mol
K) (250 K) (ln ) 4155 J (ln 1 ln 2) 4155
J (0 0.69) -2866.95 J Thus, the external
work done is -2866.95 J (-) sign indicates that
at the gas is applied work.
Sample Problem
  • A monoatomic ideal gas (? 5/3) is compressed
    adiabatically and the volume decreases to its
    half. Determine the ratio of the final pressure
    to the initial pressure!

Solution Because ? 5/3 and V2/V1 ½ then
p1V1? p2V2? p2 /p1 V1? /V2? 2
(5/3) Thus, the ratio of the final to the
initial pressure is
  • A gas occupying a room of 40 cm3 is heated at a
    constant pressure so that the volume becomes
    twice the initial. The gas pressure is 105 Pa.
    Calculate the external work done by the gas!
  • Two moles of ideal gas initially has a
    temperature of 27oC, a volume V1 and pressure p1
    6.0 atm. The gas expands isothermally to V2
    volume and pressure p2 3.0 atm. Calculate the
    external work done by the gas! (R 8.31 J/mole

The First Law of Thermodynamic
  • If an external work is applied on a system, then
    the temperature of the system will increase. This
    happens because the system receives energy from
    the environment. This increase of temperature
    relates to the increase of the internal energy.
  • In adiabatic process, the external work applied
    on the ideal gas will be equal to the change of
    internal energy of the ideal gas.

Where W external work (J) ?U the change
of internal energy (J)
The First Law
  • in non-adiabatic process, the gas will not only
    receive external work but also heat.
  • Where Q heat (J)
  • This is it!!.....The first law of thermodynamics
  • That states
  • Though heat energy has turned into the change of
    internal energy and external work, the amount of
    all energy is always constant.

The First Law
  • If a system receives (absorbs) heat from the
  • Q ?U (W) ?U W
  • If a system receives heat from the environment
  • Q ?U (-W) ?U W

The rules of W and Q values
The First Law in isothermal process
  • In isothermal process (constant temperature), the
    change of internal energy ?U 0, because the
    change of temperature ?T 0. So that the first
    law of thermodynamics becomes

The First Law in isochoric process
  • In isochoric process (constant volume), the work
    applied by gas W 0 because the change of volume
    ?U 0. So that the first law of thermodynamics

The First Law in isobaric process
  • In isobaric process (constant pressure), the work
    done by gas W p ?V p (V2 V1). So, the first
    law of thermodynamics becomes

The First Law in adiabatic process
  • In adiabatic process, the system does not receive
    heat or release heat, so Q 0. Therefore, the
    first law of thermodynamics becomes

Heat Capacity
  • Heat capacity of gas is the amount of heat energy
    needed to increase gas temperature by one Kelvin
    (1 K) or one degree Celsius (1oC).

  • The first law of thermodynamics can be derived as

  • For isobaric process (p constant)
  • Monatomic gas Diatomic gas

  • For isochoric process (V constant).
  • Monatomic gas Diatomic gas
  • Relationship between Cp and CV

Other parameters
  • Molar heat capacity of gas

  • Specific heat of gas

Sample Problem
Solution   Because n 1 mol T (-23 273)
K 250 K V2 ½ V1 R 8.31 J/mol K Then
W nRT ln V2/V1 1 x 8.31 x 250 ln ½
-1.4 x 103 joule Thus, the work done by the
gas is -1.4 x 103 joule.
  • One mole of gas is compressed at a constant
    temperature of -23oC so that its volume decreases
    to half of its initial volume. Calculate the work
    done by the gas! (R 8.31 J/mole K ln 1 0, ln
    2 0.69)

  • Two moles of ideal gas initially has temperature
    of 27oC, volume V1 and pressure p1 6.0 atm. The
    gas expands in isothermic process and reaches
    volume of V2 and pressure p2 3.0 atm. Calculate
    the external work done by the gas! (R 8.3
    J/mole K) (Answer 11.5 J)
  • 2.5 m3 of neon gas with temperature 52oC is
    heated in isobaric process to 91oC. If the
    pressure of the gas is
  • 4.0 x 105 N/m2, determine the work done by the
  • 56 x 10-3 kg of nitrogen is heated from -3oC to
    27oC. If it is heated in a free expanding vessel,
    then required heat of 2.33 kJ. If the nitrogen is
    heated in a stiff vessel (cannot expand), then
    the heat required is 1.66 kJ. If the relative
    mass of nitrogen molecules is 28 g/mole,
    calculated (a) the heat capacity of nitrogen, (b)
    the general gas constant!

Thermodynamic Cycle
  • Cycle means the process which runs from the
    initial state and returns to that initial state
    after gas does work

Random cycle in p V diagram
  • In the process a b, the gas expands in
    adiabatic process and the work done by the gas is
    the area of plane abV2V1, its value is negative.
    In process b c the compressed gas in isothermal
    process is the area of plane bcV1V2, its value is
    positive. In process c a the gas does not do
    any work because its volume is constant. The
    process c a is an isochoric process which is
    done to make the gas returns to its initial

  • The total external work done by the gas in one
    cycle a b c a is the area of abca.
  • A thermodynamics cycle can occurs in a heat
    engine, such as otto engine (Otto cycle), diesel
    engine (diesel cycle), steam engine (Rankine
    cycle), and carnot engine

Wabca Wab Wbc Wca area of abV2V1
(-area of bcV1V2) 0 Wabca area of abca
Thermodynamic Cycle Carnot engine
  • Carnot engine is assumed as an ideal heat engine
    which works cyclically and reversible between two
    temperatures without any loss of energy.

Within one cycle, the gas returns to its initial
state, so there is no change of internal energy
(?U 0). Q ?U W Q1 Q2 0 W W Q1 Q2
imaginary Carnot engine
Carnot cycle
  • Work process of Carnot engine to produce Carnot
  • Entire of process in the Carnot can be
    represented in pressure (P) against volume (V)

  • Efficiency of engine
  • In the Carnot engine, holds W Q1 Q2

Sample Problem
  • The figure below indicates the thermodynamics
    change of system from iitial state A to B and C
    and back to A. If VA 0, VB 30 joule and heat
    given to the system in process B ? C 50 J
  • Determine
  • the system internal energy in state C,
  • the heat given to the system in A ? B process,
  • the heat given to the system or taken from in C ?
    A process.

  • a. The heat which is given away to the system in
    B ? C process, is QBC 50 joule.
  • QBC 50 joule
  • WBC 0, because B ? C process is isochoric
  • Use the first law of thermodynamics
  • ?UBC 50 0 50 J
  • UC 50 30 80 J  
  • Thus, the system internal energy in state C is
    80 J.

  • b. Process from A ? B
  • WAB area of ABED
  • AB x BE
  • 2 x 30 60 J
  • ?UAB UB UA
  • 30 0 30 J
  • QAB is calculated by using the first law of
  • QAB 30 60 90 J
  • Thus, the heat given in A ? B process is 90 J.

  • c. Process from C ? A
  • WCA -area of ACED
  • -(area of ABED area ?ABC)
  • -120 J
  • ?UCA UA UC 0 80 80 J
  • QCA is calculated by using the first law of
  • QCA ?UCA WCA -80 (-120)
  • -200 J
  • Thus, the energy taken in C ? A process is -200

The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • is a restriction of the first law of
    thermodynamics which expresses the energy
  • It is states energy cannot be created or
    destroyed but can only change from one form to
  • Rudolf Clausius Heat flows spontaneously from an
    object of high temperature to an object of lower
    temperature and it does not flow spontaneously in
    the opposite direction without external work.

  • The total entropy of the universe does not change
    when a reversible process occurs (?Suniverse 0)
    and increase when the irreversible process occurs
    (?Suniverse gt 0).
  • entropy is a measurement of the amount of energy
    or heat which cannot changed into work
  • the total change of entropy of the Carnot engine

  • Kelvin and Planck formulate the second law of
    thermodynamics about heat engine that it is
    impossible to make an engine with 100 efficiency
  • Principle of cooler engines is flowing heat from
    the cool reservoir T2 to the hot reservoir T1 by
    exerting external effort on the system.
  • The magnitude of external work needed in a cooler
    engine is formulated as
  • Where
  • Q1 heat absorbed from low temperature
  • Q2 heat given at high temperature

Sample Problem
  • A motor operates a cooler engine for producing
    ice. Q2 heat is taken from a cooling room which
    contains an amount of water at 0oC and Q1 heat is
    given away to the air around it at 15oC. Suppose
    the cooler engine has a coefficient of
    performance of 20 of the coefficient of
    performance of an ideal cooler engine.
  • Calculate the work done by the motor to make 1 kg
    of ice? (ice latent heat is 3.4 x 105 J/kg)
  • What is time required to make 1 kg of ice if the
    power of the motor is 50 W?

  • The scheme of the cooler engine

m 1 kg Lice 3.4 x 105 J/kg T1 15 273
298 K T2 0 273 273 K Cp engine 20
x Cp ideal p 50 W
  • Cp engine 20 x Cp ideal
  • The work done by electric motor (W) is
  • Thus, the work done by the electric motor (W) is
    9.3x104 J.
  • b. The time required to make 1 kg of ice is
  • Thus, the time required to make 1 kg of ice is
    31 minutes.

  • An ideal refrigerator has coefficient of
    performance of 5.0. If the room temperature
    outside the refrigerator is 27oC, what is the
    lowest temperature in the refrigerator which can
    be obtained?
  • The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator
    is 4.0. What is the electric energy used to
    transfer 4000 joule of heat from the food in the

Thats all!!!Thanks, bye bye
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