Title: Models for Delay, Signal Integrity and Power integrity
1Chapter 2Interconnect AnalysisDelay Modeling
Prof. Lei He Electrical Engineering
Department University of California, Los
Angeles URL eda.ee.ucla.edu Email
- Delay models
- RC tree Elmore delay
- Gate delay
- Homework 2
3Input-to-Output Propagation Delay
- The circuit delay in VLSI circuits consists of
two components - The 50 propagation delay of the driving gates
(known as the gate delay) - The delay of electrical signals through the wires
(known as the interconnect delay)
4Lumped vs Distributed Interconnect Model
How to analyze the delay for each model?
5Lumped RC Model
- Impulse response and step response of a lumped
RC circuit
6Analysis of Lumped RC Model
S-domain ckt equation (current equation)
Frequency domain response for step-input
Frequency domain response for impulse
match initial state
Time domain response for step-input
Time domain response for impulse
750 Delay for lumped RC model
50 delay
How about more complex circuits?
8Distributed RC-Tree
- The network has a single input node
- All capacitors between node and ground
- The network does not contain any resistive loop
9RC-tree Property
- Unique resistive path between the source node s
and any other node i of the network ? path
resistance Rii - Example R44R1R3R4
10RC-tree Property
- Extended to shared path resistance Rik
- Example Ri4R1R3
- Ri2R1
11Elmore Delay
- Assuming
- Each node is initially discharged to ground
- A step input is applied at time t0 at node s
- The Elmore delay at node i is
- Theorem The Elmore delay is equivalent to the
first-order time constant of the network - Proven acceptable approximation of the real delay
- Powerful mechanism for a quick estimate
- Elmore delay at node i is
13Interpretation of Elmore Delay
- Definition
- h(t) impulse response
- TD mean of h(t)
- Interpretation
- H(t) output response (step process)
- h(t) rate of change of H(t)
- T50 median of h(t)
- Elmore delay approximates the median of h(t) by
the mean of h(t)
14Elmore Delay Approximation
15RC-chain (or ladder)
- Special case
- Shared-path resistance ?path resistance?
16RC-Chain Delay
Rr L/N CcL/N
- Delay of wire is quadratic function of its length
- Delay of distributed rc-line is half of lumped RC
- Delay models
- RC tree Elmore delay
- Gate delay
- Noise models
18Gate Delay and Output Transition Time
- The gate delay and the output transition time
are functions of both input slew and the output
19General Model of a Gate
21Output Response for Different Loads
22Output Transition Time
- Output transition time as a function of input
transition time and output load
23ASIC Cell Delay Model
- Three approaches for gate propagation delay
computation are based on - Delay look-up tables
- K-factor approximation
- Effective capacitance
- Delay look-up table is currently in wide use
especially in the ASIC design flow - Effective capacitance promises to be more
accurate when the load is not purely capacitive
24Table Look-Up Method
- What is the delay when Cload is 505f F and Tin is
25K-factor Approximation
- We can fit the output transition time v.s.
input transition time and output load as a
polynomial function, e.g. - A similar equation gives the gate delay
26One Dimensional Table
Linear model
27Two Dimensional Table
Quadratic model
28Second-order RC-p Model
- Using Taylor Expansion around s 0
29Second-order RC-p Model (Contd)
- This equation requires creation of a
four-dimensional table to achieve high accuracy
- This is however costly in terms of memory space
and computational requirements
30Effective Capacitance Approach
- The Effective Capacitance approach attempts
to find a single capacitance value that can be
replaced instead of the RC-p load such that both
circuits behave similarly during transition
31Output Response for Effective Capacitance
32Effective Capacitance (Contd)
33Effective Capacitance (Contd)
- Because of the shielding effect of the
interconnect resistance , the driver will only
see a portion of the far-end capacitance C2
34Effective Capacitance for Different Resistive
35Macys Approach
- Assumption If two circuits have the same
loads and output transition times, then their
effective capacitances are the same - gt the effective capacitance is only a function
of the output transition time and the load
36Macys Iterative Solution
- Compute a from C1 and C2
- Choose an initial value for Ceff
- Compute Tout for the given Ceff and Tin
- Compute b
- Compute g from a and b
- Find new Ceff
- Go to step 3 until Ceff converges
- Delay model
- Elmore delay
- Gate delay look-up table, k-factor
approximation, effective capacitance
- R. Macys and S. McCormick, A New Algorithm for
Computing the Effective Capacitance in Deep
Sub-micron Circuits, Custom Integrated Circuits
Conference 1998, pp. 313-316 - J. Cong, Z. Pan and P. V. Srinivas, "Improved
Crosstalk Modeling for Noise Constrained
Interconnect Optimization", Asia and South
Pacific Design Automation Conference 2001, pp.
373-378 - L. H. Chen, M. M.-Sadowska, Aggressor Alignment
for Worst-case Coupling Noise, International
Symposium on Physical Design 2000, pp. 48-54
- 1 Given the circuit as shown below and a unit
step voltage source at the input node s, use
SPICE to simulate the circuit and obtain the
accurate 50 delay at node n. Also analytically
calculate the delay using Elmore method and S2P
method. How do they compare with the result
obtained by SPICE?
R1 1mO R2 2mO R3 2mO R4 1mO R5 4mO C1
1nF C2 1nF C3 4nF C4 4nF C5 2nF
- 2 Give the circuit as shown below and a unit
step voltage source at node s, can we still use
the shared-path formula to calculate the Elmore
delay? Explain why or why not. Use DC analysis
method via MATLAB or SPICE to get the 0th -3rd
moments of C3 and C5.
R1 1mO R2 2mO R3 2mO R4 1mO C1 1nF C2
1nF C3 4nF C4 4nF C5 2nF C6 1nF
41Steps for Problem 1
1. Write the SPICE netlist of the circuit and
probe the voltage response at node n. 2. Record
the time when the voltage at node n reaches 0.5V.
That time is the 50 delay. 3. Use the Elmore
delay formula to calculate the Elmore delay.
(find the shared path between each node
and node n). 4. Write down the transfer
function and driving point admittance of the
circuit with input s and output n. 5.
Expand the transfer function to get the moments
m1 and m2. Expand the driving point admittance
to get m1, m2, m3, and m4.
42Steps for Problem 1
6. Follow the S2P algorithm to get k1,
k2, p1 and p2. 7. Use the frequency
domain expression (h(s)) to derive the time
domain expression (h(t)). 8. Plot
the obtained time domain waveform to get the 50
delay for the S2P model. 9. Compare the
43Steps for Problem 2
1. Follow the DC analysis method to reconstruct
the circuit (e.g. replace C with zero current
source for 0th moment calculation, etc). 2.
Stamp the G and C matrices for MATLAB analysis or
write the corresponding netlist for SPICE
analysis. 3. Get the voltage across the
capacitance as the moment. 4. The above should
be done repeatedly until all the desired moments
are acquired.
44Homework 2
- 3 Modify the PRIMA code with single
frequency expansion to multiple points expansion.
You should use a vector fspan to pass the
frequency expansion points. Compare the
waveforms of the reduced model between the
following two cases - 1. Single point expansion at s1e4.
- 2. Four-point expansion at s1e3, 1e5, 1e7,
45Format of the input matrices for test 1 1
19.4595 1.43391e-14 1 2 0.000464141 -2.9702e-15
1 3 -0.000542882 0.0 1 4 0.000152585
-7.5288e-15 1 5 0.000464074 -2.9702e-15 1 6
-0.000542801 0.0 1 68 -19.4595 0.0 2 1 0.0
-2.9702e-15 2 2 3.66672 2.44291e-13 2 3 0.0
-2.3594e-13 2 4 0.0 -5.3806e-15 2 72 -1.425
0.0 2 329 -2.06075 0.0 2 341 -0.091255 0.0 2
343 -0.0897199 0.0 3 1 -2.44188e-06 0.0 3 2
-0.000464141 -2.3594e-13 3 3 40.8898
2.42089e-13 ..
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54- G,C,B,U,L matrices have been generated.
- Prima begins
- Elapsed time is 2.003787 seconds.
- Prima done!
- Calculate original time domain response
- Elapsed time is 2.868078 seconds.
- Original time domain response done!
- Calculate reduced time domain response
- Elapsed time is 0.553771 seconds.
- Reduced time domain response done!
- Calculate original frequency response
- Elapsed time is 1.192908 seconds.
- Original frequency response done!
- Calculate reduced frequency response
- Elapsed time is 0.359126 seconds.
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