Title: Action planning for impact: a Brighton
1Action planning for impact a Brighton Hove and
East Sussex perspective
- Sam Beal, Healthy Schools Team
- Brighton Hove CYPT
- Atiya Gourlay, Equality and Engagement Manager
Children's Service, East Sussex County Council
2Aims of workshop
- To explore personal reflections and experiences
to consider what difference we want to make in
our schools - To begin to identify actions and how developments
can be measured
3Working agreement
- Respect the confidentiality of members of the
group - Only share what you feel comfortable to share
- Value the diversity of the group
- Respect the right of others to express different
views or beliefs to your own and challenge
appropriately - Clarify assumptions to reduce the potential for
misunderstandings - Try to be specific and own your own perspective
(e.g. using I statements) - Remember that its OK to make mistakes and to
change your stance
4Paired discussion
- What was your experience of learning about
difference and diversity as you were growing up? - Start with school you were at and the learning
that may or may not have gone on, people around
you, family, holidays, role models, books your
read, college etc
- What explicit / implicit messages about diversity
and difference were we given?
6Where next?
- The vision
- How or what would you have liked to learn /
experience in your school about difference and
diversity? - What messages would you have liked to have heard?
- Ofsted
- What progress has been made towards outstanding
7What is outstanding?
- Ofsted
- What progress has been made towards outstanding
provision and practice in race equality? (safety,
curriculum, involving parents, staff well-being,
tackling discrimination)
8Action planning for impact
- Needs analysis / assessment
- Racist and religiously motivated incident
monitoring - Monitoring of achievement / attainment
- Safe at School Survey data
- Learning walks
- Parent / pupil / student consultation and
involvement - Knowledge of local community
- Other ideas
9Action planning for impact
- Example activities / actions
- Staff training
- Policy review / development
- Curriculum review / development
- Review of resources
- Environment
- Equalities Calendar events
- Parents / carers events
- Linking schools
- Other
10Action planning for impact
- Have a go
- 1 short term action
- 1 medium term action
- 1 long term action
11How will you know you have made a difference?
- Quantative outcomes
- Racist and religiously motivated incidents
(higher or lower?) - Achievement of black and minority ethnic pupils /
students - Attendance / participation of black and minority
ethnic pupils / students - Safe at School Survey data
- Attitude change measured / accessed in PSHE
citizenship - Other...
12How will you know you have made a difference?
- Perception outcomes
- Ofsted judgements
- Learning walks
- Parent / pupil / student satisfaction surveys
- Other
13Example Brighton Hove Resources
- Race Equality Guidance
- Exemplar Single Equalities Policy
- Primary PSHCE SEAL learning outcomes planning
tools - Gypsy, Roma Traveller Awareness Lesson Plans
- Equalities Partnership project materials St
Lukes Benfield Primary Schools Pier2Peer - See it! Say it! Stop it! Staff Training /
secondary students DVD to support the reporting
of racist and religiously motivated incidents
(available September 2010)
14Example Brighton Hove Support for Schools
- Healthy Schools Team
- School Advisory Service
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Service
- Traveller Education Service
- Brighton Peace Environment Centre
- Partnership Community Safety Team
- Community Voluntary Sector
- Other
15Example East SussexResources and Guidance
- Race Equality Guidance being updated
- DVD resources Gypsies and Travellers Sticks
and Stones/Speaking for myself - Cultural Diversity Guide for Schools a
curriculum resource - Equality Exemplar for Schools
- Equality Framework
16Example support for schoolsEast Sussex
- Children Services Department
- Anti-bullying caseworker (Race Equality)
Emmeline Cole - Equality Engagement Team
- School Improvement Inclusion advisors
- Traveller and English as an Additional Language
Service - Wider Children and Young People Trust
- Partnership Community Safety Team
- Community Voluntary Sector
17Contact Details
Healthy Schools Team Hove Park Mansions Hove Park
Villas Hove BN3 6HW Email Healthy.Schools_at_brigh
ton-hove.gov.uk Tel 01273 293530 Fax 01273
295392 Web http//www.pier2peer.org.uk gt Learning
18East Sussex Contact Details
Equality Engagement Team Tel 01273
482302 Email atiya.gourlay_at_eastsussex.gov.uk Sta
ndards Learning Effectiveness Pupil Well-being
and Vulnerable Groups Tel 01323
466838 nick.hynes_at_eastsussex.gov.uk