Title: ?1? C ????
1?1? C????
- ????????????????
- C?????
- C??????????????
- C?????
- C???????
31.1 ??????
4 ????????????,?????(?????)??????,?????????????,???
????????(Programming Paradigm)???????????????????
1.1.1 ??????
51. ???????(Structural Programming) ????????????
???1-1?????????????? ?? ??
???? (1-1)
6- 2. ????????(Object-Oriented Programming)
- ?20??70??,?????????,???????????????????????,????
???????????? - ?? ??/? ??/?
- ??/? ?? ??
73. ??????(Generic Programming) ????,????????????
81.1.2 ??????
91.???? ??????????????????CPU?????????????,?Intel
CPU?AMD CPU??????????????????????Intel
10- 2. ????
- ???????????????,???????????????????????????????
??????????,???????????,???????????????? - ??,???????????????????????????????,?????????????
11- 3. ????
- ???????????,?????????????,??????????,???????????
12- ?????????????????,??????????????????????????????
131.2 C???????
14 C ???????? Algol60,1963?,?????Algol60????
CPL(Combined Programing Language) 1967?,?????Mat
in Richards?CPL???????,???BCPL?? 1970?,????????K
en Thompson?BCPL?????,?????B??,?????CPL???(Boiling
CPL down to its basic good features),?? B
??????? UNIX ?? 1973?,ATT??????Dennis
????????,????????C??? 1979?,C??Bjarne
?????,?????C????????????C?????,????C? 1998
?,ANSI ? ISO ????C???????????????,???????C????
151.3 ??C???????
? ??C???????? /?????/ include
ltiostreamgt using namespace std int main ()
cout ltlt "welcome to C world!\n" return 0
16? ?????????,??????????? include ltiostreamgt using
namespace std int main() int x int y
//???????? cout ltlt "???????,?????,????(Enter)"
cin gtgt x gtgt y //????????? cout ltlt "add" ltlt
xy //???????????? return 0 ????
17? ?????????,??????????????,???? include
ltiostreamgt using namespace std int add(int a,
int b) return (ab) int main() int x int
y int sum //????????x,y,sum cout ltlt
"???????,?????,????(Enter)" cin gtgt x gtgt y
//????????? sum add(x, y) //????add?x,y?? cou
t ltlt "add"ltlt sum return 0
18C??????? (1) ???,??C??????????????/????,?????
C??????????main??,main???C?????,?????????? (2)
C????????????,?????????????,????????????????? (
3) ???,??C???????????C???(????.cpp???)?,??????
???????????????/??????? (4) ???????,??????????,???
191.4 C???,???,???
201.4.1 ???
C???????26?????????10???????????????? ????AZ
?az ????09 ?????? ! _ -
lt gt / \ . , ? ' ?( )
211.4.2 ???
C????????????? (1) ?????????????????????? (2)
ou5????????? (3) ?????????????,x1?X1???????? (4)
221.4.3 ???
asm auto bool break case catch
char class const const_cast continue default
delete do double dynamic_cast else enum
explicit export extern false float for
friend goto if inline int long
mutable namespace new operator private protected
public register reinterpret_cast return short signed
sizeof static static_cast struct switch template
this throw true try typedef typeid
typename union using unsigned virtual void
while volatile wchar_t
231.5 C?????????????
24 (1) ???????,?????????????????????????????????????
????????????????(source programm)?C??????.cpp(cp
p?c plus plus???)?????????????,??????????(?Windows
????????.h????(????? header file),????????????????
??????????,?iostream??? (2) ???????CPU?????0?1???
??????????,????????????????,?result ab c
?)? (3) ?????C??????????????????,??????????????
?,???????????????,???????????.exe? (4)