Title: Process Synchronization Continued
1Process SynchronizationContinued
- 7.2 Critical-Section Problem
- 7.3 Synchronization Hardware
- 7.4 Semaphores
2Critical section
- When a process executes code that manipulates
shared data (or resource), we say that the
process is in a critical section (CS) for that
repeat entry section critical section exit
section remainder section forever
3Three Key Requirements for a Valid Solution to
the Critical Section Problem
- Mutual Exclusion At any time, at most one
process can be executing critical section (CS)
code - Progress If no process is in its CS and there
are one or more processes that wish to enter
their CS, it must be possible for those
processes to negotiate who will proceed next into
CS - No deadlock
- no process in its remainder section can
participate in this decision - Bounded Waiting After a process P has made a
request to enter its CS, there is a limit on the
number of times that the other processes are
allowed to enter their CS, before Ps request is
granted - Deterministic algorithm, otherwise the process
could suffer from starvation
4turn 0 Process P0 repeat
while(turn!0) CS turn1
RS forever
Process P1 repeat while(turn!1) CS
turn0 RS forever
Faulty Algorithm 1 Turn taking ok for mutual
exclusion, but processes MUST strictly alternate
5flag1false Process P1 repeat
flag1true while(flag0) CS
flag1false RS forever
flag0false Process P0 repeat
flag0true while(flag1) CS
flag0false RS forever
Faulty Algorithm 2 - ready flag Mutual exlusion
ok, but not progress (interleaving flag1true
and flag0true means neither can enter CS)
6Petersons Algorithm
flag0,flag1false turn 0 Process
P0 repeat flag0true // 0 wants in
turn 1 // 0 gives a chance to 1 while
(flag1turn1) CS flag0false //
0 is done RS forever
Process P1 repeat flag1true // 1
wants in turn0 // 1 gives a chance to
0 while (flag0turn0) CS
flag1false // 1 is done RS forever
Petersons algorithm proved to be correct Turn
can only be 0 or 1 even if both flags are set to
7N-Process Solution Bakery Algorithm
- Take a number for better service...
- Before entering the CS, each Pi takes a number.
- Holder of smallest number enters CS next
- ..but more than one process can get the same
number - If Pi and Pj receive same number
- lowest numbered process is served first
- Process resets its number to 0 in the exit section
8Bakery Algorithm
- Shared data
- choosing array0..n-1 of boolean
- initialized to false
- number array0..n-1 of integer
- initialized to 0
9Bakery Algorithm
Process Pi repeat choosingitrue
choosingifalse for j0 to n-1 do
while (choosingj) while (numberj!0
and (numberj,j)lt(numberi,i)) CS
numberi0 RS forever
10Important Observation about Process Interleaving
- Even a simple high level language assignment
statement can be interleaved
Two Machine instructions load R1, B store R1, A
One HLL statement A B
This is why it is possible to two processes to
take the same number
11Bakery Algorithm Proof
- Mutual Exclusion
- If Pi is in CS and Pk has already chosen its
number, then (numberi,i) lt (numberk,k) - If they both had their numbers before the
decision, this must be true or Pi would not have
been chosen - If Pi entered its CS before Pk got its number, Pk
got a bigger number - So Pk cannot enter its CS until Pi exits.
- Progress, Bounded Waiting
- Processes enter CS in FCFS order
12Drawbacks of Software Solutions
- Complicated to program
- Busy waiting (wasted CPU cycles)
- It would be more efficient to block processes
that are waiting (just as if they had requested
I/O). - This suggests implementing the permission/waiting
function in the Operating System - But first, lets look at some hardware approaches
(7.3 Synchronization Hardware)
13Hardware Solution 1 Disable Interrupts
Process Pi repeat disable interrupts
critical section enable interrupts remainder
section forever
- On a uniprocessor, mutual exclusion is preserved
while in CS, nothing else can run - because preemption impossible
- On a multiprocessor mutual exclusion is not
achieved - Interrupts are per-CPU
- Generally not a practical solution for user
programs - But could be used inside an OS
14Hardware Solution 2 Special Machine Instructions
- Normally, the memory system restricts access to
any particular memory word to one CPU at a time - Useful extension
- machine instructions that perform 2 actions
atomically on the same memory location (ex
testing and writing) - The execution of such an instruction is mutually
exclusive on that location (even with multiple
CPUs) - These instructions can be used to provide mutual
exclusion - but need more complex algorithms for satisfying
the requirements of progress and bounded waiting
15The Test-and-Set Instruction
- An algorithm that uses testset for Mutual
Exclusion - Shared variable lock is initialized to 0
- Only the first Pi who sets lock enters CS
- Test-and-Set expressed in C
int testset(int i) int rv rv i i
1 return rv
Process Pi repeat while(testset(lock))
CS lock0 RS forever
Non Interruptible (atomic)! One instruction reads
then writes the same memory location
16Test-and-Set Instruction
- Mutual exclusion is assured if Pi enters CS, the
other Pj are busy waiting - Satisfies progress requirement
- When Pi exits CS, the selection of the next Pj to
enter CS is arbitrary no bounded waiting (its a
race!). - Starvation is possible.
- See Fig 7.10 for (complicated) solution
- Some processors (ex Pentium) provide an atomic
Swap(a,b) instruction that swaps the content of a
and b. - (Same drawbacks as Test-and-Set)
17Using Swap for Mutual Exclusion
- Shared variable lock is initialized to 0
- Each Pi has a local variable key
- The only Pi that can enter CS is the one which
finds lock0 - This Pi excludes all other Pj by setting lock to
1 - (Same effect as test-and-set)
Process Pi repeat key1 repeat
swap(lock,key) until key0 CS
lock0 RS forever
18Operating Systems or Programming Language Support
for Concurrency
- Solutions based on machine instructions such as
test and set involve tricky coding. - We can build better solutions by providing
synchronization mechanisms in the Operating
System or Programming Language (7.4
Semaphores). - (This leaves the really tricky code to systems
- A Semaphore S is an integer variable that, apart
from initialization, can only be accessed through
2 atomic and mutually exclusive operations - wait(S)
- sometimes called P()
- Dutch proberen to test
- signal(S)
- sometimes called V()
- Dutch verhogen to increment
20Busy Waiting Semaphores
- The simplest way to implement semaphores.
- Useful when critical sections last for a short
time, or we have lots of CPUs. - S initialized to positive value (to allow someone
in at the beginning).
wait(S) while Slt0 do S-- signal(S)
21Atomicity in Semaphores
- The test-and-decrement sequence in wait must be
atomic, but not the loop. - Signal is atomic.
- No two processes can be allowed to execute atomic
sections simultaneously. - This can be implemented by other mechanisms (in
the OS) - test-and-set, or
- disable interrupts.
S lt 0
S - -
22Using semaphores for solving critical section
- For n processes
- Initialize semaphore mutex to 1
- Then only one process is allowed into CS (mutual
exclusion) - To allow k processes into CS at a time, simply
initialize mutex to k
Process Pi repeat wait(mutex) CS
signal(mutex) RS forever
23Semaphores in Action
Initialize mutex to 1
Process Pi repeat wait(mutex) CS
signal(mutex) RS forever
Process Pj repeat wait(mutex) CS
signal(mutex) RS forever
24Synchronizing Processes using Semaphores
- Define a semaphore synch
- Initialize synch to 0
- Put this in P2
- wait(synch)
- S2
- And this in in P1
- S1
- signal(synch)
- Two processes
- P1 and P2
- Statement S1 in P1 needs to be performed before
statement S2 in P2 - We want a way to make P2 wait
- until P1 tells it it is OK to proceed
25Busy-Waiting Semaphores Observations
- When Sgt0
- the number of processes that can execute wait(S)
without being blocked S - When S0 one or more processes are waiting on S
- Semaphore is never negative
- When S becomes gt0, the first process that tests S
enters enters its CS - random selection (a race)
- fails bounded waiting condition