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Artificial Intelligence


Prolog for Artificial Intelligence * Step 1: Declaration Creating a knowledge base (KB) of sentences describing the world Declaring facts fun(ai). (AI is fun!) likes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
  • Prolog
  • for

  • SWI-Prolog is a good, standard Prolog for Windows
    and Linux
  • It's licensed under GPL, therefore free
  • Downloadable from http//

What is Prolog?
  • A logic programming language
  • Prolog stands for Programming in Logic (or
    Programmation en Logique in French)
  • Designed in 1972 by Alain Colmerauer and Robert
    Kowalski (much later than Lisp)
  • Used in AI programming, expert systems, and
    computational linguistics

Logic Programming
  • Creates logical models that describe the world in
    which a problem exists
  • Uses first-order logic (but can also be used with
    propositional logic)
  • A subset of declarative programming
  • Creates a set of conditions that describe a
    solution space
  • Two phases declaration and interpretation

  • Prolog is all about programming in logic.
  • Aristotle described syllogisms 2300 years ago
  • Sample syllogism
  • Socrates is a man.
  • All men are mortal.
  • Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
  • This is logic. Can Prolog do it?

Forward and backward reasoning
  • A syllogism gives two premises, then asks, "What
    can we conclude?"
  • This is forward reasoning -- from premises to
  • it's inefficient when you have lots of premises
  • Instead, you ask Prolog specific questions
  • Prolog uses backward reasoning -- from
    (potential) conclusions to facts

Syllogisms in Prolog
Syllogism Socrates is a man. All men are
mortal. Is Socrates mortal?
mortal(X) - man(X).
?- mortal(socrates).
Facts, rules, and queries
  • Fact Socrates is a man.
  • man(socrates).
  • Rule All men are mortal.
  • mortal(X) - man(X).
  • Query Is Socrates mortal?
  • mortal(socrates).
  • Queries have the same form as facts

Running Prolog I
  • Create your "database" (program) in any editor
  • Save it as text only, with a .pl extension
  • Here's the complete program

man(socrates).mortal(X) - man(X).
Running Prolog II
  • Prolog is completely interactive. Begin by
  • Double-clicking on your .pl file, or
  • Double-clicking on the Prolog application and
    consulting your file at the ?- prompt
  • ?- consult('C\\My Programs\\').
  • On a mac, opening a terminal window and typing
  • Then, ask your question at the prompt
  • ?- mortal(socrates).
  • Prolog responds
  • Yes

Prolog is a theorem prover
  • Prolog's "Yes" or true means "I can prove it"
    --Prolog's "No" or false means "I can't prove
  • ?- mortal(plato).False.
  • This is the closed world assumption the Prolog
    program knows everything it needs to know
  • Prolog supplies values for variables when it can
  • ?- mortal(X).X socrates

Syntax I Structures
  • A structure consists of a name and zero or more
  • Omit the parentheses if there are no arguments
  • Example structures
  • sunshine
  • man(socrates)
  • path(garden, south, sundial)

Syntax II Base Clauses
  • A base clause is just a structure that represents
    a simple fact.
  • Example base clauses
  • debug_on.
  • loves(john, mary).
  • loves(mary, bill).

Syntax III Nonbase Clauses
  • A nonbase clause is a structure, a turnstile
    (meaning IF), and a list of structures.
  • Example nonbase clauses
  • mortal(X) - man(X).
  • mortal(X) - woman(X)
  • happy(X) - healthy(X), wealthy(X), wise(X).
  • The comma between structures means AND

Syntax IV Predicates
  • A predicate is a collection of clauses with the
    same functor (name) and arity (number of
  • loves(john, mary). loves(mary, bill).
    loves(chuck, X) - female(X), rich(X).

Syntax V Programs
  • A program is a collection of predicates.
  • Predicates can be in any order.
  • Clauses within a predicate are used in the order
    in which they occur.

Syntax VI Variables and atoms
  • Variables begin with a capital letter X,
    Socrates, _result
  • Atoms do not begin with a capital letter x,
  • Atoms containing special characters, or beginning
    with a capital letter, must be enclosed in single
  • 'C\\My Documents\\'
  • Variables consisting of, or beginning with, _ are
    called anonymous variables. They are used when
    we dont care what their value is.

Syntax VII Strings are atoms
  • In a quoted atom, a single quote must be doubled
    or backslashed
  • 'Can''t, or won\'t?'
  • Backslashes in file names must also be doubled
  • 'C\\My Documents\\'

Common problems
  • Capitalization is extremely important!
  • No space is allowed between a functor and its
    argument list man(socrates), not
  • Double quotes indicate a list of ASCII character
    values, not a string
  • Dont forget the period! (But you can put it on
    the next line.)

  • loves(femi, X) - female(X), rich(X).
  • female(ajoke).
  • female(asake).
  • rich(asake).
  • Suppose we ask loves(femi, X).
  • female(X) female(ajoke), X ajoke.
  • rich(ajoke) fails.
  • female(X) female(asake), X asake.
  • rich(asake) succeeds.

  • loves(femi, X) - female(X), rich(X).
  • Declarative reading Femi loves X if X is female
    and rich.
  • Approximate procedural reading To find an X that
    Femi loves, first find a female X, then check
    that X is rich.
  • Declarative readings are almost always preferred.

Monotonic logic
  • Standard logic is monotonic once you prove
    something is true, it is true forever
  • Logic isn't a good fit to reality
  • If the wallet is in the purse, and the purse in
    is the car, we can conclude that the wallet is in
    the car
  • But what if we take the purse out of the car?

Nonmonotonic logic
  • Prolog uses nonmonotonic logic
  • Facts and rules can be changed at any time
  • such facts and rules are said to be dynamic
  • assert(...) adds a fact or rule
  • retract(...) removes a fact or rule
  • assert and retract are said to be extralogical

Limitations of backtracking
  • In Prolog, backtracking over something generally
    undoes it
  • Output can't be undone by backtracking
  • Neither can assert and retract be undone by
  • Perform any necessary testing before you use
    write, nl, assert, or retract

The Notion of Unification
  • Unification is when two things become one
  • Unification is kind of like assignment
  • Unification is kind of like equality in algebra
  • Unification is mostly like pattern matching
  • Example
  • loves(ade, X) can unify with loves(ade, asake)
  • and in the process, X gets unified with asake

Unification I
  • Any value can be unified with itself.
  • weather(sunny) weather(sunny)
  • A variable can be unified with another variable.
  • X Y
  • A variable can be unified with (instantiated
    to) any Prolog value.
  • Topic weather(sunny)

  • Once a variable has been unified with a value, it
    continues to have that value for the rest of the
    clause, and can be used that way
  • If we have
  • female(X) female(jane)
  • then
  • write(X) will write jane.

Writing Prolog Programs
  • Suppose the database contains loves(femi, X)
    - female(X), rich(X). female(jane).and we
    ask who Femi loves, ?- loves(chuck, Woman).
  • female(X) finds a value for X , say, abike
  • rich(X) then tests whether Abike is rich

Clauses as Cases
  • A predicate consists of multiple clauses, each of
    which represents a case

grandson(X,Y) - son(X,Z), son(Z,Y). grandson(X,Y)
- son(X,Z), daughter(Z,Y).
abs(X, Y) - X lt 0, Y is -X. abs(X, X) - X gt 0.
  • Clauses are always tried in order
  • buy(X) - good(X).buy(X) - cheap(X).cheap(Jav
    a 2 Complete).good(Thinking in Java).
  • What will buy(X) choose first?

Ordering II
  • Try to handle more specific cases (those having
    more variables instantiated) first.

dislikes(john, bill). dislikes(john, X) -
rich(X). dislikes(X, Y) - loves(X, Z), loves(Z,
Basic and derived clauses
  • You can often choose which facts you want to be
    "basic" and which derived

son(isaac, steven).child(X, Y) - son(X, Y).
male(isaac).child(isaac, steven).son(X, Y) -
male(X), child(X, Y).
  • The equals sign, , means unify.
  • 22 does not unify with 4.
  • To force arithmetic to be performed, use is
    X is 2 2, X 4.
  • Comparisons \ gt gt lt lt also
    force their operands to be evaluated.
  • - / mod, when evaluated, have their usual

Step 1 Declaration
  • Creating a knowledge base (KB) of sentences
    describing the world
  • Declaring facts
  • fun(ai). (AI is fun!)
  • likes(mark,bacon). (Mark likes bacon)
  • Defining rules
  • heartbroken(X) - loves(X,Y), not(loves(Y,X)). (X
    is heartbroken if X loves Y and Y does not love
    X sniff)
  • Sentences end with a period

A simple Knowledge Base
  • orbits(mercury, sun).
  • orbits(venus, sun).
  • orbits(earth, sun).
  • orbits(mars, sun).
  • orbits(moon, earth).
  • orbits(phobos, mars).
  • orbits(deimos, mars).
  • planet(P) - orbits(P,sun).
  • satellite(S) - orbits(S,P), planet(P).

Step 2 Interpretation
  • Deriving new sentences from the sentences in the
    KB by making queries
  • Uses a Prolog interpreter
  • SWI-Prolog, GNU Prolog, etc.
  • Knowledge bases must first be loaded/consulted
    using consult(

Some simple queries
  • ?- consult(
  • Is the moon a satellite?
  • ?- satellite(moon).
  • Is the sun a planet?
  • ?- planet(sun).
  • Is Uranus a planet?
  • ?- planet(uranus).
  • What are the planets?
  • ?- planet(Planet).
  • What objects orbit Mars?
  • ?- orbits(X, mars).
  • Is the moon made of cheese?
  • ?- made_of_cheese(moon).

Another KB example
  • parents(william, diana, charles).
  • parents(henry, diana, charles).
  • parents(charles, elizabeth, philip).
  • parents(diana, frances, edward).
  • parents(anne, elizabeth, philip).
  • parents(andrew, elizabeth, philip).
  • parents(edwardW, elizabeth, philip).
  • married(diana, charles).
  • married(elizabeth, philip).
  • married(frances, edward).
  • married(anne, mark).
  • parent(C,M) - parents(C,M,D).
  • parent(C,D) - parents(C,M,D).
  • sibling(X,Y) - parents(X,M,D), parents(Y,M,D).
    Whats wrong with this?
  • aORuDirect(C, A) - parent(C,P), sibling(P,A).
  • aORuMarr(C, A) - aORuDirect(C,X),
  • aORuMarr(C, A) - aORuDirect(C,X),

  • Used to express facts or statements about objects
    and their relationships
  • Examples likes heartbroken orbits
  • Have arguments
  • teaches(jpv,cs171). (2 arguments)
  • Names/atoms are alphanumeric, can contain
    underscores, begin with a lowercase letter
  • Meanings of predicates, arguments, and order of
    arguments are arbitrary (but should be
    descriptive and consistent!)

  • Can be used to stand for any object
  • Are instantiated during matching
  • Examples Planet X
  • Scope is statement-wide
  • Usually used in rules, but can also be used in
  • goes_to_heaven(Dog) - dog(Dog). (All dogs go to
  • must_perish(Thing). (All things must perish.)
  • Variable names are alphanumeric, can contain
    underscores, must begin with an uppercase letter
  • Use the underscore to indicate an anonymous
  • female(X) - mother(X,_). (All mothers are
    female, regardless of who the child is.)

  • Describe problems to be solved
  • Consist of goals to be satisfied
  • Example father(X) - male(X), parent(X,_).
  • Goals are male(X) and parent (X,_).
  • Goals are checked against facts in the KB
  • Rules are satisfied if all the goals in the if
    part (in the body, separated by commas) are
  • Variables can take on any value
  • Press semi-colon to look for further matches
  • Uses backtracking to satisfy goals in all
    possible ways (brute-forcing it)

Prolog and FOL
  • Rules are usually in the form of Horn clauses
  • - is ? reversed
  • Backtracking in Prolog is known in FOL terms as
    backward chaining
  • Begins with a goal (the query)
  • Recursively builds a set of substitutions that
    satisfy the goals necessary to conclude the goal
  • All variables in Prolog are assumed to be
    universally quantified (though skolemization can
    still be done)
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