Title: Historical Context
1Historical Context
- Flood Stories
- Genesis 6-10 is not the only ancient flood story
- Many ancient cultures have this story (China in
the East, Maya and Inca in the Americas, and
Sumerians in the Middle East) - The stories all feature
- Flood as divine punishment
- Noble hero who restarts the world
2Historical Context
- Origins of the Flood Story
- Discovery of seashell fossils on mountains
- Experience of river floods
- Tsunami in Mediterranean Sea or Indian Ocean
- Oral Tradition from end of Ice Age? (Text pg. 69)
3Literary Context
- What kind of literary form is being used here?
- How do we know?
- How should we read it?
4Literary Context
Look at Gen. 619 and Gen. 72. How many pairs of
animals did Noah bring on board? Where might the
disagreement come from?
5The Great Flood
Who are the main characters in the story of the
flood? What are some of the key ideas,
explanations, or lessons from the story of the
flood? What do we think of God from this story
of the Great Flood?
6Insights from the Great Flood
Genesis 65-6
7Insights from the Great Flood
- Genesis 81
- Turning point in the story
- Marks the triumph of mercy over judgment
8Insights from the Great Flood
Genesis 811
9Insights from the Great Flood
- The Dove and Olive Branch symbolize peace
- We still use these symbols today
- Cf. The Seal of the United States
10Insights from the Great Flood
Genesis 99-13
11Insights from the Great Flood
- Gods compassion trumps Gods judgment
- Rainbow as sign of Gods covenant promise never
again to destroy the world
12Insights from the Great Flood
- A covenant is an agreement between two parties
where both promise to do their share no matter
what the other does. - Ex. Marriage
- Covenant is also about gift and relationship ?
the promise you make changes you!
13What do YOU Think?
When you were reading the Great Flood Story, did
you have any questions or issues? Any confusing
passages? Anything unexpected?