Title: DON'T LAUGH AT ME (Steve Seskin/Allen Shamblin)
1DON'T LAUGH AT ME(Steve Seskin/Allen Shamblin)
I'm a little boy with glassesThe one they call a
geekA little girl who never smiles'Cause I have
braces on my teeth
2And I know how it feels to cry myself to
sleepI'm that kid on every playgroundWho's
always chosen lastA single teenage motherTryin'
to overcome my pastYou don't have to be my
friendBut is it too much to ask
3Don't laugh at meDon't call me namesDon't get
your pleasure from my painIn God's eyes we're
all the sameSomeday we'll all have perfect
wingsDon't laugh at me
4I'm the beggar on the cornerYou've passed me on
the streetAnd I wouldn't be out here beggin'If
I had enough to eatAnd don't think I don't
noticeThat our eyes never meet
5Don't laugh at meDon't call me namesDon't get
your pleasure from my painIn God's eyes we're
all the sameSomeday we'll all have perfect
wingsDon't laugh at me
6I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tallI'm deaf,
I'm blind, yes, I think in a way, were allIm
black, Im white and I am brownIm Christian,
Im Jewish, and I am MuslimIm gay, Im lesbian,
Im American IndianIm very, very young, Im
quite agedIm very wealthy, Im very, very poor
7Don't laugh at meDon't call me namesDon't get
your pleasure from my painIn God's eyes we're
all the sameSomeday we'll all have perfect
wingsDon't laugh at me
8My country tis of theeOh, sweet land of
libertyIt is of thee that I sing