Title: Steve Mazer - Provides Consultation in Business Development
1Steve Mazer
Operations Supervisor at Franklin County
Agricultural Society
2(No Transcript)
3Steve Mazer is a man of principles and strongly
believes in honesty, a strong work ethic and
being fair and understanding with people.
4Steve Mazer preaches same principles to his
children and grandchildren especially in the
trying times of today. In 1985, he started his
professional career working for the State of Ohio
in the motor fuel tax unit. He was the part of an
investigative team that led to a number of motor
fuel tax fraud convictions.
5Steve Mazer is quite communicative and personably
adept at encouraging Staff and collaboration in
the strive for excellence. He is a quick learner,
agile in understanding new systems and concepts
and translating them easily to others.
6Steve Mazer did Bachelor of Arts in Business
Administration, Otterbein University, and
Westerville, OH. He also became supervisor
teaching his staff the ins and outs of
maintaining tax compliance within the state. He
also did courses in Corporate Management, Tax
Marketing, and Personality Profiling.
Find out more about him at his official site