Intelligence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intelligence - Adair County Schools ... Intelligence – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intelligence

Who is the most intelligent individual pictured
  • Is intelligence one general ability, or several
    specific abilities?
  • Different cultures deem intelligent as whatever
    attributes enable success in those cultures
  • Is a talented artist who cant do math
    unintelligent? Is a brilliant scientist who
    cant follow a road map unintelligent?

What is Intelligence?
  • Intelligence mental quality consisting of the
    ability to learn from experience, solve problems,
    and use knowledge to adapt to new situations

General Intelligence
  • Charles Spearman
  • Intelligence is defined as a single measure of
    general cognitive ability (g), such as an IQ test
    score, your SAT score, or your DSTP scores.
    Primarily measures only academic prowess.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • Howard Gardner
  • Linguistic
  • Logical-Mathematical
  • Body-Kinesthetic
  • Spatial
  • Musical
  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal
  • Naturalist
  • Existential

  • Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences
  • How Intelligent Are Animals?
  • Boosting Brain Power

  • Linguistic A person's ability to construct and
    comprehend language
  • Journalists, poets, novelists, storyteller

  • Logical-Mathematical Our ability to work with
    numbers, to mentally process logical problems and
    mathematic equations
  • Scientists, accountants, navigator, surveyor

  • Spatial How we comprehend shapes and images in
    three dimensions.
  • Artists, cab drivers, architects, chess player

  • Musical - The ability to perform and compose
  • Pianist, Composers, Singer

  • Intrapersonal Intrapersonal intelligence allows
    us to reflect and understand our own well being -
    who we are, what feelings we have, and why we are
    this way.

  • Body-Kinesthetic - To possess control of
    movements, balance, agility and grace.
  • Athletes, dancers, craftsperson

  • Interpersonal The ability to interact with
    others, understand them, and interpret their
    behavior known as interpersonal intelligence.
    Social skills.
  • Politicians, clergy, talk show host, salesperson

  • Naturalistic experiencing and understanding in
    the natural world, plant and aquatic life
  • Rangers, Guides, Environmentalists, Zoologists,
    Archeologists, Geologists

  • Existential Intelligence- Individuals who pose
    and ponder questions about broad themes such as
    life, death, justice
  • Philosophers and Thinkers, Human Rights Activists

Emotional Intelligence
  • Salovey and Mayer
  • Gardners Multiple Intelligences PLUS
  • Emotional Intelligence superb social skills,
    manages conflicts well, and has great empathy for

Triarchic Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • Robert Sternberg
  • -Analytical
  • -Creative
  • -Practical

  • Analytical Assessed by intelligence tests,
    which present well-defined problems having single
    right answers academic intelligence. Commonly
    referred to as book smarts.

  • Practical Intelligence the ability to adapt to
    the environment, reflecting was is commonly
    called street smarts.

  • Creative Intelligence the ability to
    effectively deal with novel situations by drawing
    on existing skills and knowledge.

Intelligence Anomalies
  • Savant Syndrome a condition in which a person
    otherwise limited in mental ability has an
    exceptional specific skill, such as in
    computation or drawing some people are mentally
    handicapped in almost every aspect except for one
    very specific ability.
  • Prodigies an individual with otherwise normal
    abilities except for a single exceptional talent

  • Savant Piano
  • Savant Drawing
  • Basketball Prodigy
  • Piano Prodigy
  • Art Prodigy

Assessing Intelligence
  • How is intelligence determined?
  • Testing

Two Types of Intelligence Tests
  • Achievement Test a test designed to assess what
    a person has already learned
  • Aptitude Test a test designed to predict a
    persons future performance aptitude is the
    capacity to learn

One Example of an Aptitude Test is an IQ Test
  • Intelligence Test a written method for
    assessing an individuals mental aptitudes and
    comparing them with those of others using
    numerical scores
  • Student A got a 1300 SAT score, while Student B
    got a 900 SAT score. Student A is more

Two Types of IQ Tests
  • Stanford-Binet the most widely used written
    intelligence test
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale the most
    widely used intelligence test contains verbal
    and performance (nonverbal) subtests

  • Factor Analysis a statistical procedure that
    identifies clusters of related items (factors) on
    a test used to identify different dimensions of
    performance that underlie ones total score
  • Along with your score on a test, there is a
    breakdown of your performances on individual
    sections of the test 600 Verbal, 700 Math on a
    total SAT score of 1300

How do you determine IQ?Step 1
  • Mental Age the chronological age that most
    typically corresponds to a given level of
  • A child who does as well as the average
    8-year-old is said to have a mental age of 8.

How do you determine IQ?Step 2
  • Intelligence Quotient (IQ) defined originally
    as the ratio of mental age (ma) to the
    chronological age (ca), multiplied by 100. (MA /
    CA) X 100
  • An 8-year old student that takes an IQ Test
    scores as well the average 10-year old.
  • 10/8 1.25 X 100 125 IQ

IQ Scale
  • Over 140 - Genius or near genius
  • 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
  • 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
  • 90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence
  • 80 - 89 - Dullness
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency
  • Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

  • The Flynn Effect The average IQ of people has
    generally risen over the last century. This
    doesnt mean that people have necessarily gotten
    smarter. Schools have gotten better,
    technology has gotten better, access to education
    has gotten better.the environment has helped to
    increase general IQ, not a natural increase in
    brain power.

Constructing An Intelligence Test
Establish A Standard
  • Standardization defining meaningful scores by
    comparison with the performance of a pretested
    standardization group
  • The control test group (a representative
    sample of the entire population you are comparing
    scores to) scored an average of 1000 on the SAT.
    You scored a 1200 on the SAT. You are above
    the standard.

Is The Test Reliable?
  • Reliability the extent to which a test yields
    consistent results, and how well it can be

Checking Reliability
  • Split-Half Reliability Half of the students
    answer all of the odd questions, the other half
    answer all of the even questions on a test. The
    scores should be similar if the test is
    consistently testing the same knowledge
  • Equivalent Form Students who receive Form A of
    a test should score similarly to those students
    who received Form B regarding the same

Is The Test Valid?
  • Validity the extent to which a test measures or
    predicts what it is supposed to

  • Content Validity the extent to which a test
    samples the behavior that is of interest
  • If a test is supposed to test your knowledge of
    mathematical principles, the questions should be
    on math, not history or writing skills

  • Predictive Validity the success with which a
    test predicts the behavior it is designed to
    predict it is assessed by computing the
    correlation between test scores and the criterion
  • Is a test is designed to measure mechanical
    aptitude, people who receive high scores should
    ultimately prove more successful in mechanical
    jobs than people that scored low

Reliability and Validity
  • It is possible to have a test that is reliable,
    but not valid. Such a test consistently
    measures something, but not what it is intended
    to measure.
  • IE. A vocabulary test given in math class is
    reliable as far as testing vocabulary, but is not
    a valid measure of a students mathematical

Reliability and Validity
  • It is impossible to have a test that is valid,
    but not reliable. If individual scores fluctuate
    wildly, then they cannot consistently correlate
    with other scores, whatever those scores may be.
  • Tests cannot be accurately measuring a given set
    of material if scores on those tests vary wildly.
    On multiple tests of a single mathematical
    principal you score an 89, 34, 56, and a 99, the
    tests cannot have been consistently testing the
    same material, nor can they be good indicators
    that you know or dont know the material.
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