Title: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe
1Crisis and Absolutism in Europe
Landscape with Merchants (1630), by Claude Lorrain
2I. Wars of Religion
- Reformation created Opponents Conflict
- Protestants and Catholics battled for territory
authority - No room for compromise
- only one TRUE faith
- Compounded by Monarchies
- One Ruler promoting One Faith
- Belief of Nobles?
3I. Wars of Religion
- French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)
- Monarchy, vast majority of subjects were Catholic
- Half of nobility were Huguenots
- French Protestants influenced by Calvin
- Peasants side with Huguenots. Why?
Saint Bartholomews Day Massacre(1630), by
Francois Dubois
4I. Wars of Religion
- French Wars of Religion (cont.)
- After many battles, Huguenots win
- Henry of Navarre
- Political leader of Huguenots
- Takes throne as Henry IV
- Converts to Catholicism, why?
- Edict of Nantes (1598)
- Catholicism still official religion
- But Huguenots free to worship, hold public office
Henry IV
5I. Wars of Religion Militant Spanish Catholicism
- Philip II, the Most Catholic King, wanted more
control over his lands - Used religion to do so
- Resistance in Spanish Netherlands
- Calvinists destroy Catholic statues
- William the Silent, prince of Orange
- 12yrs of war Dutch independence
- Spain has large empire (where?)
- But also very large debt
King Philip II of Spain
6I. Wars of Religion The England of Elizabeth
- Inherits throne from Bloody Mary
- Repeals Catholic-Friendly laws
- Sought to balance power of France and Spain
- If one seemed to be gaining power, she favored
the other - Led to war with Spain
- Spain wanted a Catholic England
- Spanish Armada fails
Queen Elizabeth I of England
7(No Transcript)
8I. Wars of Religion
- The Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
- Battle over religion, politics, territory
- Begins in Holy Roman Empire
- Calvinists nobles (Protestants)
- Ignored by Peace of Augsburg
- Hapsburg Emperors (Catholic)
- France, Spain, others get involved
- Struggle for European dominance
- Devastated German people, land
- Peace of Westphalia (1648)
- All German states able to choose religion
- France now dominant, end of H.R.E.
Battle on the Charles Bridge (1648), Petri Krohn
9II. Rise of Absolutism
- Religious crisis creates need for stability
- Requires strong rulers that resist change
- Absolutism
- System where ruler has total power
- Who put this guy in charge?
- Justification Divine Right of Kings
- King receives power from God
- Responsible only to God
10King Louis XIV of France
- Rise to power
- 1643 Louis takes throne, age 5
- Cardinal Mazarin rules for him
- Stops rebellion, strengthens crown
- Dies when Louis is age 23
- Louis XIV takes complete control
- Builds myth of Sun King
King Louis XIV, the Sun King
11King Louis XIV of France (cont.)
- Palace at Versailles (VURH-sigh)
- Personal household of King
- Many nobles moved in as well
- Louis encouraged it. Why?
- Place where powerful subjects came to find
favors, offices - Center of elite French culture
- Examples?
The Palace at Versailles
12II. Rise of Absolutism
- King Louis XIV of France (cont.)
- Religious Policy
- Goal maintain religious harmony
- Anti-Protestant policies
- Hoped to Convert Huguenots
- Destruction of churches, schools
- Huguenots flee
- Economy War
- Adhered to mercantilistic policies
- Waged four wars for fame, land
- On deathbed Regretted war, overspending
Reception of Le Grand Condé at Versailles, by
Jean-Léon Gérôme (1878)
13Wars of King Louis XIV
- War of Devolution 1667-1668
- Spanish Netherlands
- Gains 12 Dutch cities, costs
- The Dutch War 1672-1678
- Treay of Nijmegenneutrality
- Gains Comte-Franche (land) loses
- War of Spanish Succession 1700-1713
- Who will lead Spain? Hapsburg or Bourbon?
- Bourbon becomes King of Spain, but France loses
N. American territories and Netherlands
14II. Rise of Absolutism
- Pros
- Efficient government
- In touch with people
- Wealth
- Cons
- Taxation system
- Peasants and nobility
Reception of Le Grand Condé at Versailles, by
Jean-Léon Gérôme (1878)
15III. Changes in England
- English Revolution
- Tudor Dynasty ends, enter James I
- King of Scotland
- Believed in Divine Right of Kings
- Role of British Parliament?
- Roots from Magna Carta
- Assumed King shares ruling power
- Puritans (English Calvinists)
- Wanted less moderate Church of England
- Gentry, landowners, Parliament
King James I of England and Scotland
16III. Changes in England
- English Revolution (cont.)
- Charles I
- Supports Divine Right of Kings
- Refuses power to Parliament
- Imposes more religious ritual
- Many Puritans head to America
- 1642 Civil War
- Cavaliers support King Charles
- Roundheads back Parliament
- Led by Oliver Cromwell
Charles I
Oliver Cromwell
17III. Changes in England
- English Revolution (cont.)
- Oliver Cromwell
- Defeats, executes Charles I
- Cleans house in Parliament
- Abolished monarchy, declared England a
commonwealth - Frustrated by Parliament, set up military
dictatorship - Restoration
- Cromwell dies, monarchy returns
- Charles II Catholic sympathizer
- James II Devout Catholic. conflict?
Charles II
James II
18III. Changes in England
- Glorious Revolution
- James II had 2 Protestant daughters
- His successor would be Protestant
- had son with 2nd wife, a Catholic
- William of Orange (Dutch)
- Son-in-law of James II (Mary)
- Invited by English nobles to invade
- bloodless Glorious Revolution
- William and Mary are monarchs
- Accepted a Bill of Rights from Parliament
- Legitimized role of Parliament
- Granted individual rights
- No Catholic could be monarch
- Solidified Constitutional Monarchy
William and Mary
19IV. Eastern Absolutism Prussia
- Fredrick William the Great Elector
- Small, open land, no natural defense
- Builds 4th largest army in Europe
- Creates General War Commissariat
- Levy taxes, oversees army
- Runs civil services
- Bureaucracy chief tool for rule
- Son becomes King Frederick I
The Prussian State Frederick William, the Great
20IV. Eastern Absolutism Austria (the Hapsburgs)
- Holy Roman Empire collapses
- Expand south east (defeat Turks)
- Gain large territory, but never becomes full
absolutist state - Many different national groups
- Lack of common identity, culture
Seal of the Hapsburgs
21IV. Eastern Absolutism
- Absolutist Russia
- Continual expansion (p. 446)
- Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)
- First czar, Russian for Caesar
- Crushed power of Boyars (nobles)
- Time of Troubles anarchy
- Peter the Great, 1689
- Claims Divine Right of Kings
- Determined to Westernize
- Updates Army, founds Navy
- St. Petersburg window to West
Russian Expansion, St. Petersburg, and Peter the
22IV. Eastern Absolutism
- Effects of Enlightenment in Eastern Europe
- Prussia
- Frederick I
- Strong bureaucracy to serve King
- Strong state through strong army
- Frederick II (Frederick the Great)
- Big army to watch over bureaucrats
- Abolished torture
- Limited free speech religion
- Kept rigid class system, serfdom
William I and William the Great of Prussia
23IV. Eastern Absolutism Enlightenment in Austria
- Austria
- Maria Theresa (Empress in 1740)
- Tried to centralize Austrian Empire
- Give more power to state
- ease conditions of serfs
- Joseph II, Marias son
- Abolished serfdom, death penalty
- Absolute religious toleration
- Failure, alienates those he tried to help (too
much too soon)
Maria Theresa and Joseph II of Austria
24IV. Eastern Absolutism
- Enlightenment in E.Europe (cont)
- Russia
- Catherine the Great (1762-1796)
- Open to Enlightenment ideas of reform
- But does nothing, favors nobility over peasants
- Absolutist ideals help gain territory to the
south and east
Catherine the Great of Russia