Title: Year 5 Mental Maths Facts Quiz
1- Year 5 Mental Maths Facts Quiz
- Intermediate Level
2How many seconds in a two and a half minutes?
3How many weeks in a year and a half?
4How many days are there in May, June and July
5What is 2214 in 12 hour (analogue) time?
6What is midnight in 24 hour (digital ) time?
7Name this angle
8Name this triangle
9What is the size of the missing angle?
10What is the size of the missing angle?
11What is a 1 as a decimal? 5
12What is 3 as a percentage? 4
13What is 0.03 as a fraction?
14What is 35 as a decimal?
15What is 0.7 as a fraction?
16Which of the following numbers are prime?1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
17What is 7 ?
18What is the square root of 36?
19What is the perimeter of this rectangle?
20What is the area of this rectangle?
21Convert 3.5 kilograms to grams.
22Convert 230 millimetres to centimetres.
23Whats a ¾ of a litre in millilitres?
24Whats 0.6 of a kilometre in metres?
250.3 ? 1
26? 0.35 1
27How many faces does a square based pyramid have?
28What is this shape called?
29What is this shape called?
30How many vertices does a tetrahedron have?
31What number does this Roman Numeral represent IX?
32What number does this Roman Numeral represent XC?
33What number does this Roman Numeral represent D?