Momentum and Impulse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Momentum and Impulse


Momentum and Impulse 8.01 W06D2 Associated Reading Assignment: Young and Freedman: 8.1-8.5 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Momentum and Impulse

Momentum and Impulse
  • 8.01
  • W06D2
  • Associated Reading Assignment
  • Young and Freedman 8.1-8.5

No Math Review Night this Week Next Reading
Assignment W06D3 Young and Freedman 8.1-8.5
Momentum and Impulse
Obeys a conservation law Simplifies complicated
motions Describes collisions Basis of rocket
propulsion space travel
Quantity of Motion
DEFINITION II Newtons Principia The quantity of
motion is the measure of the same, arising from
the velocity and quantity of matter
conjointly. The motion of the whole is the sum
of the motions of all the parts and therefore in
a body double in quantity, with equal velocity,
the motion is double with twice the velocity, it
is quadruple.
Momentum and Impulse Single Particle
  • Momentum
  • SI units
  • Change in momentum
  • Impulse
  • SI units

Newtons Second Law
  • The change of motion is proportional to the
    motive force impresses, and is made in the
    direction of the right line in which that force
    is impressed,

When then
Concept Question Pushing Identical Carts
  • Identical constant forces push two identical
    objects A and B continuously from a starting line
    to a finish line. If A is initially at rest and B
    is initially moving to the right,
  • Object A has the larger change in momentum.
  • Object B has the larger change in momentum.
  • Both objects have the same change in momentum
  • Not enough information is given to decide.

Concept Question Pushing Non-identical Carts
Kinetic Energy
  • Consider two carts, of masses m and 2m, at
    rest on an air track. If you push one cart for 3
    s and then the other for the same length of time,
    exerting equal force on each, the kinetic energy
    of the light cart is
  • larger than
  • equal to
  • 3) smaller than
  • the kinetic energy of the heavy car.

Concept Question Same Momentum, Different Masses
  • Suppose a ping-pong ball and a bowling ball are
    rolling toward you. Both have the same momentum,
    and you exert the same force to stop each. How do
    the distances needed to stop them compare?
  • It takes a shorter distance to stop the ping-pong
  • Both take the same distance.
  • It takes a longer distance to stop the ping-pong

Demo Jumping Off the Floorwith a Non-Constant
Demo Jumping Non-Constant Force
  • Plot of total external force vs. time for Andy
    jumping off the floor. Weight of Andy is 911 N.

Demo Jumping Impulse
  • Shaded area represents impulse of total force
    acting on Andy as he jumps off the floor

Demo Jumping Height
  • When Andy leaves the ground, the impulse is
  • So the y-component of the velocity is

System of Particles Center of Mass
Position and Velocity of Center of Mass
  • Total mass for discrete or continuous body (mass
    density ?)
  • Position of center of mass
  • Velocity of center of mass

Table Problem Center of Mass of Rod and Particle
  • A slender uniform rod of length d and mass m
    rests along the x-axis on a frictionless,
    horizontal table. A particle of equal mass m is
    moving along the x-axis at a speed v0. At t 0,
    the particle strikes the end of the rod and
    sticks to it. Find a vector expression for the
    position of the center of mass of the system at t

System of Particles Internal and External
Forces, Center of Mass Motion
Internal Force on a System of N Particles
  • The total internal force on the ith particle is
    sum of the interaction forces with all the other
  • The total internal force is the sum of the total
    internal force on each particle
  • Newtons Third Law internal forces cancel in
  • So the total internal force is zero

Total Force on a System of N Particles is the
External Force
  • The total force on a system of particles is the
    sum of the total external and total internal
    forces. Since the total internal force is zero

External Force and Momentum Change
  • The total momentum of a system of N particles is
    defined as the sum of the individual momenta of
    the particles
  • Total force changes the momentum of the system
  • Total force equals total external force
  • Newtons Second and Third Laws for a system of
    particles The total external force is equal to
    the change in momentum of the system

System of Particles Newtons Second and Third
The total momentum of a system remains constant
unless the system is acted on by an external force
System of Particles Translational Motion of the
Center of Mass
Translational Motion of the Center of Mass
  • Momentum of system
  • System can be treated as point mass located at
    center of mass. External force accelerates center
    of mass
  • Impulse changes center of mass momentum

Demo Center of Mass trajectory B78
  • http//
  • Odd-shaped objects with their centers of mass
    marked are thrown. The centers of mass travel in
    a smooth parabola. The objects consist of a
    squash racket, a 16 diameter disk weighted at
    one point on its outer rim, and two balls
    connected with a rod. This demonstration is shown
    with UV light.

CM moves as though all external forces on the
system act on the CM
so the jumpers cm follows a parabolic trajectory
of a point moving in a uniform gravitational field
Center of mass passes under the bar
Concept Question Pushing a Baseball Bat Recall
Issue with Phrasing
  • The greatest acceleration of the center of mass
  • will be produced by pushing with a force F at
  • Position 1
  • 2. Position 2
  • 3. Position 3
  • 4. All the same

Table Problem Exploding Projectile Center of
Mass Motion
  • An instrument-carrying projectile of mass m1
    accidentally explodes at the top of its
    trajectory. The horizontal distance between
    launch point and the explosion is x0. The
    projectile breaks into two pieces which fly apart
    horizontally. The larger piece, m3, has three
    times the mass of the smaller piece, m2. To the
    surprise of the scientist in charge, the smaller
    piece returns to earth at the launching station.
  • How far has the center of mass of the system
    traveled from the launch when the pieces hit the
  • How far from the launch point has the larger
    piece graveled when it first hits the ground?

System of ParticlesConservation of Momentum
External Forces and Constancy of Momentum Vector
  • The external force may be zero in one direction
    but not others
  • The component of the system momentum is constant
    in the direction that the external force is zero
  • The component of system momentum is not constant
    in a direction in which external force is not zero

Table Problem Center of Mass of Rod and Particle
Post- Collision
  • A slender uniform rod of length d and mass m
    rests along the x-axis on a frictionless,
    horizontal table. A particle of equal mass m is
    moving along the x-axis at a speed v0. At t 0,
    the particle strikes the end of the rod and
    sticks to it. Find a vector expression for the
    position of the center of mass of the system for
    t gt 0.

Strategy Momentum of a System
  • 1. Choose system
  • 2. Identify initial and final states
  • 3. Identify any external forces in order to
    determine whether any component of the momentum
    of the system is constant or not
  • i) If there is a non-zero total external force
  • ii) If the total external force is zero then
    momentum is constant

Modeling Instantaneous Interactions
  • Decide whether or not an interaction is
  • External impulse changes the momentum of the
  • If the collision time is approximately zero,
  • then the change in momentum is approximately

Table Problem Landing Plane and Sandbag
  • A light plane of mass 1000 kg makes an
    emergency landing on a short runway. With its
    engine off, it lands on the runway at a speed of
    40 ms-1. A hook on the plane snags a cable
    attached to a sandbag of mass 120 kg and drags
    the sandbag along. If the coefficient of friction
    between the sandbag and the runway is µ 0.4,
    and if the planes brakes give an additional
    retarding force of magnitude 1400 N, how far does
    the plane go before it comes to a stop?
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