Title: Folie 1
The Evaluation of the NEFIS Project focused on
- Data Rights and Data Rights Management
- User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Evaluation based on two approaches
- Standardised questionnaires
- metadata and metadata guidelines
- data rights and data rights management
- user needs and user expectations - VTK
- metadata and metadata guidelines
- Prof. Dr. Keith Rennolls (Greenwich), Dr.
Jarmo Saarikko (Metla) - keyword list and thesaurus
- Renate Prüller (IUFRO), Gillian Petrokofsky
(CAB International) - data rights and data rights management
- Andreas Schuck (EFI), Tim Green (EFI)
- EFIS an electronic system for periodic
reporting - Prof. Dr. Michael Köhl (UHH), Aljoscha
Requardt (UHH)
1. Elaboration of metadata records a step-wise
iterative process
- preliminary records according previous schema
- metadata schema developed further to its
final version (D3, D5) - revise preliminary
records make adjustments according new schema
2. Questionnaire Metadata and Metadata
Guidelines - evaluate experienced
applicability and usability
3. Questionnaire results represented and
discussed at the Hamburg Meeting
- Expert Statements
- - metadata and metadata guidelines
- - keyword list and thesaurus
Evaluation Metadata
Questionnaire Metadata and Metadata Guidelines
- Knowledge and experiences of the respondent
- Specific Metadata Elements and Refinements
- Metadata Functionality and Structure
79 Yes
Are the NEFIS metadata the first contact you
have had with metadata?
Partners knowledge and experience of elaborating
Partners knowledge and experience using metadata
for data source retrieval
Do you consider the workload to enter metadata
records as
Level of complexity to prepare and enter metadata
29 complex
71 acceptable
Time Investment - most partners between 5-10
hours in total
Are the guidelines easy to understand?
Would a metadata tutorial or training course be
helpful and appropriate?
71 Yes
Metadata records without problems
Workload time to prepare and enter required
Relevance - data and resource documentation
Relevance - data retrieval
Specific Issues
Reference System - encoding scheme for
georeferenced data
Point / Box encoding scheme
Quality Report
"Quality" addressed within DCMI elements,
refinements and encoding schemes?
Named elements which address Quality within the
DCMI schema Creator, Description, Publisher,
Coverage, Source, Date, Audience
Quality Report
Relative value of a Quality Report
Quality Report under the element Descriptions?
Quality Report
Value of listed options to describe and structure
Quality Report"
Quality Report
Value of quantitative measures of quality
(standard error, sample size, sampling unit,
resampling for measurement control)
- Which of these quantitative measures are
relevant and appropriate for which type of data? - it could become very complicated and time
consuming to collect such information in a
standardised way.
Can the dataset be appropriately described by
using the NEFIS terms?
- sometimes difficult to group the term under a
theme - very time consuming to go through the lists
more structure/ hierarchy would be helpful.
How important is the option to add "Nominated
- it is the way to improve the term lists
- very important during the development phase
- it allows the provider to demonstrate which
additional terms are seen necessary to describe
the particular resource more accurately
19Schema - Resume
Metadata Element
1. Title
2. Creator
3. Subject
4. Description
5. Publisher
6. Contributor
7. Date
8. Type
9. Format
10. Identifier
11. Source
12. Language
13. Relation
14. Coverage
15. Rights
16. Audience
Applicability and Usability
Obstacles within the challenging tasks as the
development of keyword lists as well as the
quality report could have been clearly reflected
by the results of the metadata evaluation
Subject, Description and Format caused problems
for most partners
- low experience by some partners
- complicated structure and defined procedures
NEFIS metadata schema is applicable in its
current form
- from the perspective as a data provider
dataset documentation
- from the perspective as a data user data
resource retrieval
21Data Rights
Data provider has to state what data are
accessible and for whom, and which type of data
rights and which levels of access should be
assigned to which kind of data.
Data provider should have options to assign
different levels of access to individual datasets
in order to protect sensitive data by restricting
access to them.
Prerequisite to guarantee that legal restrictions
to data access will be satisfied
22Data Rights
Why to talk about Data Rights?
Data rights provoked several discussions
Data Rights, does it concern the actual data?
Should not all data presented in NEFIS be
NEFIS tables are available for free. On the other
hand, same information is part of an on-line
system to which you have a restricted access. How
should we handle this?
Clarify Data Rights
- within the NEFIS project
- beyond the time of NEFIS project
23Data Rights
Which of the "drop down" options (if any) are
relevant to your data set?
Are these drop down options appropriate for
your data set?
95 Yes
But option Public needs further refinements
24Data Rights
Who is responsible for data access management?
Which form of data storage do you prefer for your
data set?
25Data Rights
Would you like to provide more data?
Are there any obstacles to provide additional
- cost for the provider !
- cost for the user
- technical limitations
- unclear data rights management
26Data Rights
Partners demands for further cooperation and data
- Technical demands and demands on data management
- link data easily to the system without
complicating and restricting data management and
maintenance - clear definitions and standards for data format
and data content
- capacities for time and personnel investments
27User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
1. VTK Workshop
2. anonymous comments by partners regarding VTK
display and analysis options
3. Test CD
4. Questionnaire User Needs and User
5. Expert Statement (UHH) EFIS - an electronic
system for periodic reporting
Evaluation VTK Information needs
28User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Questionnaire User Needs and User Expectations
- Tutorial and Help Functions
29User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
The respondet
A - familiar with the NEFIS project and the
provided dataset B - only familiar with the
provided dataset itself C - someone who is not
familiar with the NEFIS project and the provided
dataset, but has some broad knowledge in
using GIS applications and statistical programs
Questionnaire evaluated according
- Total
- GIS Knowledge
- Statistical knowledge
19 answered questionnaires
Expirences of useing the VTK average / less
than average
Respondent spent 7 hours using the VTK (5 hours
for one explicit dataset)
30User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
How easy is it to find applicable and reasonable
functions to analyse and visualise data which are
of explicit interest?
- functions are atractive but it is not easy to
find out how to use them and select the one that
is needed - VTK examples are an important addition to get a
more transparant view which of the features are
useful for which kind of analysis
31User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Respondent meaning about the VTK menu
- the menu should be developed more simple and
informative - some better getting started directions would
be very helpful (essential even).
32User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
The VTK incorporates automated map design
- the produced maps are interactive, including
traditional GIS interactivity and visual
manipulations - outputs are available as data tables and
thematic maps with different techniques for
selected geographical area - it allows production of statistical graphics
(box plots, dot plots, scatter plots, etc.) that
are dynamically linked to maps
This could imply that expert knowledge on
cartography or GIS is not required
- not necessariliy knowledge in GIS but some
knowledge in cartography and data presentation - the user should be familiar with the data itself
33User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Consideration of options to analyse available
Consideration of options to visualise available
34User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Ability to recall explicit information from
displayed formats Mapped data Data
plots Tabular data
Lack in the actual dataset itself !!!
35User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
VTK offers many features, tools and options to
analyse and to visualise data
- the feature should be applicable to the dataset
- the user should understand meaning and
relevance of the feature - the user should be able to recall relevant
information after using a suitable feature - the appearance of the outputs should be
satisfactory for the user - no essential functionality in that feature
should be missing
36User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
37User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Most respondents considered all listed
applications as important or as interesting
but the respondent was not always able to test
some explicit applications, mainly due to the
lack of help functions and tutorial documents
further tutorial documents and help functions can
be seen as a useful and important asset !
38User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Time investment to understand and use VTK features
Complexitiy to understand available VTK features
Develop a set of tutorial tailored at different
user groups and level of expertise
39User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
Reduce the set of VTK features or Add new
features ???
Develop a VTK for two different groups of users
- Basic Version new users
- Advanced Version experienced users
Key User Friendliness
- improved interfaces - improved maneuvering
through features - improved guidance for getting
- Reporting
- reporting schemes
- reporting query options
40User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
VTK functional and applicable for your purposes
as a data provider?
41User Needs and User Expectations - VTK
User Backgrounds and Expectations are different
- Simplified self explanatory output features
- Clearly structured user guidelines
- Easy to follow help functions
- Define the purposes of the system Who are the
potential users? - Differentiate the use and applications
- Reporting most important purpose
- - guarantee that VTK outputs not ambiguous in
their statement - - contact data user data provider
Although some applications could be developed
further or improved, the VTK and its features
provide a solid basis to meet various tasks of a
full working EFIS.
42Thank you