Title: Generating-Malta03
1Gliwice July 25-29, 2005
Static and dynamic surfaces representation
- Matilde P. Legua
- Jose A. Moraño
- Luis M. Sánchez-Ruiz
2 Introduction
- Visualization of lines and surfaces
- Geometrical application problems
- To teach mathematical concepts when we are
working with scalar fields - To help to locate the regions which we should
pay special attention - The aim is to take advantages of capabilities of
commonly used mathematical software to get the
proper representation
3 Surfaces representation
- Implicit expressions Transparencies
- Surfaces defined by inequalities
- Real Time scrolling
- Graphs in movement
- Parametric surfaces
- More about surfaces representation
- 3-D curves
4 Usual software
5 Implicit expressions Transparencies
Visualize Intersections
- - Explicit expressions
- Transparencies See_through()
- - Implicit expressions
- Gradual Transparencies
6 Surfaces defined by inequalities
Defined regions
- Several surfaces but without inequalities
- Other possibilities Revolution, lines, ...
DPGRAPH - ? is between inequalities
RevY_Iplot(xsin(y/2) ? z3, y, -PI, PI)
7 Real time scrolling
Meaning of parameters
DPGRAPH Scroll bar modifies the parameter in
real time
DERIVE Can use Vector( ) command.
VECTOR(RevZ_IPlot(z 5(1-x2/k2)(1/2) ? y0, 0
? x ? k), k,1, 5)
8 Graphs in movement
Meaning of parameters by dynamic representations
DPGRAPH Including another dimension (time)
DERIVE time also exists
9 Parametric surfaces
Several coordinate systems Rectangular,
cylindrical, spherical, ...
DPGRAPH Trace a graph only over a rectangle
RECTANGULAR (u,v,2COS(1.75u)SIN(v))
It can plot surfaces whose domain is not a
RECTANGULAR (3/4(v-u),1/4(u3v),3-v/2u/6)
DERIVE It has more types of coordinate system
10 More about surfaces representation
Matlab Several interesting commands
- mesh, surf
- meshc and surfc (with level lines)
- Subplot (distributing graphs)
- Using OpenGL renderer (transparencies)
- As a drawback (Surfaces in implicit form are
not admitted)
Mathematica is a good tool also
- Hidden Surface (transparencies)
- Animate (Variation on a parameter) or
ShowAnimation (sequence of graphs)
11 3D-Curves
DPGRAPH Parametrical coordinates allow visualize
3D curves
DERIVE, MATLAB and MATHEMATICA provide similar
12 Conclusion
- Sofisticated mathematical software should get
better results however DPGRAPH seems to be more
practical and easier when we are - working with implicit forms
- building dynamic surfaces
- getting transparencies
- needing memory requirements
- We must have very clear that it is not a CAS