Title: ???? (Willingness to Pay,WTP) Cho-Min-Naing?? ????, ??, ??
1???? (Willingness to Pay,WTP)
Cho-Min-Naing??????, ??, ??
2??????????,??????????????????????? ????
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3 ?????????????????????????????
4 ????????????????????????,???????????????????
????????,??????( contingent valuation ,CV)?????
5?????? What How? ???????????1.
???(????)2. ????????????????
6 ??????? ??????????,???????????????????????
7???????? ??????????????????(????ICT??Pf/Pv?????
??)????? ,???????? ??????????????????????????
8?????????? ????,??????????????????????????????
????????????????( Golan ?Shechter, 1993
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Fox-Rushby (2002) ?. (?????????)
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