Title: National Honor Society Information Meeting
1National Honor SocietyInformation Meeting
- You have been invited to attend this meeting
because you have a - 3.5 or higher grade point average.
- This is the first step in the selection process!
3Background Information about National Honor
- (Its the HONOR Society.
- not HONORS Society)
4What is National Honor Society?
- National organization founded in 1921 by
- the National Association of Secondary School
Principals - Four objectives
- --to create enthusiasm for scholarship
- --to encourage development of character in the
nations secondary school students - --to promote leadership
- --to encourage service
5- Over 12,500 chapters across the nation
6Now..whats next?
- Becoming a member of
- the Clovis North High School
- National Honor Society
7The Four Tenets of NHS
- Tenet a principle or belief
- Scholarship
- Character
- Leadership
- Service
8I. Scholarship
- You are here at the Info Meeting, so..
- you have already completed the first step
toward NHS membership by earning a 3.5 (or
higher) g.p.a. - Congratulations!
9II. Character
- Character is who you are when no one is watching
- (Its already established!)
10- How is character determined?
- Teachers or sponsors complete confidential
evaluations of student character. - Evaluations are based on classroom contact, extra
curricular activity participation and personal
observation. - Attendance.
- Discipline records.
11III. Leadership
Leadership includes being elected or selected to
work as
- a club officer
- a chairperson for a committee
- a representative on a church, parish,
- or school council
- a marching band squad leader
12(More Leadership)
- concert band section leader
- choir officer
- Student Council representative
- Leadership Camp Youth Staff member
13(Still More Leadership)
- Scout Patrol leader
- class officer
14IV. Service
Service includes volunteer activities for which
you DO NOT receive any type of compensation such
as a salary or school credit. Examples of
service activities include..
- Fundraising
- Civic activities
- Tutoring
15(More Service)
- teaching Sunday School
- volunteering at a nursing home/hospital
- volunteering at the public library
16(Still More Service)
- church related mission trips
- volunteering at elementary schools
- helping with Eagle Scout/Girl Scout projects
17A Final Note..
- Membership in the National Honor Society is a
privilege, not a right. Members are expected to
uphold the four tenets of the organization ..
Scholarship Character Leadership Service
18And now, on to.. the NHS Application Packet!!!
- Due Date
- by 300 p.m.
- Wednesday September 16, 2015
- please typeplease typeplease typeplease type
19For Your Information
The National Honor Society Application is
available on the Clovis North Website, Under the
Counselor TAB, and then the Other TAB
20- The NHS Student Application
- gives you the opportunity to document
- examples of your leadership abilities
- examples of your own service to the school and
21Tips about the Packet
- For best results, type the requested information!
- You are one of over
- 300 grade eligible students
- present yourself in the BEST way possible.
- Watch for grammatical errors and whatever you
do - USE SPELLCHECK!!!!!!!!!!
22One more thing..
Before you turn in your spell-checked,
well-written, neatly typed Clovis North NHS
Application make a copy for your own
records! (Remember you are filling out
information for the National Honor Society not
the honors society!)
23Yes, this is like the previous slide !!!
very important..very important
- Applications should be returned to
- Mr. Center in the Counseling Center
- by
- 300 p.m.
- Wednesday, September 16
- please typeplease typeplease typeplease type
24Clovis North NHS Member(s)
- Mareena Haseeb
- Madison Mukai
- Derek Nola
- Questions
- Thank you for attending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!