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Allow the processor to perform several ... Atomic Updates Mutual Exclusion Semaphores Critical Regions ... exclusive Each critical region ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Operating Systems
  • Allow the processor to perform several tasks at
    virtually the same timeEx. Web Controlled Car
    with a camera
  • Car is controlled via the internet
  • Car has its own webserver (http//mycar/)
  • Web interface allows user to control car and see
    camera images
  • Car also has auto brake feature to avoid

Web interface view
Multiple Tasks
  • Assume that one microcontroller is being used
  • At least four different tasks must be performed
  • Send video data - This is continuous while a user
    is connected
  • Service motion buttons - Whenever button is
    pressed, may last seconds
  • Detect obstacles - This is continuous at all
  • Auto brake - Whenever obstacle is detected, may
    last seconds
  • Detect and Auto brake cannot occur together
  • 3 tasks may need to occur concurrently

Prioritized Task Scheduling
  • Sending Video Data and Detecting Obstacles must
    happen concurrently
  • Both tasks never complete
  • Servicing Motion Buttons must be concurrent with
    Sending Video Data
  • Video should not stop when car moves
  • CPU must switch between tasks quickly
  • Some tasks must take priority
  • Auto Brake must have highest priority

Sharing Global Resources
  • Global resources may be required by mulitple
  • ADC, comparators, timers, I/O pins
  • Shared access must be controlled to avoid
  • Ex. Task 1 and Task 2 need to use the ADC
  • They cannot use the ADC at the same time
  • One task must wait for the other
  • Operating system guarantees that resource
    conflicts are resolved

Layered OS Architecture
  • OS provides an abstraction to hide details of
  • Ex. delay(int) library function might setup a
    timer-based interrupt
  • Using Library functions incurrs overhead

Processes vs. Threads
  • Context of a task is its register values, program
    counter, and stack
  • All tasks have their own context
  • Context switch is when on task stops and the next
  • - Must save the old context and load the new
  • - This is time consuming
  • OS typically gives tasks access to memory (i.e
  • Processes each have their own private memory
  • - Requires memory protection
  • Threads share memory
  • RTOS usually implement tasks as threads

Memory Management
  • Programs can request memory dynamically with

int valarr10
int valarr valarr (int ) malloc(10
  • Dynamically allocated memory must be explicitly
  • - statically allocated memory is released on
    function return

  • Dynamic memory allocation is flexible but harder
    to deal with
  • - Must free the memory manually
  • - Cannot access freed memory

OS Memory Management
  • A program cannot know the dynamic memory
  • - Which memory locations are used and which are
  • Operating system keeps tables describing which
    memory locations are available
  • The program must request memory from the OS
  • - OS may deny request if there is no memory
  • OS also protects memory
  • - Enforce memory access permissions

  • OS manages the execution state of each task
  • 3 main states
  • 1. Running The task is currently running
  • 2. Ready The task is not running but it is
    ready to run
  • 3. Blocked The task is not ready because it is
    waiting for an event
  • Only one task can be running at a time
  • A task can only run if it is first ready (not
  • Scheduler must keep track of the state of each
  • Scheduler must decide which ready task should run

  • A non-preemptive scheduler allows a task to run
    until it gives up control of the CPU
  • - Task may call a library function (sleep) to
  • - Needs to be awakened by an event, like an
  • - Not much flexibility for OS to meet deadlines
  • A preemptive scheduler allows the OS to stop a
    running task and start another task
  • - OS has the power to influence the completion
    of tasks
  • - OS must be awakened periodically to make
    scheduling decisions
  • - May implement the OS kernel as a high priority
    timer-based interrupt

Scheduling Algorithms
  • Round-Robin
  • Scheduler keeps an ordered list of ready tasks
  • First task is assigned a fixed-size time slice to
  • After time slice is done, task is placed at the
    end of the list and next task executes for its
    time slice
  • Very simple, no priorities

Task 1
Task 2
Prioritized Scheduling
  • Fixed Priority Preemptive
  • Scheduler keeps an ordered list of ready tasks,
    ordered by priority
  • First task is assigned a fixed-size time slice to
  • After time slice is done, scheduler chooses
    highest priority ready task for next time slice
  • Next task might be the same as the previous task,
    if it is high priority
  • Starvation may occur

Atomic Updates
  • Tasks may need to share global data and resources
  • For some data, updates must be performed together
    to make sense
  • Ex. Our system samples the level of water in a
  • tank_level is level of water
  • time_updated is last update time
  • tank_level // Result of computation
  • time_updated // Current time
  • These updates must occur together for the data to
    be consistent
  • Interrupt could see new tank_level with old

Mutual Exclusion
  • While one task updates the shared variables,
    another task cannot read them

Task 1
Task 2
tank_level ? time_updated ?
printf (i i, tank_level, time_updated)
  • Two code segments should be mutually exclusive
  • If Task 2 is an interrupt, it must be disabled

  • A semaphore is a flag which indicates that
    execution is safe
  • May be implemented as a binary variable, 1
    continue, 0 wait

TakeSemaphore() If semaphore is available (1)
then take it (set to 0) and continue If semaphore
is note available (0) then block until it is
available ReleaseSemaphore() Set semaphore to 1
so that another task can take it
  • Only one task can have a semaphore at one time

Critical Regions
Task 1
Task 2
TakeSemaphore() tank_level ? time_updated
? ReleaseSemaphore()
TakeSemaphore() printf (i i, tank_level,
time_updated) ReleaseSemaphore()
  • Semaphores are used to protect critical regions
  • Two critical regions sharing a semaphore are
    mutually exclusive
  • Each critical region is atomic, cannot be
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