Sexuality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Does the media make sex okay for boys and bad for girls? Title: Sexuality & Children Author: Rasheed Murray Last modified by: Dishona Tatuem Created Date: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: girls | sexuality


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sexuality

Sexuality Children
  • By Raquel Tatuem and Melanie Martin

Sexual development
  • Although society shuns the idea of children and
    sexuality, it is a very natural occurrence.
    Sexual development starts as early as birth
    continually growing until post-adolescence
    (adulthood). Understanding the sexual development
    in the different age brackets helps us gain the
    necessary knowledge of how children associate
    sexuality to their identity.

Sexual development Birth - 2
  • Getting caught http//
  • 3 to 5 months curious about body
  • According to Pediatrics, the Official Journal of
    the American Academy of Pediatrics, signs of
    masturbation include but are not limited to
    vocalizations with quiet grunting, facial
    flushing with diaphoresis, and pressure on the
    perineum with characteristic posturing of the
    lower extremities
  • touching and even masturbation are normal and

Sexual development 2-5
  • learn to dress and undress themselves
  • children really like to be naked
  • very interested in how others look under their
  • Children at this age will begin to use language
    to name their body parts and bodily functions

Sexual development 6-9
  • boys and girls begin to look noticeably different
  • some girls may start early stages of puberty
  • Children often become curious about sexuality as
    they begin to go through these physical changes
  • Children at this age usually understand the
    secrecy that surrounds sexuality as well as what
    behavior is appropriate in public

Sexual development 10-12
  • childrens sexual development is very active
  • girls start having periods, and their breasts
    begin to develop
  • Boys voices change, and they start to grow pubic
  • Masturbation can be helpful as young people start
    feeling new urges

Learning sexuality
  • Dolls and toys
  • A recent report released from 2007 study shows
    that a variety of media including song lyrics,
    television shows, dolls and even the way tweens
    are posing in magazines, (Miley Cyrus), may help
    young girls think of their bodies in a an overly
    sexualized way.

Learning sexuality media sexual implications
  • Sexualization occurring in media
  • Sexualization is defined as "when a person's
    value comes only from her/his sexual appeal or
    behavior, to the exclusion of other
    characteristics, and when a person is sexually
    objectified, e.g., made into a thing for
    another's sexual use.
  • http//

Learning sexualityparents
  • Young girls especially learn about their looks
    and confidence through their households
  • parents responsibility to address what is seen on
  • Tyra on sex crisis http//

Learning sexuality friends
  • Many children learn from their friends the
    expectations about sex and their sexuality. These
    friends usually learn what they know from the
    media, their parents and other friends. So the
    cycle of the media continues to interrupt the
    knowledge acquired by young children in regards
    to sexuality

Learning sexualityteachers
  • In school, many sexuality classes have strict
    boundaries as to what they can discuss. It
    usually talks about abstinence, the male and
    female genitalia and menstruation

Gender vs. sex
  • Gender is NOT sex
  • Gender is a process that creates social
    differences that define woman and man
  • Sex is the determination by body part
  • http//

Gender vs. sex gender identity development
  • Gender Socialization-the process of teaching
    members of a society the values, expectations,
    and practices of the larger culture.
  • We dont just learn gender once we learn to do
    gender over time in nearly every social
    interaction we experience
  • A study by Rubin et al. 1974 found that parents
    describe their daughters as softer,
    finer-featured, and littler than sons
  • Because the infants were physically very similar,
    the researchers concluded that parents were not
    reacting to real differences between children as
    much as they were applying gender stereotypes
    that could possibly result in differential
    treatment of their male and female children

Gender vs. sex gender identity development
Yikes!!! Baby Bangs
Gender vs. sex homosexuality
  • Masculinity epitomized by qualities of
    aggression, limited emotionality, and
  • Mom on her gay children http//
  • http//

Pressures of sex Religion Vs. Morality
  • Morality is thought to be a persons individual
    beliefs as to what is right and wrong, not given
    to them by anyone else
  • Religion is to acquire a deep conviction of the
    validity of religious beliefs and practices
  • Religion is taught and enforced to some extent.
    When this is applied to sexuality, it can
    conflict with your morality. Children may have
    this trouble when it comes to making decisions
    about their sexuality.

Pressures of sex race
  • Sexuality for ethnic groups especially, have been
    targeted as more promiscuous
  • Television shows such as Vh1's Flavor of Love and
    Ray J all depict women, of all races, demeaning
    themselves and pushing up on these men in overtly
    sexual manners
  • With pregnancy, "Voices of a Generation Teenage
    Girls on Sex, School, and Self, done in 1999,
    reports say that African-American and Hispanic
    girls described pregnancy as a "choice" while
    White and Asian-American girls described it as an
    "accident" and cautioned against the "risk" and
    "danger" of sexual activity.

Pressures of sex society
  • In a study 52 of respondents referred to "sex"
    and/or "boys" as major issues
  • Of all age groups, only 11-year-olds did not
    mention "pressure to have sex" as an issue at all
  • We try to wear the right clothes, be slim, and
    not say the wrong thing. Most girls would do
    anything to get a boyfriend. Girls also don't
    stay true to themselves. While trying to fit in,
    they becomes clones of each other."
  • "Girls tear each other down all the time,
    slashing one another's reputation when they
    should be coming together."

Reflection questions
  • What are your earliest memories of establishing
    sexuality? When do you remember knowing about it?
  • Did your parents talk to you about sex?
  • What did the TV say about sex? What is the media
    saying today?
  • What did school teach you about sex?
  • Homosexuality Is it nature or nurture?
  • Did you feel pressured to have sex? If so, what
    were the pressures?
  • Is it realistic to wait until marriage to have
  • Does the media make sex okay for boys and bad for
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