Title: Reading to learn: Experience sharing
1Reading to learn Experience sharing
- Experience sharing on role play activity
- Reading to learn
- Learning to read
- Chemistry from Newspaper
- Some remarks
3Benzene in soft drinks
- When to introduce?
- After learning hydrocarbons?
- Can be related with news
- For NSS, benzene included
5In case you would like to introduce this activity
in 2007
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????,
23/12/2006) - ?????????? ?????? ?????? (??, 23/12/2006)
- Bottled Waters Contaminated with Antimony from
PET (24 Jan 2006) http//www.uni-heidelberg.de/pre
ss/news/news06/2601antime.html (accessed on
23/12/2006) - ?????????? (??, 9/4/2007)
6?????????? (9/4/2007)
7Time required
- Within the lessons (1 hour 45 minutes)
- 1 period
- For introducing the activity and
- Searching information in the internet
- 2 periods
- 15 minutes group discussion
- 40 minutes role play
- 15 minutes summarise the points
- After the lessons (about 3 hours)
- Searching information and discussion
- Writing the critique (gt 200 words)
- Total (Student) about 5 hours
8Teachers work
- Introducing the topic (within the lesson)
- Facilitating the forum in the role play (within
the lesson) - The critiques (About 2 - 3 hours)
9Reading to learn
Learning to read
Chemistry from newspapers
Scientific literate
10Chemistry in Newspaper
- Malachite green sudan red and formaldehyde in
fishes eggs and shark fins respectively
trans-fat white gold vs. platinum
Apple Daily, 25/11/2006
Ming Pao, 27/11/2006
Sing Tao Daily, 27/11/2006
11Trans fat
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 15/3/2007)
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? (????, 14/3/2007)
12Trans fats - Chemical knowledge
- Trans fats partially hydrogenated vegetable
oils - Cholesterol
- Hydrogenation
- Useful websites for trans-fats
- http//www.fda.gov/FDAC/features/2003/503_fats.htm
l - http//www.rsc.org/Publishing/ChemScience/Volume/2
13Trans fats
accessed on 11/4/2007
14Trans fats (Cholesterol)
In NSS syllabus
15White gold vs. Platinum
- ???? ????????? (??, 4/4/2007)
- White gold gold white metal (e.g. Pd, Ag)
- Au750 (75 Au 25 white metals)
- Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_gold
(accessed on 11/4/2007)
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 14/3/2007)
- Phentermine
- Amfepramone
http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phentermine accessed
on 11/4/2007
accessed on 11/4/2007
17More examples from newspapers
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 6/12/2006)
18More examples from newspapers
- ????????? ????? (??, 16/12/2006)
- ?????????? ??3?? ????????? (??, 23/12/2006)
- Nitrosamines
- R2N-NO
- Nitrites
- Links with instrumental techniques e.g. MS
19More examples in using newspapers
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????,
13/11/2006) - Functional groups
- IR spectrum
accessed on 11/4/2007
20More examples in newspapers
- ??????? ???????
- (??, 8/12/2006)
- ??? (Dioxin)
- ???(DDT)
- ???(Dieldrin)
- ??????(PCBs)
Source (PCB) http//www.epa.gov/toxteam/pcbid/def
s.htm accessed on 11/4/2007
21More examples from newspaper
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 400 ?
- (????, 14/12/2006)
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 16/12/2006)
- ???????????? ????????? (??, 16/12/2006 )
- ???????????? (??, 2/4/2007 )
22More examples from newspaper
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 27/12/2006 )
- Nicotine C10H14N2.
Source http//www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/nicotine/E-
propriete.html accessed on 11/4/2007
23More examples from the newspaper
- 4?___? ??????? (??, 16/12/2006 )
- Vitamin K
Source Vitamin K1 http//arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu
/hbooks/pathphys/misc_topics/vitamink.html Access
ed on 11/4/2007
24More examples in newspaper
- ??????????? (??, 25/12/2006)
- ?????????,??????,?????????
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 24/12/2006)
- ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ?, ? ? ? ?, ? ? ? ? ?
- ????????? ???????? ?????????? (??, 24/12/2006)
- ?????? ????29??? (??, 26/12/2006 )
- ?? ?????????????
25More examples
- ??PAAG????? (??, 28/12/2006)
- PAAG????? (????, 14/4/2006)
- Polyacrylamide Gel
- (? ? ? ? ? ?)
- Acrylamide Monomer
- (? ? ? ? ? ? ?)
- 30????? ?PAAG???? (??, 12/3/2007)
- PAAG??8???????? (??, 5/4/2007)
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 28/12/2006)
- ?????
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 28/12/2006)
- SO2
- Acrylamide?
- Acrylamide is a chemical that is used to make
polyacrylamide materials. Polyacrylamide is used
in the treatment of drinking-water and waste
water where it is used to remove particles and
other impurities ... Polyacrylamide materials
contain very small amounts of acrylamide. - Problem?
- Acrylamide is known to cause cancer in
animals - Source http//www.who.int/foodsafety/publication
s/chem/acrylamide_faqs/en/ - Related articles
- ??????(Acrylamide)?????????! Sciscape???? Apr 18
2004 http//www.sciscape.org/news_detail.php?news_
id1443 - Mechanism Underlying Formation of Possible Food
Carcinogen Revealed Oct 2 2002 Scientific
American http//www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanIDs
All can be accessed on 11/4/2007
- ????????3? ???????????? (??, 28/12/2006 )
- ???????(TDI)
- ????????? (??, 11/3/2007)
- ???????????? (??, 3/4/2007 )
- ????????3? ???????????? (??, 28/12/2006 )
- ???????(Tolylene diisocyanate,TDI)
- Analysis through GC-MS Source
04020 Accessed on 11/4/2007 -
Source http//www.answers.com/topic/isocyanate-2
accessed on 11/4/2007
29????? (??, 29/12/2006)
- Related news ??????????? (??, 29/12/2006)
30Some more examples
- ?????????? (??. 10/4/2007)
- ??????? ??????? (??, 10/4/2007) hydrogen as
fuel - ?????????? ??????? (?? , 11/4/2007)
31More examples
- ???321??5?? ??30?2???? (??, 5/3/2007)
- ? 321 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (????, 5/3/2007)
- ????1????????? ????
- ????? (??, 1/4/2007)
32More examples Global warming
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13 ? ? ? (????, 14/3/2007)
- ?????????????
- ??????????? (??, 14/3/2007)
- Useful references
- Climate change 2001 Synthesis report
- http//www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/vol4/index.ht
m (accessed on 11/4/2007) - Films
- An Inconvenient Truth
- The Day after Tomorrow
33Some more examples (April, 2007)
- ?????????? ??????? ?????? (??, 1/4/2007)
- ????????? (??, 2/4/2007)
- ????????? (??, 2/4/2007)
- ????????10?? ????????????? (??, 7/4/2007)
34Some more examples (April, 2007)
- ???? ??????? ????5?????? (??, 3/4/2007)
35Some useful urls search engine
- Centre for Food Safety
- http//www.cfs.gov.hk/english/press/press_e.html
- http//www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/press/press_c.html
- Department of Health
- http//www.dh.gov.hk/tc_chi/press/press.html
- http//www.dh.gov.hk/english/press/press.html
- Consumer Council
- http//www.consumer.org.hk/website/ws_en/news/pres
s_releases/list.html - http//www.consumer.org.hk/website/ws_chi/news/pre
All can be accessed on 11/4/2007.
36Local sources (as to date)
- ?? for two days
- http//www.mingpaonews.com/20070411/gbindex.htm
Local news - ???? from Jan 2002 onwards
- http//appledaily.atnext.com/template/apple/archiv
e.cfm - HKASME
- Yearly publications
- Wise news
- http//wisenews.wisers.net/index.jsp
All accessed on 11/4/2007
37Some remarks
Penny Le Couteur 2005 ChemEd
Natural is good man-made is bad
ChemEd 2007 July 29 August 2007 University of
North Texas http//www.chem.unt.edu/chemed07/Secon
38Some remarks
- 2) Generic skills mastered Knowledge gained
- Collaborative
- Critical thinking
- Communication (verbal written)
- And
- Knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge transfer
- Knowledge integration
- ..
39Some remarks
- 3) Worth?
- Thinking in different perspectives (divergent)
- Familiarise the students with unfamiliar
situations - Since articles are chemistry centred explore
more - Teachers work reasonable
40Some remarks
- 4) Other issues may be discussed
- So many poisonous food substances Why???
- May be
- We live in a world so rich that global income
is more than 31 trillion a year. In this world,
the average person in some countries earns more
than 40,000 a year. But in this same world, 2.8
billion people more than half the people in the
developing countries live on less than 700 a
year. Of these, 1.2 billion earn less than 1 a
day. - Source http//www.worldbank.org accessed on
41Some remarks
- 5) Aware of fake science Alkali metals water
- http//video.google.com/videoplay?docid-213426665
4801392897 (accessed on 11/4/2007)
42Some remarks
- P.805 Second last paragraph
- admitted that in an episode claiming to show
a bathtub of water being blown up by caesium and
rubidium, explosives were used instead. - Sky One If youre expecting to see the Open
University, youre on the wrong channel - its priority in executing them was
entertainment. - Nature Volume 445, 22 Feb 2007.
43Some remarks
- 6) Not only for NSS
- Also suitable for HKCEE HKAL
- Can prepare them for examinations
- At least scientific literate
44Final remark
- Get professional support from EDB.
45Thank You