Alternative Energy Sources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alternative Energy Sources


Alternative Energy Sources – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alternative Energy Sources

Alternative Energy Sources
  • Our current primary energy source (fossil fuels)
    is a limited and non-renewable resource.
  • The U.S. wastes as much energy as is used by
    two-thirds of the rest of the worlds population!

  • Simply improving energy efficiency would greatly
    reduce the amount of energy consumed (and
  • As consumers, we can make more economical and
    environmentally conscious decisions.

  • Increasing energy efficiency would have several
    effects, as would the development of renewable
    energy resources
  • reduce energy consumption overall
  • decrease dependence on foreign oil
  • reduce air pollution
  • reduce emissions of greenhouse gases
  • make nonrenewable resources last longer

  • Sustainable development is development that meets
    the needs of the present without compromising the
    ability of future generations to meet their own
  • http//

  • Our best option in conserving energy immediately
    is by improving energy efficiency, however, we
    must also consider converting to alternative
    sources of energy to satisfy future needs.

  • Alternative energy sources are resources that are
    constantly replaced and are usually less
  • They are not the result of the burning of fossil
    fuels or splitting of atoms.
  • The use of renewable energy is contributing to
    our energy supply.
  • Some alternative energy sources are biomass,
    geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, wind power, and
    hydrogen fuel cells.

  • biomass energy or "bioenergy"the energy from
    plants and plant-derived materials.
  • Biomass is renewable energy that is produced from
    organic matter. Biomass fuels include wood and
    forest and mill residues, animal waste, grains,
    agricultural crops, and aquatic plants.

  • Wood is the largest biomass energy resource today
  • Even the fumes from landfills (which are methane,
    a natural gas) can be used as a biomass energy
  • Biomass can be used as a solid fuel, or converted
    into liquid or gaseous forms, for the production
    of electric power, heat, chemicals, or fuels.

Industrial energy and generation of electricity
use mostly byproducts of paper mills and forestry
residues. This combination of plant material is
fired like fossil fuels to create high pressure
steam, which passes through a turbine to generate
electricity. This process can be used on its own
or can be combined with coal firing to reduce
  • The main biomass feedstocks for power are paper
    mill residue, lumber mill scrap, and municipal
  • For biomass fuels, the feedstocks are corn (for
    ethanol) and soybeans (for biodiesel), both
    surplus crops.
  • In the near future, agricultural residues such as
    corn stover (the stalks, leaves, and husks of the
    plant) and wheat straw will also be used.
  • Long-term plans include growing and using
    dedicated energy crops, such as fast-growing
    trees and grasses, that can grow sustainably on
    land that will not support intensive food crops.

  • Ethanol and biodiesel are liquid fuels that can
    replace gasoline or can be added to gasoline to
    reduce harmful emissions.
  • Generally, agricultural byproducts (e.g. corn or
    other food products for ethanol, animal fat and
    vegetable oil for biodiesel) are used to create
    these energy sources.
  • The liquid fuels are produced by degrading plant
    fibers into more simple sugars and starches, then
    fermenting these substances using biocatalysts,
    like yeast, into liquid from.
  • Processing this aqueous solution produces fuel
    grade material that can be used directly or can
    be used to create other fuels or electricity.

  • With more use of biomass at lower production
    costs and better technology, the United States
    could generate as much as four-and-a-half times
    more biopower by 2020.
  • One source estimates that biomass will have the
    largest increase among renewable energy sources,
    rising by 80 percent and reaching 65.7 billion
    kWh in 2020.
  • http//

  • Distribution Biomass provides 4 of total
    energy supply (47 of renewable energy). It
    accounts for 15 of the worlds energy use.
  • Cost Because all of the raw materials for
    biomass fuel sources can be found in the US the
    cost of acquiring the unrefined materials is far
    less than for foreign oil. The transportation
    and processing of the raw materials is
    approximately the same for the two types of fuel,
    but biomass energy has far fewer hidden costs to
    human health and environmental health.

Biomass, advantages
  • biomass energy has the potential to greatly
    reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Burning biomass releases about the same amount of
    carbon dioxide as burning fossil fuels. However,
    fossil fuels release carbon dioxide captured by
    photosynthesis millions of years agoan
    essentially "new" greenhouse gas. Biomass, on the
    other hand, releases carbon dioxide that is
    largely balanced by the carbon dioxide captured
    in its own growth (depending how much energy was
    used to grow, harvest, and process the fuel).

Biomass, advantages
  • far less SO2, NO, and NO2 produced than fossil
  • reduce dependence on foreign oil because biofuels
    are the only renewable liquid transportation
    fuels available.
  • supports U.S. agricultural and forest-product
  • renewable as long as rate of consumption doesnt
    exceed rate of replenishment

Biomass, advantages
  • can be sustainable if issues of deforestation,
    soil erosion, and inefficiency of burning are
  • could supply half of the worlds electrical
    energy needs
  • biomass plantations can be supported in many
    areas that are undesirable for other uses and can
    restore degraded land (up to 200 million acres in
    the US could support biomass)
  • reduces impact on landfills

Biomass, disadvantages
  • currently the use of biomass is unregulated
    causing the rate of consumption to exceed the
    rate of replenishment
  • requires adequate water, pesticide and fertilizer
    sources (which have environmental implications of
    their own)
  • can cause deforestation if acres of virgin forest
    are removed to make room for biomasss plantations

Biomass, disadvantages
  • soil erosion associated with monoculture crops
    and large farm equipment
  • loss of wildlife habitats
  • inefficient methods of burning can cause air
  • expensive to transport
  • process of converting biomass to electricity has
    only 30 efficiency

  • There are a variety of technologies that have
    been developed to take advantage of solar energy.
    These include
  • Concentrating solar power systems Using the
    sun's heat to produce electricity.
  • Passive solar heating and daylighting Using
    solar energy to heat and light buildings.
  • Photovoltaic (solar cell) systems Producing
    electricity directly from sunlight.
  • Solar hot water Heating water with solar
  • Solar process heat and space heating and cooling
    Industrial and commercial uses of the sun's

  • Passive solar heating systems use no mechanical
    equipment at all but can only be used for heating
    and cooling, not actual electricity. This
    involves the proper design of houses and
    buildings, which allows them to absorb and store
    heat from the same methods as above to acquire
    heat, but then have fans or pumps which evenly
    distribute the sun directly. Some things that
    can help accomplish this are energy-efficient
    windows, greenhouses, and sunspaces facing the
    sun. Also, walls and floors of concrete, adobe,
    brick, stone, salt-treated timber, and water in
    55 gallon drum buckets absorb heat and release it
  • Active solar heating systems use the heat but
    then have fans or pumps which evenly distribute
    the heat

Solar Power
  • Photovoltaic cells produce electricity directly
    from solar energy. They are made of an
    ultra-thin semiconductor, which is energized by
    the sun causing the electrons in it to flow.
    This creates a tiny electrical current, and when
    many of these cells are used together enough
    electricity is produced to power things.

  • One source estimates that the domestic
    photovoltaic (PV) industry could provide up to
    15 of new U.S. peak electricity capacity that is
    expected to be required in 2020.
  • Solar energy could supply up to 17 of the
    worlds energy. However, there are parts of the
    world where sunlight is not available for long
    enough durations to make this an efficient energy

Solar, advantages
  • supply of solar energy is limitless and free
  • reduces reliance on foreign oil imports
  • pollution is nonexistent creates new jobs and
  • no environmental impact
  • can store energy during the day and release it at

Solar, disadvantages
  • inefficient in areas where sunlight is limited or
  • home and centralized systems are expensive
  • maintenance costs are high systems deteriorate
    and must be replaced
  • visual pollution
  • efficiency is only 10 25
  • needs backup or storage systems

Wind Power
  • As wind passes through the blades of a windmill,
    the blades spin. The shaft that is attached to
    the blades turns and powers a pump or turns a
    generator to produce electricity. Electricity is
    then stored in batteries.
  • Turbines clustered together create a wind farm.
  • The speed of the wind and the size of the blades
    determine how much energy can be produced.

Wind Power
  • Right now wind only produces about 1 of the
    energy used in the US, but it is the most rapidly
    growing alternative energy source, and is
    expected to contribute to 5 of the US energy
    needs by 2020.
  • Currently it costs about 3.5-5 cents per kilowatt
    hour to use wind generated electricity, but
    because of government subsidies the price is
    expected to drop to about 2.5 cents per kilowatt
    hour, making it the countrys cheapest source of

Wind Power, advantages
  • unlimited source
  • wind farms can be quickly built
  • maintenance is low and is automated
  • moderate to high net-energy yield

Wind Power, advantages
  • no pollution
  • production of wind turbines would boost the
  • land underneath turbines can still be used for
  • efficient in windier parts of the country. The
    Midwestern US has the greatest potential for wind
    generated power.

Wind Power, disadvantages
  • steady wind is required to make it economical
  • backup systems needed when wind isnt blowing
  • visual pollution
  • noise pollution
  • interferes with flight patterns of birds
  • may interfere with radio, TV, and microwave

  • Geothermal energy uses heat from within the
  • In some places this heat is used directly to heat
    homes and greenhouses, or to provide process heat
    for businesses or industries. Reykjavik, Iceland
    is heated by geothermal energy.
  • Most geothermal resources are concentrated in the
    western part of the United States.

Types of Geothermal Energy
  • Direct use and district heating systems use hot
    water from springs or reservoirs near the
  • Electricity generation power plants use high
    temperature (300 to 700F) water or steam to
    turn turbine and generate electricity. Usually
    use geothermal reservoirs found a mile or two
    below the surface.
  • Geothermal heat pumps (GHP) use stable ground or
    water temperatures near the Earth's surface to
    control building temperatures above ground.

Direct Use of Geothermal Energy
  • Cooking
  • Bathing
  • Heating
  • Healing

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Geothermal for Power Generation
  • The earths mantle is composed of molten rock,
    which contains a vast amount of heat. The rock
    and groundwater in earths crust is close enough
    to this magma to absorb a lot of heat from it.
    Most of this heat is stored in geothermal
    reservoirs, which are collections of hot water
    trapped in cracks and porous rock. This can form
    hot dry-rock zones, pockets of underground dry
    steam (with no water droplets), wet steam, and
    hot water. When these reservoirs are close
    enough to the surface the steam can be tapped to
    provide electricity directly by powering a
    turbine, then the steam could be cooled and
    pumped back into the ground.

Geothermal Power Generation
  • Common near plate boundaries (near volcanoes and
    areas where earthquakes are common fault lines)
  • With technological improvements much more power
    could be generated from hydrothermal resources.
    Scientists have been experimenting by pumping
    water into the hot dry rock that is 3-6 miles
    everywhere below the earths surface for use in
    geothermal power plants.

Geothermal Power Generation
  • Drilling to the site of the geothermal reservoir,
    and constructing the plant used to convert the
    heat energy to electricity are expensive, but not
    much more so than coal fired plants or nuclear
  • Only 22 countries currently extract geothermal
    energy to produce 1 of the worlds total energy
    supply (the US accounts for 38 of this energy
    produced). There are very specific places where
    the geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the
    surface to be tapped

Geothermal Power Generation
  • Geothermal plants release less than 1 of the
    carbon dioxide emissions of a fossil fuel plant.
  • They emit 97 less acid rain-causing sulfur
    compounds than are emitted by fossil fuel plants.
  • After the steam and water from a geothermal
    reservoir have been used, they are injected back
    into the Earth.

Geothermal Powerplants, advantages
  • moderate net-energy yield
  • limitless and reliable source if managed
  • little air pollution
  • competitive cost

Geothermal Power Plants, disadvantages
  • reservoir sites are scarce for geothermal power
  • source can be depleted if not managed well
  • noise
  • odor

Geothermal Power Plants, disadvantages
  • may cause land to sink
  • local climatic changes
  • land damage involved for construction of pipes
    and roads
  • can degrade ecosystems due to hot water wastes
    and corrosive or saline water

Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Geothermal heat pumps use shallow ground energy
    to heat and cool homes almost anywhere.
  • A few feet beneath the Earths surface, the
    ground and groundwater temperature remains
    relatively constant throughout the year. At a
    depth of six feet, the soil temperature in most
    of the world stays between 45 F and 70 F, even
    though the air temperature may fluctuate greatly.
  • Geothermal heat pumps are more commonly used in
    this area, as compared to geothermal electrical
    power plants.

Geothermal Heat Pump
  • Heat is absorbed from the ground by a fluid
    circulating through a series of pipes.
  • The heat is then concentrated and released inside
    the home.
  • The process is reversed in the summer time, so
    heat from the home is expelled into the loop
    (series of pipes) and absorbed by the earth.

Geothermal Heat Pump
  • Thus geothermal heat pumps can be used in place
    of both a furnace and an air conditioner!
  • requires little maintenance or attention from

Geothermal Heat Pump
  • 75 more efficient than oil furnaces
  • U.S. Is world leader in using geothermal power
    to generate electricity.
  • In 2008, U.S. geothermal power plants produced
    14.86 billion kilowatt-hours, or 0.4 of total
    U.S. electricity generation.

Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Disadvantages
  • Costs more to install than conventional heating
  • Older systems contain chlorodifluoromethane,
    which is harmful if leaked depletes the ozone
  • Advantages
  • Pays for itself in 3-10 years
  • Energy efficient
  • Environmentally clean
  • Cost-effective

  • Hydroelectric (hydropower) energy employs the
    force of falling water to drive
    turbine-generators to produce electricity.

  • In large and small scale hydropower a dam is
    built across a river or stream creating a
    reservoir. This creates stored potential energy.
    The water then passes through the dam in a
    controlled manner turning a turbine, which
    produces energy. The water then continues on its
    path downstream.

  • In pumped-storage hydropower there are two dams,
    one at a much higher elevation than the other.
    It uses the surplus of energy in times of low
    demand to pump some of the water in the first
    reservoir into the higher reservoir. Then, when
    more electricity is needed water in the upper
    reservoir is released over a generator in that
    dam and then released over the lower generator as
    well. This way the same water produces twice as
    much electricity.

  • Hydropower supplies about 6 of the worlds total
    energy (4 in the US) and 20 of the worlds
    electricity (10 in the US). This is a very
    popular from of energy in developing nations
  • Hydropower produces more electricity than any
    other alternative energy sources.
  • Once the actual dam is built, the cost of
    maintaining a hydroelectric plant is relatively
    small. In the US the cost of this form of energy
    is estimated at 4 cents per kilowatt hour
    (compared to 3.5-6 cents for natural gas, 3.5-5
    cents for wind, 4-7 cents for geothermal, 5-6
    cents for coal, 10-21 cents for nuclear power,
    and 20 cents for solar cells).

Hydropower, advantages
  • dams control flooding low operating and
    maintenance costs
  • no polluting waste products
  • long life spans
  • moderate to high net useful energy yield

Hydropower, disadvantages
  • Dams create large flooded areas, destroy wildlife
    habitats, and uproot people
  • they are expensive to build
  • decrease the natural fertilization of prime
    agricultural land in river valleys below the
    dams, and trap sediment keep fish from migrating

Hydropower, disadvantages
  • falling water may pick up nitrogen gas and kill
  • destroys the aesthetic value of the river
  • It has been estimated that hydroelectric power
    will decline from 389 billion kWh in the U.S. in
    1999 to 298 billion kWh in 2020 because most of
    the best sites for hydropower have already been
    developed and because of concerns about the
    adverse impact that large-scale hydroelectric
    facilities may have on the environment

Other Types of Hydropower
  • Ocean Power
  • Wave Power
  • Tidal Power

Ocean Power
  • Oceans cover more than 70 of the Earth and
    contain both thermal energy from the suns heat
    and mechanical energy from the tides and waves.

Ocean Power
  • Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) converts
    solar radiation to electric power. OTEC power
    plants use the difference in temperature between
    warm surface waters heated by the sun and colder
    waters found at ocean depths to generate

Wave Power
  • Wave energy conversion extracts energy from
    surface waves, from pressure fluctuations below
    the water surface, or from the full wave. Wave
    energy uses the interaction of winds with the
    ocean surface. This technology is still in the
    exploratory phases in the United States.
  • Islay Wave Power Station (shown at left) is in
    Scotland first commercial wave power station in

Wave Power
  • Underwater turbines are devices that act like
    underwater windmills, with blades that rotate as
    the tide flows through them
  • Another way to harness wave power is shown here

tionFORMBIFDfocal 15721e5058757f2445ed50b559fb
Tidal Power
  • The power of tides can be harnessed to produce
    electricity. Tidal energy works from the power of
    changing tides but it needs large tidal
    differences. The tidal process utilizes the
    natural motion of the tides to fill reservoirs,
    which are then slowly discharged through
    electricity-producing turbines.

Rance Tidal Power Station, France First tidal
power station in world!
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
  • Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that
    produce electricity through a chemical reaction.
  • Scientists are exploring ways that they could be
    used as a power source for nearly exhaust-free
    automobiles and how they can be used as
    electricity-generating plants.

(No Transcript)
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Hydrogen Fuel Cell, advantages
  • Fuel cells are rechargeable
  • Easy to maintain with no moving parts
  • No environmental pollution low/no emissions
  • Virtually no noise
  • Efficient
  • Hydrogen is a safe fuel (disperses easily, only
    explosive if in confined space so needs to be
    regulated properly, not environmentally

Hydrogen Fuel Cell, disadvantages
  • The high cost of manufacturing fuel cells has
    prevented the mass use of this valuable energy
  • It costs more to produce the hydrogen than is
    saved by using hydrogen fuel cells
  • Prototype fuel cells dont last long enough to be
  • Hydrogen fuel cells for cars are generally too
    big to be practical. They would also need to be
    insulated for safety and to prevent evaporation
    of hydrogen
  • There is nowhere, as yet, to fill up when the
    hydrogen evaporates

Hydrogen Fuel Cells
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Nuclear Power
  • Not truly an alternative energy source as defined
    at the beginning because it involves splitting
    the atom
  • Light water reactors have a fuel rod within the
    core of the reactor that is made up of 97 U-238
    and 3 U-235, which sustain a controlled fission
    reaction. Control rods made of materials like
    graphite are moved in and out of the core to
    absorb excess neutrons that would accelerate the
    reaction. The heat generated by this reaction is
    used to heat water. The steam then powers a
    turbine to create electricity.

Nuclear Power
  • Nuclear Reaction
  • 235U 1 neutron 2 neutrons 92Kr 142Ba
  • A single U-235 atom releases approximately 200
    MeV (million electron volts). A pound (0.45 kg)
    of uranium produces power roughly equivalent to a
    million gallons of gasoline.

Nuclear Power
  • When a U-235 atom splits, it releases an
    incredible amount of heat and gamma radiation
    (made of high-energy photons, capable of
    disrupting your DNA).
  • The two products of a fission reaction weigh less
    than the original U-235 atom. The lost mass is
    actually converted into energy, according to the
    equation E mc2.

Nuclear Power
  • Scroll down to see nuclear reaction in action!
  • http//
  • Shows schematic of nuclear power plant.
  • http//

Nuclear Power
  • Uranium-235 isn't the only possible fuel for a
    power plant. Another fissionable material is
    plutonium-239. Plutonium-239 is created by
    bombarding U-238 with neutrons.

Nuclear Power
  • Breeder reactors perform the same activity, but
    they also create more nuclear fuel than they
    consume by converting the U-238 into Pu-239
    throughout the reaction.
  • There was a brief boom in the creation of nuclear
    energy plants when the technology was newer, the
    Price-Anderson Act protected plants from
    liability, and the government was subsidizing
    their construction. However, now concerns over
    accidents like Chernobyl and Three Mile Island
    combined with controversy over where to store
    radioactive nuclear waste have caused the
    popularity of nuclear energy to diminish.

Nuclear Power, advantages
  • no air pollution
  • releases only about one sixth the CO2 of fossil
    fuel plants, thus reducing global warming
  • release less radioactivity than coal fired plants
  • water pollution low
  • disruption of land is low to moderate

Nuclear Power, disadvantages
  • safety hazard
  • nuclear waste products
  • lifetime of plants is only 15 to 40 years
  • plants are expensive to build and run

Nuclear Power, disadvantages
  • high malfunction rate
  • public fear
  • uranium is a limited resource

Some Sources
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
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