Title: Distributed-Queue%20Access%20for%20Wireless%20Ad%20Hoc%20Networks
1Distributed-Queue Access for Wireless Ad Hoc
- Authors V. Baiamonte, C. Casetti, C.-F.
Chiasserini - Dipartimento di Elettronica,
- Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
- From
- Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications and
Networks (EWCN 2004) - Yuhe-yi Wang
- Jan 3, 2006
- 802.11 Wireless MAC
- 802.6 DQDB
- Proposed Method -DQDC
- Simulation Result
- Conclusion
3802.11 Wireless MAC-Overview
- Defines MAC and PHY layers for a LAN with
wireless connectivity
4802.11 Architecture
- Can be with/without infrastructure support
- With
- A centralized controller for each cell, AP
- Without
- Each node is a Station.
- Each communicates directly with each other.
- Mobile ad-hoc configuration mode
5802.11- Two access control services
- contention-based
- DCF Distributed Coordination Function
- contention-free access control services
- PCF -- Point Coordination Function
- polling principle
- Centralized MAC algorithm
- Basic access method of IEEE 802.11
- Specifies the use of CSMA with CA
- Carrier Senses
- Every node senses the carries before transmitting
- If the node detects carrier then defers
transmitting - Multiple Access
- Transmissions by one node are generally
received by all other nodes using the medium
7CSMA/Collision Avoidance
- Each node must inform other nodes of an intent to
transmit - CSMA/CA With RTS/CTS
- When station A wishes to transmit to station B,
it sends a Request-to-Send (RTS) packet to B - Destination Length of Message
- If station B hears the RTS, and it is not
currently deferring, it immediately replies with
a Clear-to-Send(CTS) packet to A
- Any station overhearing an RTS defers all
transmissions until some time after the
associated CTS packet world have finished - random backoff period
- NAV (Network Allocation Vector)
- alerts all others to back off for a duration of
the transmission
4-way handshake
9Introduction to Interframe Space Concept
- DIFS Distributed InterFrame Space
- SIFS Short InterFrame Space
10Basic Transmission Algorithm
11DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus)
- MAC layer specified in IEEE 802.6 standard used
in wired MANs. - Can be 30 miles long with 34155 Mbps
- Composed of 2 bus lines with stations attached to
12Function of DQDB
- Transmitting Data
- Node acquires slot
- Sets header
- Copies data into slot
- Cells propagate to end of bus
- (absorbed by sink)
- Copied by intended destination on way
13Proposed Method-DQDC
- Distributed Queue Dual Channel
- Propose a MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc
networks - Key idea
- relies on DCF scheme with DQDB protocol
- 2 separate channels a control and a data
- Objective
- to achieve 100 utilization of the data channel,
- minimizing the collision probability on it.
- Simulation result by ns-2
14DQDC Overview
- Data channel
- Data frames, and ACKs
- Control channel
- STA contend for future access to data channel
- Successful STA stored into a virtual distributed
queue system - only switch to data channel when at the top of
the queue
15DQDC scheme
16DQDC in Detail
- each STA maintains 2 counters
- Access Counter (AC)
- Countdown Counter (CC)
- Access Counter (AC)
- a global counter that
- every time a successful contention on control
channel - -- each transmission on data channel
17DQDC in Detail (contd.)
- Countdown Counter (CC)
- associated with a single data frame waiting to be
transmitted - reset to current AC value while winning a
control-channel contention. - -- when start of a transmission on data channel
- 1 the station is up next for transmits
18More Than one Frame to Send
- How about STA with several frames to send?
- Allowed to occupy more entries at once in the
virtual queue. - local vector to store each pending AC.
- CC will be reset to 0 or set to the value for the
next entry.
19Data Channel Access Scheme
20Control Channel Access Scheme
21Low-traffic Contention
- AC counting down to 0
- Original counter mechanism doesnt work for
contention - Solution
- post-backoff phase
- backoff counter to down count if NO transmission
on DATA - decrease to 0 allows to transmit
22Missed Transmission Opportunities
- What if STA that won the contention is turned
off? - Can be detected when
- idle channel more than SIFSSIFS following the
ACK - AC is gt 0
- Solution
- Decrement AC, CC as if the transmission had
23Simulation Results-Scenario
- Simple Network Scenario
- 4 stations, which communicate in pairs.
- Ad Hoc Mode
- All within radio proximity
- Trans. Rate
- Data 11 Mbps
- Control 1 Mbps
- No multihop trans
24Simulation Results-Throughput
25Simulation Results-Packet Delay
26Simulation Results-Energy per Successful Packet
- Proposed DQDC
- bases DCF DQDB (two buses) key idea
- Goal
- achieving 100 utilization of the data channel,
minimizing the collision probability on it. - DQDC Performance in throughput, delay, energy
better than standard DCF - Issue
- Simulation needs to consider more complex