Introduction to Quantum Mechanics AEP3610 Professor Scott Heinekamp - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics AEP3610 Professor Scott Heinekamp


Title: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics AEP3610 Professor Scott Heinekamp Author: Scotth Last modified by: Scotth Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics AEP3610 Professor Scott Heinekamp

Making more complicated atoms starting with He
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle allows for at most 2
    electrons in a spatial energy eigenstate y(r)
    (spin-up, spin-down)
  • the nucleus provides Coulomb potential energy of
    charge Ze
  • the overall electron wavefunction is y(r)csm
  • all spin operators commute with all space
  • lets start to make atoms by filling in
  • He n 1, s state, with 2 electrons in it,
    y(r) R10(r)Y00(q,f), we put electron 1 into
    the space state and electron 2 into the same
    space state and then build the symmetric

The ground state of He
  • how else might we do it? Build the antisymmetric
    space y(r)
  • one refers to this as the paired-spin (updown)
    2-electron state

The first excited state of He
  • Knock 1 electron up to n 2, l 0 and leave
    electron 2 where it was, in n 1, l 0 (so one
    is 1s and the second is 2s)
  • spin states are both TBD at the moment
  • now, should we build the symmetric space combo
    or the anti?
  • the unexcited electron is nearer the nucleus and
    is said to shield the nuclear charge from the
    excited electron, thereby reducing the Coulomb
    attraction with the excited electron, thereby
    raising (making less negative) the energy

Parahelium the three first excited states
  • in the antisymmetric space combo, the electrons
    are further apart, so shielding is less
    successful? this is the lower-energy solution
  • therefore spin is symmetric ? parahelium comes
    as triplets
  • the space wavefunction for parahelium
  • and of course the full wavefunction is to be
    multiplied by one of the three symmetric
    two-electron spinors s 1, m 1, 0, 1
  • we will shortly adjust the notation to
    accommodate both L and S

Orthohelium the sole second excited state
  • in the symmetric space combo the electrons are
    closer together, so the shielding is more
    complete, and the excited electron is not bound
    so tightly the effect is small but sufficient
    that the energy is larger
  • therefore spin is antisymmetric ? orthohelium
    comes as a singlet
  • the space function for orthohelium (multiply by
    spinor s 0 m 0)

Finding ground states for more-electron atoms
  • the n 1 shell is now full with its two
    electrons up down ?
  • more precisely, the n 1 shell is full, as is
    its l 0 orbital, with the helium ground state
    spatial and spin-singlet wavefunction
  • one can say that both 1s orbitals are occupied
  • now let L be the total orbital ang mom quantum
    number and S be the total spin quantum number, so
    here we have L 0 and S 0
  • the next electron has to go into the 2s orbital
    but it can choose l 0 2s or l 1 2p.
  • Which to choose? SHIELDING gives the way!!
  • in general, the lowest l electrons are closest
    to the nucleus and so they are not shielded so
    well, so their energy is lower ? s, then p
  • Li and Be thus fill up the 2s orbital
  • Li is hydrogen-like plus it has the third
    electron in the 2s orbital
  • to generate its fully antisymmetric wavefunction
    we resort to the Slater determinant
  • for He, the Slater determinant is that of a 2 x
    2 matrix

The Slater determinant for He and Li
  • for helium ground state the determinant captures
    both terms
  • for lithium ground state we can express full
    wavefunction fw as a determinant to capture all
    six terms (put third electron up in 2s)

The overall antisymmetry is tangled up in
  • the 2s electron was chosen to be up arbitrarily
  • not at all expressible separably!!
  • there is a certain cyclicity in the spin
  • beyond element three it gets rapidly more
  • notice, though, that if you exchange any
    coordinate with any other, you get a sign flip
  • the remaining elements for n 2 fill up as
    Hunds rules govern, getting you to element 10
    (Ne) ? Now the n 2 shell is full and all three
    orbitals (1s 2s 2p) are filled and, in
    addition, are said to have no unpaired spins
  • thus, the TOTAL spin is zero S 0, and the
    TOTAL L 0 too!
  • how did we get there, in more detail?

Term symbols and spectroscopic notation
  • for historical reasons we use term symbols to
    denote the ground state electron configurations
  • L is the total orbital angular momentum quantum
    number, so
  • it is denoted by letters S, P, D,
  • S is the total spin angular momentum quantum
    number, so
  • the z-component quantum numbers obey the usual
    rules range from (e.g. for L) ML L, (L
    1), ., (L 1), L
  • similar for z-components of total spin quantum
    number MS
  • multiplicity is 2S1 which is the number of MS
  • finally, J is the sum of spin plus orbital
    quantum number and it and MJ too obey the same
    kinds of rules as L and S and ML and MS
  • MJ can range from L S up to L S but not
    our concern here
  • the trick is sorting out what J is going to be
    in terms of L and S

Hunds rules for filling electron levels
  • All states must be antisymmetric in exchange of
    any spin pair!
  • singlet spins antiparallel ? paired (so
    antisymmetric in spin)
  • triplet spins parallel ? unpaired (so
    antisymmetric in space)
  • First rule other things being equal, the state
    with highest S has the lowest energy this means
    that spins tend to fill in by lining up
  • also called the bus seat rule
  • physical cause shielding is worst in this
    case.. a tricky quantum mechanics problem
  • Second rule For a given spin configuration,
    the state with the largest L will have the lowest
  • physical cause electrons orbiting in opposite
    directions tend to bump into each other more
    often, thus more repulsion energy
  • Third rule if a subshell (n, l) is up to and
    including half filled, then the lowest energy
    state has J L S if it is more than
    half-filled, the lowest energy state has J L
  • physical cause spin-orbit coupling (a magnetic

Applying Hunds rules to simple atoms Z 1 to 6
  • in general, empty or filled shells tend to have
    the simplest term symbols noble gases always
    have 1S0? S L J 0
  • closed shells (or subshells) will be denoted by
    the atom and so only the subsequent electrons
    need to be analyzed
  • both electron configuration (ShellSubshell) and
    term symbol
  • H (1s) ? one s electron so S ½ , L 0 ?
  • He (1s)2 ? two (singlet/paired) s electrons S
    0, L 0 ? 1S0
  • Li (He)(2s) ? one s electron so S ½ , L 0 ?
  • Be (He)(2s) 2 ? two (singlet/paired) s
    electrons S 0, L 0 ? 1S0
  • now the fun begins!!
  • B (Be)(2p) ? one p electron S ½ , L 1 ?
    2P1/2 H3
  • C (Be)(2p)2 ? two (triplet/unpaired) p
    electrons S 1, L 1 ? 3P0
  • Huh?? Why not L 2 to obey H2 (would imply m
    1 for both)? But we cant have both of the p
    electrons have m 1, since they are in the same
    spin state ? one has m 1, one has m 0 to
    optimize H2 consistent with PEP so via H3 J
    L S 1 1 0

Continuing along the shell n 2 up to Z 10
  • N (Be)(2p)3 ? three (unpaired, so spin
    symmetric) p electrons S 3/2 , L 0 m 1,
    0, 1 ? 4S3/2
  • catching on yet? This one was the most
  • O (Be)(2p)4 ? four (two paired, two not) p
    electrons S 1, L 1 m 1, 0 ? 3P2 used
    version II of H3 here to get J
  • F (Be)(2p)5 ? five (four paired, one not) p
    electrons S 1/2 , L 1 m 1 ? 2P3/2 used
    version II of H3 here to get J
  • Ne (Be)(2p)6 ? six (all paired) p electrons S
    0, L 0 ? 1S0
  • we have now filled the second shell all the way
    up to Z 10
  • from here on out to Z 18 (Ar) we fill 3s shell
    and then 3p shell just as before and all term
    symbols are the same.. Ar is closed shell
  • then, instead of filling 3d subshell, 4s fills
    next, up to Z 20 (Ca) which is a closed
    subshell ? 1S0
  • now the 3d shells start to fill the
    transition metals have begun, starting with Z
    21 (Sc) and ending with closed-subshell Z 30
  • lets do these 10 and call it a day..

Continuing along the shell n 3 up to Z 27
  • Sc (Ca)(3d) ? one d electron S ½ , L 2 ?
    2D3/2 H3
  • Ti (Ca)(3d)2 ? two (triplet/unpaired) d
    electrons S 1, L 3 ? 3F2 m 2, 1 due to
    PEP, as for carbon
  • V (Ca)(3d)3 ? three (all unpaired so spin
    symmetric) d electrons S 3/2, L 3 m 2, 1,
    0 ? 4F3/2
  • the next one (Z 24, Cr) is very anamalous!
    one of the 4s electrons moves into the 3d
    orbital, so we have (here, and for Cu)
  • Cr (Ar)(4s)(3d)5 ? one unpaired s electron and
    five (all unpaired so spin symmetric) d
    electrons S 3, L 0 m 2, 1,0 1, 2 ? 7S3
    used version II of H3 here to get J
  • Mn (Be)(3d)5 ? five (all unpaired so spin
    symmetric) d electrons S 5/2 and L 0 why?
    ? 6S5/2 halfway there!
  • Fe (Be)(3d)6 ? six (two paired so spin
    antisymmetric, four not)
  • easiest way to deal with it is to work from Ms
    and add one d electron with opposite spin S 2,
    L 2 ? 5D4
  • Co (Be)(3d)7 ? Like Mn but with two opposite d
    electrons S 3/2, L 3 m 2, 1? 4F9/2

Most of the rest of the story
  • interlude these large numbers of of unpaired
    electrons give rise to ferromagnetism (exhibited
    by Fe, Co and Ni) the spins magnetic moments
    communicate to nearby spins ? they line up too ?
    whole sample is macroscopically spin-aligned a
    huge magnetic dipole!
  • Ni (Be)(2p)8 ? Like Mn but with three opposite
    d electrons S 1, L 3 m 2, 1, 0? 3F4
  • Cu (Ar)(4s)(2p)10 ? Like Cr so d subshell is
    closed S ½ thanks to the s electron L 0 m
    2, 1, 0, 1, 2 ? 2S1/2
  • Zn (Be)(2p)10 ? d subshell is closed S 0, L
    0 ? 1S0
  • now the 4p subshell start to fill with exactly
    the same pattern as previously seen for the
    filling of a p subshell up to Z 36 (Kr)
  • next comes subshell 5s 4d transitions (with a
    Cr-like anamoly) 5p up to Z 54 (Xe)
  • next comes subshell 6s 4f (one 5d leaks in at
    first the lanthanides 5d transitions 6p up
    to Z 86 (Rn)
  • similar thing for 7s, 5f (the actinides) stop
    at Z 92 (U) why?
  • most horrid term symbol is Neptunium
    Ra(5f)4(6d)1 ? 6L11/2

Most of the rest of the story
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