Quantum Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quantum Physics


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics
Quantum Theory
  • Max Planck, examining heat radiation (ir light)
    proposes energy is quantized, or occurring in
    discrete small packets with a definite minimum
    value. (1901)
  • All energy amounts were multiple of a certain
    constant, called Plancks constant h with a value
    of 6.63 x 10-34 Js
  • Energy of radiation, E hf

Max Planck 1858-1947
The Photoelectric Effect
  • Hertz observed spark discharges improved with
    illumination (1898)
  • Illumination of metal by electromagnetic
    radiation causes emission of electrons
  • Could not be explained by wave theory
  • Frequency of e-m radiation determines if emission
    occurs, not intensity

The Photoelectric Effect
  • Each metal has minimum energy that must be
    supplied by light before emission occurs called
    the work function of the metal.
  • Each metal found to have cutoff frequency of
    incident light below which no emission occurs, no
    matter how intense the light
  • Only particle theory of light could explain this

Einsteins Explanation
  • Light consists of stream of massless particles
    called photons having energy hf, moving along
    electromagnetic waves (1905)
  • When photon strikes electron, it gives up all its
    energy to the electron
  • If hf gt w (work function of metal), emission

Einsteins Explanation
  • Light intensity makes no difference if frequency
    is below a threshold frequency, ft
  • Work function of metal h ft
  • Max. electron kinetic energy hf - hft
  • Einstein won Nobel Prize for explanation

Albert Einstein 1879-1955
Laws of Photoelectric Emission
  • Rate of emission is directly proportional to
    intensity of incident light
  • Kinetic energy of photoelectrons is independent
    of intensity of incident light.
  • Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons varies
    directly with difference between frequency of
    incident light and cutoff frequency of metal

Compton Shift
  • Aurthur Compton sent X-rays into graphite
  • X-rays scattered by collisions with electrons
    showed longer wavelength and lower energy
  • Energy and momentum transferred from photon to
  • Further support for particle nature of light

The Compton Shift
Arthur Compton 1892-1962
The Quantized Atom
  • Rutherfords discovery of nucleus (1911) led to
    solar system model of atom
  • Orbiting electrons contradicted e-m theory
  • Niels Bohr (1913) proposed model of atom with
    electron orbits based on quantized energy states
  • Difference between energy states always some
    multiple of Plancks constant

Light Emission
  • Electrons can absorb energy and jump to higher
    energy level
  • When electrons fall to lower level, photon is
    emitted whose energy equals difference in the
    energy of the two levels
  • Since frequency depends on energy, different
    energy changes cause different colors
    (frequencies) of light emitted

Niels Bohr 1885-1962
Ernst Rutherford 1871-1937
Line Spectra
  • Unique structure of each element results in
    unique pattern of emission lines for each element
    allowing identification by spectroscopy
  • When light passes through the element (usually as
    a low pressure gas) same frequencies are absorbed
    from the spectrum

Continuous Spectrum
  • When atoms are crowded together in a solid or
    dense gas, available energy levels are so
    numerous, all light frequencies are emitted
  • White light is seen and when dispersed by a prism
    or diffraction grating, all colors are seen

The Hydrogen Spectrum
  • Hydrogen spectrum first to be analyzed
  • Visible emission lines predicted and observed by
    Balmer called Balmer series.
  • 6 uv emission lines (Lyman series) and 4 ir lines
    (Paschen series) discovered later.

Matter and Waves
  • de Broglie proposed wave-particle duality applied
    to matter particles, photons must have momentum
  • E hf mc2 so mc h/l , photon momentum
  • l h/mv , wavelength of particle with mass m and
    velocity v

Louis de Broglie 1892-1987
Matter and Waves
  • All matter has wave properties but for large
    objects, wavelength is too small to be observed
  • Wave nature of electron explains why only some
    orbits are stable standing wave must fit in
  • Whole number of wavelengths must equal
    circumference of orbit

Matter Waves
(No Transcript)
X-Ray Production
  • Reverse of photoelectric effect
  • High energy electron beam strike metal causing
    emission of photons
  • EK hfmax - w
  • Frequency of photon depends on speed of electron

Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976
The Uncertainty Principle (Heisenberg, 1927)
  • It is impossible to simultaneously measure
    particles position and momentum accurately
  • Measurement of one quantity changes the other
  • Electrons location can only be described by

Erwin Schrödinger 1887-1961
The Wave Function
  • Schrödinger (1926) proposed wave function (?)
    that describes subatomic particles
  • Probability of electrons location can be found
    using the wave function
  • Electron orbitals are probability distributions
    called electron clouds
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