Title: Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
1Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Dr C. V. S. Subrahmanyam
Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy
2Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Objectives of this session
The participant shall be able to
- Explain the concepts of noncompartment
- model
- Explain the differences between
- compartment and noncompartment models
- Describe different pharmacokinetic
- parameters in noncompartment model
3Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Noncompartmen model pharmacokinetics is a new
approach devised to study the time course of
drug in the body based on the statistical moment
Model independent method
Overcomes some of the drawbacks associated with
classical compartment modeling
Peak plasma drug concentration, Cmax
Time of peak concentration, tmax
Area under the curve, AUC
4Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Graphic method
Equation Cmax is a function of several factors
F KaD Cmax (e-k10tmax
e-katmax) V1(ka k10)
5Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
First point Cmax
It raises a question about the measurement of
true Cmax, because of insufficient
early sampling times
It requires a carefully chosen pilot study
Early time points between 3 to 15 minutes
Followed by additional sample collection (two to
five) in the first hour
6Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Graphic method
Eq tmax is a function of several factors
2.303 log (ka /k10) tmax
(ka k10)
Area of one trapezoid (1/2)(Cn-1 Cn)(tn
Area under the curve, AUC ?(areas of the
8Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
9Noncompartment Model AUC
Ct AUC0? AUC0t ?Z
Where Ct last measurable Ct, ?g/ml
?Z termination elimination rate constant, h-1
Elimination rate constant is calculated
10Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Useful for estimating certain pharmacokinetic par
ameters without specifically referring to any
Estimating PK parameters
Apparent volume of distribution
Fraction of dose of drug absorbed
Mean absorption time
Mean resident time,
Average plasma steady state conc. of drug or its
11Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
Derivation of PK parameters is easy, because of
simple algebraic equations
Mathematical treatment remains same, for drug or
metabolite, provided elimination follows first
order kinetics
Drug disposition kinetics need not be described
in detail
12Noncompartment Model - Pharmacokinetics
a) Information regarding plasma
drug concentration-time profile is expressed
as an average
b) Generally not useful for describing the time
course of drug in the blood
c) It is applicable only for linear pharmacokinet
13Noncompartment and Compartment models
Compartment models Noncompartment models
These require elaborate assumptions to fit the data. Do not require assumptions to compartment model.
Curve fitting of experimental data using computers. It is a tedious method. Simple algebraic equations. No curve fitting and no computers.
Time course changes in C1 can be predicted precisely. Time course changes in C1 cannot be predicted precisely.
Applicable to linear and nonlinear pharmacokinetics Applicable to linear pharmacokinetics.
C1 - time profile is regarded as expressions of exponents. C1 time profile is regarded as statistical distribution.
14Noncompartment and Compartment models
Compartment models Noncompartment models
These are useful for most of the situations, though assumptions of modeling are involved. Particularly useful for the applications of clinical pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, and bioequivalence studies.
15Noncompartment Model Statistical Moment
Approach is based on the statistical moment
Categorisation of moments
Zero Moment
Zero moment of a drug concentration in plasma
versus time curve is referred to as the total
area under concentration from zero to infinity,
or simply AUC
AUC0? ? C dt
16Noncompartment Model Statistical Moment
Area of trapezoid (1/2)(Cn-1 Cn)(tn
Area under the curve, AUC ?(areas of the
Ct AUC0? AUC0t ?Z
Where Ct last measurable Ct, ?g/ml
?Z termination elimination rate constant, h-1
Elimination rate constant is calculated
17Noncompartment Model Statistical Moment
Used for calculating bioavailability and drug
First Moment
First moment of a plasma drug concentration -
time profile is referred to as mean residence
time (MRT)
AUMC0? ? t x C. dt MRT
AUC0? ? C.dt
18Noncompartment Model Statistical Moment
Area of one trapezoid
Area under the curve, AUC
tCt C AUC0? AUC0t
?Z ?Z2
Where Ct last measurable Ct, ?g/ml
?Z termination elimination rate constant, h-1
Elimination rate constant is calculated
19Noncompartment Models Analysis
I.v. bolus injection Calculation of AUC and
20Noncompartment Models Analysis
I.v. bolus injection - AUC
21Noncompartment Models Analysis
I.v. bolus injection - AUMC
22Noncompartment Models Analysis
Oral product - Calculation of AUC and AUMC
23Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Oral product - AUC
24Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Oral product - AUMC
25Noncompartment Model Statistical Moment
Second Moment
Second moment is referred to as variance of the
mean residence time (VRT) of the drug in the
?t2.C dt (1MRT)2 ?C dt VRT
?C dt AUC
Higher moments are prone to unacceptable level
of errors
26Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Mean Residence Time Half Life
Mean residence time (MRT) defined as the
average amount of time spent by the drug in
the body before being eliminated
AUMC ? t x C. dt MRT
AUC ? C.dt
MRT represents the time for 63.2 of drug
eliminated when given i.v. bolus injection
It is analogous to plasma elimination half life,
t1/2, i.e., 50 elimination
27Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Mean Residence Time Half Life
Like half life, MRT is a function of both
distribution and elimination
1 MRT k10
0.693 Plasma elimination half
life, t1/2 k10
Plasma elimination half life, t1/2 0.693MRT
In two compartment model, concept of MRT would
be still useful, because of non compartment
28Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Mean Residence Time Half Life
MRTiv is used for comparison. For eg following
constant rate of infusion
T MRTiv MRTinst - 2
Where T duration of infusion, h
29Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Apparent Volume of Distribution at Steady State
Apparent volume of distribution (V1ss)
is independent of drug elimination
AUMC V1ss doseiv
This equation is applicable to i.v.
bolus administration
It solely reflects the anatomic space
occupied by the drug and the relative degree of
drug binding in blood and extravascular space
30Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Apparent Volume of Distribution at Steady State
If drug is given by short term constant rate
i.v. infusion
Infused dose (AUMC) V1ss (AUC)2
Infused dose x ? V1ss
Since infused dose is equal to R0
R0 x ? (AUMC) R0 ?2 V1ss
2(AUC)2 2(AUC)
31Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Drug Clearance (Cl)
Clearance is defined as the ratio of the dose
after a single i.v. injection to the total
area under the drug concentration time curve
After a single i.v. bolus injection
Doseiv Cl AUC
Since infused dose is equal to R0
R0 Cl C1ss
32Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Mean Absorption Time (MAT) - Drug Absorption
MAT is defined as the differences in mean
residence time (MRT) after different modes of
MRTni mean residence time of drug by
non- instantaneous route, h MRTiv mean
residence time of drug by i.v. bolus
injection, h
Same equation is used for i.m. injection
Absorption follows first order kinetics
33Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Mean Absorption Time (MAT)
1 MAT ka
0.693 Absorption half life, t1/2
Absorption half life, t1/2 0.693MAT
When absorption follows zero order
T time over which absorption takes place, h
34Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
MAT - Applications
Used for the comparison of dosage forms
Eg comparison of furosemide dosage forms
35Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
36Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Steady State Plasma Drug Concentration
The C1ss is a function of the effective rate of
dosing and total body clearance of the drug in a
In continuous infusion
Ro C1ss Cl
In multiple dosage regimen
AUCss Cavss ?
When absorption follows zero order
37Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Steady State Plasma Drug Concentration
Average plasma drug concentration at steady
state, Cavss
F x dosing rate Cavss
If a drug is given in a dose of 400 mg every 8
hours, dosing rate is 400/8, i.e., 50 mg/hour
38Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Predicting the Time to Steady State
Time required for the drug to reach steady
state, i.e., 99, takes 6.65 half lives.
- In extravascular route (or prolonged
- release drug products), the time required
- to attain ss takes longer than predicted by
- biological half life
- In multicompartment disposition, time
- required to attain to ss is shorter than
- that predicted by terminal half life
39Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Predicting the Time to Steady State
In noncompartment models, when the drug
is administered repetitive dosing, fss
AUC0 fss AUC
AUC area under the curve in single dose
Bioavailability refers to the fractional dose
of a dosage form reaches systemic circulation
For i.v. bolus injection, bioavailability
is referred as unity (1)
40Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Bioavailability (F) of a dosage form
AUCoral Div Absolute
bioavailability, F AUCiv
Equation assumes equal clearances in oral and
i.v. doses
Relative bioavailability, Fr, may be expressed
by comparing the zero moments of a product with
a standard product
41Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Fraction of Drug Metabolised, fm
Fraction of a drug metabolized, fm, is equal to
ratio of zero moments of the metabolite, administ
ered the drug to the metabolite directly
AUCx1 Fraction metabolized, fm
AUCx1 AUC of metabolite, when drug is
administered by i.v. bolus injection, zero to
infinity time, ?g.h/ml
AUC1 AUC of metabolite, when metabolite is
administered by i.v. bolus injection,
42Noncompartment Models PK Parameters
Fraction of Drug Metabolised, fm
Metabolite is administered in equimolar i.v.
43Thank you
44Thank you