Title: Delignification Kinetics Models H Factor Model
1Delignification Kinetics ModelsH Factor Model
- Provides mills with the ability to handle common
disturbance such as inconsistent digester heating
and cooking time variation.
2Delignification Kinetics ModelsH
3Delignification Kinetics ModelsH Factor Model
Relative reaction rate
- k0 is such that H(1 hr, 373K) 1
4Delignification Kinetics ModelsH Factor Model
- Uses only bulk delignification kinetics
k Function of HS- and OH-
5Kraft Pulping KineticsH Factor/Temperature
6Empirical Kraft Pulping Models
- Models developed by regression of pulping study
results - Excellent for digester operators to have for
quick reference on relation between kappa and
operating conditions - Hatton models are excellent examples of these
7Emperical Kraft Pulping Models
Hatton Equation
Kappa (or yield) ?-?(log(H)EAn) ?,?, and n
are parameters that must be fit to the data.
Values of ?,?, and n for kappa prediction are
shown in the table below.
Warning These are empirical equations and apply
only over the specified kappa range.
Extrapolation out of this range is dangerous!
8Delignification Kinetics ModelsKerr model 1970
- H factor to handle temperature
- 1st order in OH-
- Bulk delignification kinetics w/out HS-
9Delignification Kinetics ModelsKerr model 1970
Functional relationship between L and OH-
10Delignification Kinetics ModelsKerr model 1970
Slopes of lines are not a function of EA charge
11Delignification Kinetics ModelsKerr model 1970
Model can handle effect of main disturbances on
pulping kinetics
- Variations in temperature profile
- Steam demand
- Digester scheduling
- Reaction exotherms
- Variations in alkali concentration
- White liquor variability
- Differential consumption of alkali in initial
delignification - Often caused by use of older, degraded chips
- Good kinetic model for control
12Delignification Kinetics ModelsUW model
- Divide lignin into 3 phases, each with their own
kinetics - 1 lignin, 3 kinetics
- Transition from one kinetics to another at a
given lignin content that is set by the user.
For softwood Initial to bulk 22.5 on
wood Bulk to residual 2.2 on wood
13Delignification Kinetics ModelsUW model
- Initial
- dL/dt k1L
- E 9,500 cal/mole
- Bulk
- dL/dt (k2OH- k3OH-0.5HS-0.4)L
- E 30,000 cal/mole
- Residual
- dL/dt k4OH-0.7L
- E 21,000 cal/mole
14Model PerformanceUW model
Pulping data for thin chips Gullichsens data
15Model PerformanceUW model
Pulping data for mill chips - Gullichsens data
16Model PerformanceUW model
Virkola data on mill chips
17Model Performance (Andersson)UW Model
Model works well until very low lignin content
18Carbohydrate Loss Models
- Modeling yield prediction A Very Difficult
Modeling Problem
19UW Model
- Two methods have been tested, but since both have
the same accuracy, the simplest has been retained.
20UW Model I
Basic Structure dc/dtkdL/dt
Some physical justification for this is given by
carbohydrate-lignin linkages. Carbohydrates
lumped into a single group.
21Gustafson Model I
- Carbohydrate/lignin relation is assumed to be
stable and not a strong function of pulping
conditions. - Selectivity of reactions assumed to be slightly
dependent on OH- but independent of temperature. - Yield/kappa relationship can be improved by using
both lower pulping temperature and less alkali.
22Model PerformanceUW model
Virkola data on mill chips
23Prediction of pulp viscosity
- Dependence of viscosity on pulping conditions was
modeled - Viscosity is a measure of degradation of
cellulose chains - Effect of temperature, alkalinity, initial DP,
and time on viscosity is modeled - Model is compared with experimental data from two
24Prediction of pulp viscosity
25Gullichsens viscosity data
26Virkolas viscosity data
27Virkolas viscosity data
28OH- HS- Predictions
- Calculated by stoichiometry in all models as
29Model PerformanceUW model
Gullichsen data on mill chips