Title: 2002 CrossRef Annual Member Meeting
1Implementation Workshop September 26, 2002
3System Site - Member Pages
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- 2 or more deposits can be running
- A temp file is created using the HTTP fname
parameter - prevents two files with the same name
from being - deposited at the same time
- XSD, operationdoXSDMDUpload DTD,
- Try to avoid many requests with only one query
(group in 10)
- Upload very large (1000) queries using
asynchronous query interface
- Reduce dependence on mddb.xml pre-filtering,
submit more queries
- DONT iddoi10.1061/(ASCE)0893-1321(2002)15
OpenURL query problems and deposits , there
is no DOI in a DOI value
- DO id10.1061/(ASCE)0893-1321(2002)154(125)
17Programming - Perl
!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict use
LWPUserAgent use URIEscape require
HTTPHeaders my h HTTPHeaders-gtnew h-gthe
ader('Content-Type' gt 'application/x-www-form-url
encoded') my userXXXX" my passyyyyy" my
query"00218561501647131 . my
verysafe uri_escape(query, " \n")
18Programming - Perl
- Query as an HTTP POST cont.
my user_agent new LWPUserAgent user_agent-gt
agent(Your agent name".user_agent-gtagent) user
_agent-gttimeout(360) my req new
HTTPRequest 'POST', 'http//mddb2.crossref.org
/query/xref.cgi', h req-gtcontent("usruser
pwdpassdbmddbqdataquery") Send query
to the server my response response
19Programming - Java
import HTTPClient. import java.net. public
class doDeposits HTTPClient.NVPair
uploadOpts new HTTPClient.NVPair2
HTTPClient.NVPair uploadFileOpts new
uploadOpts0 new HTTPClient.NVPair
("operation","doMDUpload") uploadOpts1
new HTTPClient.NVPair ("area","live")
uploadFileOpts0 new HTTPClient.NVPair
("fname",XMLFile) HTTPClient.NVPair
ct_hdr new HTTPClient.NVPair1 byte
20Programming - Java
- Deposit as an HTTP POST cont
HTTPClient.HTTPConnection httpConn new
(host,port) uploadBytes HTTPClient.Codecs.mpFor
mDataEncode (uploadOpts,uploadFileOpts,ct_hd
r) HTTPClient.CookieModule.setCookiePolicyHandler
(null) HTTPClient.HTTPResponse httpResp
null httpResp httpConn.Post
("/servlet/deposit?login_id" username
"login_passwd" password,uploadBytes,ct_hdr)
- Down load sample code from our site
21Programming - VB
Set WinHttpReq New WinHttpRequest (need
winhttp50sdk.exe) WinHttpReq.SetTimeouts 0,
60000, 60000, 300000 WinHttpReq.Open "GET", _
username.Text _ "pwd"
password.Text "area" area
"fuzzytruetype" _ operation
"qdata" qData , False WinHttpReq.Send resul
ts WinHttpReq.ResponseText
22Programming - VB
Set WinHttpReq New WinHttpRequest (need
winhttp50sdk.exe) WinHttpReq.SetTimeouts 0,
60000, 60000, 300000 WinHttpReq.Open "POST",
False WinHttpReq.SetRequestHeader "Pragma",
"no-cache" WinHttpReq.SetRequestHeader
"Content-Type", "multipart/form-data
formData formData "--------------------------
-7d23583220204" vbCrLf formData formData
"Content-Disposition form-data name" Chr(34)
"login_id" Chr(34) vbCrLf formData
formData vbCrLf formData formData
username.Text vbCrLf WinHttpReq.Send formData
HTML.DocumentHTML WinHttpReq.ResponseText
23CrossRef Client Application http//www.crossref.or
24CrossRef Client Application http//www.crossref.or
25CrossRef Technical Working Group
Mailing list crtwg_at_crossref.org
Mail list archives available on www.crossref.org
Monthly teleconferences
Planning an in-person TWG for later this year