Title: United Way Online E-Pledge
1United Way Online E-Pledge
2Is it a burden to
- personalize,
- distribute, and
- collect paper pledge forms?
3Is it difficult or impossible to get
up-to-the-minute reports of who has
- pledged,
- chosen not to pledge, or
- just not responded?
4Would you like to significantly reduce the amount
of time required to administer and report the
results of your campaign?
5Do the majority of your employees have internet
access at work or at home?
6If you answered YES to more than one of these
questions, then online E-Pledge is for you.
7Workplace E-Pledge is
- Online
- Secure
- Convenient
- Integrates a personalized donor experience with
the power of group giving - Uses both email and intranet/websites to deliver
your giving message
8Workplace E-Pledge
- Enhances the Donor Experience
- Simple and convenient way of making a donation to
United Way - Immediate confirmation of gift
9Workplace E-Pledge
- Employee donors can enter a pledge by
- Payroll
- Credit Card (fully paid)
- Bill Me
- Cash
- Check
- Stock
10Employee donors can also
Workplace E-Pledge
- Enter a no pledge this year response
- Enter designations from a campaign-specific list
of agencies and service categories or write in
their own - Review their account anytime, including
- prior recent pledge transactions already in the
system, and residential gifts and gifts pledged
through previous employers
11Workplace E-Pledge
Your Company and United Way decide which options
are appropriate for your E-Pledge donors
12Workplace E-Pledge
- Screens are customizable flexible
- Company specific with your
- Logo
- Welcome message
- Thank you message
13Workplace E-Pledge
- Reduces Companys Staff Time
- Campaign tracking and re-canvass functionality
saves time needed for administration - Increases Accuracy
- All donation and receipting information is
entered by donor - Built-in review process increases accuracy
14Employee Campaign Coordinators can
- Print real-time campaign management data
- Total pledged
- Number of donors
- Average gift
- Per capita gift
- Company defined goal
- Current campaign compared to previous
- campaigns
- Donor designations
15Employee Campaign Coordinators can
- Print lists of employees who have pledged
- Through the web
- Via traditional paper pledge forms
- Have responded no pledge this year
- Have not yet recorded a response
16Workplace E-Pledge
- All reports are available in
- Adobe Acrobat
- Spreadsheet format
- Accommodates multiple locations local or out of
area. (National Campaign)
17Thank you.