Higher%20Computing%20Computer%20Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Higher Computing Computer Systems Computer Software – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Higher%20Computing%20Computer%20Systems

Higher Computing Computer Systems
  • Computer Software

What is an operating system
  • The operating system is a program that controls
    the entire operation of the computer and devices
    which are attached to it
  • Most of the OS is permanently stored on hard disk
    and loaded in to RAM when the computer is on

The bootstrap loader
  • When the computer is switched on the initial part
    of the OS is loaded from chip (ROM)
  • The bootstrap loaders function is to load the
    rest of the OS from disk

The single user operating system
  • A SUOS is only capable of being used by one
    person at a time
  • The main functions of a SUOS are
  • Interpreting users commands (CLI)
  • File management
  • Memory management
  • I/O management
  • Managing processes
  • Resource allocation

The Command Language Interpreter
  • The CLI is the layer with which the user
    interacts in order to give instructions to the
    computer it interprets user commands

File management
  • The FMS is concerned with the efficient use of
    the computers backing storage devices and media
  • The FMS holds the details of where each file (or
    part of) is held on the disk
  • The FMS is also known as the Disk Operating System

Memory management
  • The MMS controls where programs and data are
    placed in main memory
  • The MMS keeps track of the total amount of main
    memory available and which programs and data are
    currently loaded

Input/Output management
  • The I/OMS communicates directly with the
    peripheral devices
  • The I/OMS handles the transfer of data between
    the peripherals and the processor

Process management the kernel
  • The kernel is the part of the OS which is
    responsible for managing interrupts
  • e.g. from the printer
  • The kernel is responsible for managing processes
  • from the CLI e.g. copy. A process initiated by
    the CLI may result in an interrupt

Resource allocation
  • RS is the way of managing which resource is
    available for use at any one time by a process
  • Efficient RS ensures that the processor is kept
    busy, by maintaining a queue of processes that
    are always ready for the processor
  • A scheduler prioritises the queue

The OS working - an example
  • Loading the file myfile from disk
  • Using the CLI you issue the command to open a
  • The kernel interrupts the current CLI process and
    passes the request to the FMS
  • The FMS requests the I/O system to read the
    disks catalog track and loads a list of file
  • The CLI allows the user to choose the filename
    myfile from the list
  • The FMS passes the physical location of the file
    to the I/O system
  • The I/O system loads the file from disk and hands
    it over to the MMS
  • The MMS places the file in the main memory and
    you again have control of the computer

Utility programs
  • UPs can be part of the OS or a separate program
  • Virus checker
  • Disc editor
  • Defragmenter
  • Backup
  • Emulators
  • Converters, compressors and expanders
  • Email and web filters

Virus checker
  • A virus checker is a utility program which is
    designed to check a computer system for viruses
  • A virus checker will then remove the virus
  • Virus checkers have to be kept up to date in
    order to be effective against new viruses

Disc editor
  • A disc editor allows the user to edit data
    directly on the surface of a disk
  • DE programs incorporate automatic disk repair and
    data recovery functions
  • Newer hard drives smart drives have their own
    software for which monitors the performance of
    the drive

  • Files are often split and saved on different
    parts of a disk
  • This increases the time taken to access the file
  • A defragmenter gathers all the free space on the
    disk together and reunites all the fragmented
    files that can be accommodated

Before defragmenting
After defragmenting

Used block
unused block
  • Backup software can help to automate the process
    of making regular backups
  • Backup software can allow you to synchronise
    files between two devices or media
  • When two copies of the same file exist on
    different media the newer copy will replace the
    older version

  • An emulator is a program that allows one type of
    computer to behave as if it was a completely
    different type
  • A computer running emulator software will run
    much slower than the computer it is emulating
  • Virtual PC allows apple computers to emulate
    Windows OS computers

Converters, compressors and expanders
  • Converters change the format of a data file from
    one application type to another
  • Compressors reduce the size of a data file
  • Expanders decompress a compressed data file

Printer drivers
  • A program that takes the codes in the document
    and translates them into the appropriate code for
    the printer in use

Email and web filters
  • An email filter is software that monitors emails
    which are sent on a network
  • The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000)
    gives employers the right to monitor employees
  • A web filter monitors URLs and the content of web
    pages be accessed by the user

File formats
  • Standard file formats have been developed to ease
    the transfer of data between software developed
    by different manufacturers e.g. text files - RTF
  • Each type of application software has its own set
    of standard file formats e.g. JPEG used in
    photographic manipulation software

File formats - GIF
  • Graphics Interchange Format
  • For low resolution bit-map colour graphics
  • 256 colours possible
  • Compressed files
  • Fast to load and transfer via internet
  • Interlacing allowed
  • Animations also possible
  • GIF uses lossless compression

File formats JPEG, MPEG
  • Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • Standard for still picture compression
  • 16.7 million colours
  • Uses lossy compression
  • Typically achieves 10 to 1 compression with
    little perceivable loss in image quality
  • Motion Pictures Expert Group
  • Standard for moving pictures

File formats - TIFF
  • Tag(ged) Image File Format
  • For high resolution bit-map images
  • Large files unsuitable for WWW
  • Uncompressed
  • Used by DTP, book and magazine printing

Matching software to tasks (1)
  • Production of a multimedia catalogue
  • Multimedia authoring package e.g. Macromedia
  • Additional software for editing individual
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Graphic
  • Text
  • And
  • CD or DVD writing software

Matching software to tasks (2)
  • Setting up a LAN in a school
  • Modern OS capable of peer to peer networking
  • Client server needs network OS software
  • Database servers need specific software e.g.
    Microsoft SQL
  • Database application such as Filemaker Pro are
    available in single or network versions

Matching software to tasks (3)
  • Development of a school website
  • Web page creation software with WYSIWYG page
  • Additional software for editing individual
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Graphic
  • Text
  • And
  • Testing using a range of browser software

Software compatibility issues
  • Software that works on a computer system is said
    to be compatible
  • Issues that can affect the compatibility of the
    software are
  • Memory requirements
  • Storage requirements
  • OS compatibility

Memory requirements (RAM)
  • If a system cannot meet the minimum RAM
    requirements to run the software the software
    will not run
  • If there is insufficient RAM to hold the complete
    program then part of it will be stored on disk,
    virtual memory
  • Running programs using VM will slow the program

Storage requirements
  • Full installation - The amount of backing storage
    needed to hold the complete program after
    installation (and decompression)
  • Minimal installation The least amount of
    storage requirement needed to run the program,
    normally the installation CD is still needed to
    run the program

OS compatibility
  • Three main OS used on desktops and laptops
  • Windows
  • Unix
  • Apple OS
  • Users need the correct version of software for
    the different OS
  • Windows OS not always backward compatible

  • A virus is a program which can destroy or cause
    damage to data stored on a computer system
  • A virus infects host files and is distributed
    along with them

  • A worm is a virus that can make copies of itself
    and spread between computers without having to be
    attached to a file

Trojan horses
  • A Trojan horse is disguised as another type of

What viruses infect
  • A virus may infect different parts of the
    computer system
  • File viruses
  • Boot sector viruses
  • Macro viruses

File viruses
  • File viruses attach themselves to files
  • They add malicious code into the files
  • Typical files that are infected are Windows OS
    files with .COM and .EXE extensions

Boot sector viruses
  • All magnetic disks contain a boot sector
  • The boot code can become infected with a virus
    and is loaded when the machine is rebooted
  • Less common now that floppy discs are no longer
    in popular use

Macro viruses
  • A macro virus infects documents e.g. spreadsheets
    or word processing documents
  • A macro virus causes a malicious series of events
    once the document is opened
  • The macro virus will also infect any new
    documents created by the same application

Virus code actions
  • Virus act differently according to how they are
  • The action the virus may carry out when run
  • Replication
  • Camouflage
  • Watching
  • Delivery

  • A worm can make copies of itself this is known as

  • Mixed in with good code
  • Malicious or false code is changed every time it
    runs to avoid detection
  • Disguise the code so that it looks harmless
  • All these techniques are used to avoid detection
    by anti-virus programs

  • Sleeper virus lays in wait for a particular sign
    which will activate it
  • A date or time or action
  • Time bomb (triggered by a date)
  • Logic bomb (triggered by an action)

  • The method used by the virus to enter the system
  • Shared backing storage devices
  • Connected to the internet
  • Web pages
  • Downloads
  • Emails
  • Email attachments

Anti-virus detection
  • Anti-virus software detection techniques include
  • Use of checksum
  • Searching for virus signature
  • Heuristic detection
  • Memory resident monitoring

Use of checksum (1)
  • A checksum is a value calculated for a given set
    of data
  • The answer to the calculation is the checksum
  • It is used to check that data has been
    transmitted and received correctly

Use of checksum (2)
  • The checksum is transmitted along with the data
  • The receiving computer performs the same
    calculation and checks the sum
  • If they are the same its ok
  • If the dont match the anti-virus software will
    issue a virus warning

Searching for virus signature
  • Anti-virus programs can find viruses inside
    programs by scanning them for virus signatures
  • A virus signature is a characteristic pattern in
    a file
  • These files can then be disinfected
  • Polymorphic viruses modify their code to avoid
    virus signature detection

Heuristic detection
  • Detect viruses a heuristic or rule of thumb
  • Imprecise method although useful
  • If it looks like a virus and behaves like a virus
    then its probably a virus
  • Used to detect new viruses

Memory resident monitoring
  • Anti-virus software that loads in to the
    computers memory on start up
  • Monitors all programs and data loaded in to the
    computers memory
  • Can slow down the processing speed of a computer
    as everything is checked for viruses

The End
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