Title: Chapter 8: Microbial Genetics
1Chapter 8Microbial Genetics
- Genome All of the genetic material (DNA) in a
cell - Gene Segment of DNA that encodes a
functional product (protein) - Genotype Genetic makeup of an organism
- Phenotype Expressed properties
- Genetically determined characteristics
- Manifestation of genotype
3Flow of Genetic Information
Horizontal gene transfer
(Vertical gene transfer)
Figure 8.2
- Polymer of nucleotides adenine, thymine,
cytosine, guanine - Double helix associated with proteins
- "Backbone" is deoxyribose-phosphate
- Strands held together by hydrogen bonds between
base pairs (A-T and C-G) - Strands are antiparallel
Figure 8.4
5DNASemiconservative Replication
- Unwinding
- Free nucleotides are linked to the growing strand
by DNA polymerase - Nucleotide addition occurs only in the 5?3
direction - The two daughter strands must grow in different
Figure 8.3
DNA polymerase
Figure 8.5
7DNASemiconservative Replication
- Daughter DNA strands are extended by DNA
polymerase enzyme - In the 5? ? 3? direction
- Initiated by an RNA primer
- Leading daughter strand synthesized continuously
- Lagging daughter strand synthesized
discontinuously - Okazaki fragments
- RNA primers are removed (by DNA polymerase) and
Okazaki fragments joined (by DNA ligase)
8DNASemiconservative Replication
Figure 8.6
9DNAReplication of Bacterial DNA
- DNA replication in bacteria is often bidirectional
Figure 8.7
10Prokaryotic TranscriptionDNA?RNA
- DNA is transcribed to make RNA
- mRNA
- rRNA
- tRNA
- Transcription begins when RNA polymerase binds to
the promotor sequence of a gene - Transcription proceeds in the 5? ? 3? direction
- Transcription stops when it reaches
theterminator sequence - mRNA No further processing is necessary before
translation in prokaryotic organisms
11RNA processing in Eukaryotes
- Eukaryotic organisms mRNA must be processed
before leaving the nucleus to be translated - Introns must be removed (spliced out)
Figure 8.12
- Site of translation Ribosomes
- mRNA is translated in groups of 3 nucleotides
called codons - Translation of mRNA begins at the start codon
AUG - Prokaryotes Formylmethionine
- Eukaryotes Methionine
- Translation ends at a STOP codon UAA, UAG, UGA
Figure 8.2
mRNA codon sequences Figure 8.9
Figure 8.10.1
Figure 8.10.2
Figure 8.10.3
Figure 8.10.4
Figure 8.10.5
Figure 8.10.6
Figure 8.10.7
Figure 8.10.8
22Regulation of Bacterial Gene Expression
- Constitutive proteins are expressed at a fixed
rate - Regulated proteins are expressed only as needed
- Repressible genes
- Regulatory mechanism to inhibit a genes
transcription - Default transcription status is on
- Inducible genes
- Regulatory mechanism to permit a genes
transcription - Default transcription status is off
23Operon Model of Gene Expression
- Operon promoter operator structural genes
- Operator DNA sequence that interacts with
regulatory proteins (i.e. a repressor) - Gives stop or go signal for transcription
- Structural genes are transcribed as one unit
- i.e. a single, polycistronic mRNA
- A regulatory gene (upstream of the operon)
encodes a repressor protein
Figure 8.12
25Operon Model of Gene ExpressionTryptophan
synthesis operon
- Genes for the enzymes responsible for tryptophan
synthesis are organized in an operon - Repressible operon
26Tryptophan Synthesis OperonNormal (Default)
Cellular Conditions
- Tryptophan (a common amino acid) is constantly
synthesized - Default Repressor inactive operon on
Figure 8.12
27Tryptophan Synthesis OperonPresence of excess
- Tryptophan acts as a corepressor (activates
repressor protein) - Repressor active operon off
Figure 8.12
28Operon Model of Gene ExpressionThe lac operon
- lac operon three enzymes necessary for lactose
catabolism in E. coli - Inducible operon
29The lac operonAbsence of lactose
- Default Repressor active operon off
Figure 8.12
30The lac OperonPresence of lactose
- Some lactose enters the cell and is converted to
allolactose - Allolactose isomer of lactose, acts as an
inducer - Repressor cannot bind the operator RNA pol
transcribes the operon - Inactive repressor operon on
Figure 8.12
31The lac OperonPresence of lactose AND absence
of glucose
- Preferential carbon source is always glucose
- For maximal lac operon transcription
- Lactose is present
- Glucose is absent
Figure 8.13
32The lac OperonPresence of lactose AND absence
of glucose
- Cellular levels of glucose and cAMP are inversely
proportional - As glucose is depleted, cAMP accumulates
33Mechanisms for bacteria to acquire new genotypes
- Mutation
- Horizontal gene transfer
- Plasmids
- Transposons
- Mutation Change in DNA sequence
- Mutations may be neutral, beneficial, or harmful
- Mutagen Agent (chemical, radiation, etc.) that
causes mutations - Spontaneous mutations Occur in the absence of a
35Types of DNA Mutations
- Point mutation Change in one
nucleotide - Missense mutation Point mutation that
results in an amino acid change
Figure 8.17a, b
36Sickle cell anemia missense mutation (Glu?Val)
in hemoglobin
37Types of DNA Mutations
- Nonsense mutation Point mutation that
results in a nonsense (stop) codon -
Figure 8.17a, c
38Types of DNA Mutations
- Frameshift mutation Insertion or deletion
of one or more nucleotide pairs - - shift in translational reading frame
Figure 8.17a, d
Nucleotide excision repair
- UV Radiation causes thymine dimers
- Ionizing radiation free radicals modify
nucleotides or break sugar-phosphate backbone - Cells have DNA repair mechanisms
- Nucleotide excision repair
Figure 8.19
40The Frequency of Mutation
- Low rate, random mutations are necessary for
adaptation and evolution - Spontaneous mutation rate 1 in 109 replicated
base pairs - Mutagens increase the mutation rate by 10 to 1000
times - Ames test for chemical carcinogens
- Tests for the ability of a chemical to increase
the rate of mutation (i.e. Is X a mutagen?) - Selects for mutated bacteria
- Revertant a cell that contains a mutation that
corrects its original mutation
41The Ames Test for Chemical Carcinogens
Selecting for revertants (cells that were
mutated by the chemical)
Figure 8.22
- Examples
- Conjugative plasmid Carries genes for sex(F
factor) pili and transfer of the plasmid itself - R factors Encode antibiotic resistance
- Virulence factors Encode factors that increase
the pathogenicity of an organism (toxins)
43PlasmidsVirulence factors
- Infant diarrhea and travelers diarrhea are
caused by a plasmid-carrying strain of E. coli - Otherwise, this strain is harmless
- Clostridium tetani neurotoxin (causes tetanus) is
encoded in a plasmid
- Segments of DNA that can jump around
Figure 8.30a, b
45Genetic Transfer
- Vertical gene transfer
- Occurs during reproduction, between generations
of cells - Animals, plants, bacteria
- Horizontal gene transfer
- Transfer of genes between cells of the same
generation - Bacteria (3 mechanisms)
46Horizontal gene transferTransformation
- Transformation genes are transferred as naked
DNA in solution
Recombinant DNA
Recombinant cell
Figure 8.25
47Horizontal gene transferConjugation
- Requires direct cell-to-cell contact
- Conjugating cells must be of opposite mating
types - Donors F
- Recipients F-
Figure 8.26a
48Horizontal gene transferConjugation
Figure 8.26
49Horizontal gene transferTransduction
- Transduction Bacterial DNA is transferred from a
donor cell to a recipient cell inside a
bacteriophage - Bacteriophage virus that infects bacteria
50Horizontal gene transferTransduction
Phage protein coat
Bacterial chromosome
Phage DNA and proteins are made, and the
bacterial chromosome is broken down into pieces.
A phage infects the donor bacterial cell.
Bacterial DNA
Donor bacterial DNA
Recipient bacterial DNA
Phage DNA
Recipient cell
Recombinant cell
Occasionally during phage assembly, pieces of
bacterial DNA are packaged in a phage capsid.
Then the donor cell lyses and releases phage
particles containing bacterial DNA.
A phage carrying bacterial DNA infects a new host
cell, the recipient cell.
Recombination can occur, producing a recombinant
cell with a genotype different from both the
donor and recipient cells.
Figure 8.27
51Mechanisms for bacteria to acquire new genotypes
- Mutation
- Plasmids
- Transposons
- Transformation
- Conjugation
- Transduction
Horizontal gene transfer
52(No Transcript)