Ch. 18 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch. 18


Ch. 18 Microbial Models of DNA Microbes : microscopic organisms like bacteria and viruses, can include fungi and protista Bacteria : kingdoms Eubacteria and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Ch. 18

Ch. 18 Microbial Models of DNA
  • Microbes microscopic organisms like bacteria
    and viruses, can include fungi and protista
  • Bacteria kingdoms Eubacteria and Archeabacteria
    (formerly Monera), Prokaryotic cell, unicellular,
    one circular piece of DNA and multiple plasmids
  • Viruses nonliving DNA or RNA and a protein

  • While we are familiar with disease causing
    bacteria and viruses (pathogens), most bacteria
    are harmless and actually helpful
  • Because the have simple systems the study of
    their genetics has helped us understand more
    complex systems, like our own.
  • They have some specialized systems that have
    helped us study disease
  • They transfer genetic material between cells an
    important area of genetic research.

Discovery of Viruses
  • Late 1880s Mayer, Ivanowsky and Beijerinck
    plants can spread disease to each other, disease
    is smaller than a bacteria and can be within the
  • Early 1900s - Stanley crystallized TMV
    (tobacco mosaic virus)
  • Crop was still big part of economy
  • Actually saw virus with electron microscope

  • 20 nm (nanometers) smaller than ribosome
  • Cells can not be crystallized
  • Nucleic acid plus protein
  • Protein called a capsid
  • Variety of shapes. Including the icosahedron
  • dsDNA, ssDNA, ssRNA and dsRNA
  • Linear or circular
  • 4 100s genes
  • Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria
  • Phages named T1 T7

Viral Reproduction
  • Viruses are host specific (range)
  • Phages only bacteria, some only E.coli
  • Rhinovirus (cold) only humans
  • Rabies all mammals
  • Proteins fit with receptor cells
  • Some viruses of eukaryotes are tissue specific
  • Lytic vs lysogenic life cycles
  • See handouts (385 396)

Viral Life Cycles
  • LYTIC cycle
  • Virus attaches to host
  • Injects nucleic acid
  • Host reads nucleic acid and then
  • manufactures viral DNA and proteins
  • Virus is assembled
  • Escapes host cell
  • Infects other cells
  • LYSOGENIC cycle
  • Same as lytic UNTIL
  • Cell replicates BEFORE copying and making viral
  • This takes along viral nucleic acids to new
    generations of host, as part of the host genome
  • At some point, lots of host offspring are
    triggered to start lytic cycle
  • latent phase

Control of Viral Genes
  • Bacteria posses restriction endonucleases, which
    are enzymes that degrade viral DNA as it enters
  • Go lysogenic instead if phage is added to a
    specific site within bacterial DNA then its a
    prophage and it codes for a protein that
    represses the other phage genes.
  • Some bacteria are actually more harmful because
    they posses phages that make toxins
  • Viruses can also be enveloped by host to help
    them hide

  • These viruses double stranded RNA that is a
    template from which an enzyme called reverse
    transcriptionase can make DNA
  • backwards
  • An example is HIV

  • Colds epithelial cells in throat can repair
    themselves efficiently
  • Polio attaches to nerve cells that cannot be
  • 1796 Edward Jenner noticed that cow pox
    (mild) makes one immune to small pox (more
  • Used fluid from cow (vacca) pox blister to give
    people cow pox, making them immune to small pox.
  • Small pox has since been eradicated (WHO)
  • Fewer cases of polio, rubella, measles and mumps
    since vaccines
  • Rabies vaccines for pets
  • Newer vaccines for chicken pox (varicella) and
    HPV (gardasil)
  • Flu shots are vaccines against the flu varies
    from year to year and location to location
  • Globalization
  • Evolution of viral genome
  • CDC and WHO

Emergent Diseases
  • More cases, cases in new location, more deadly
    cases and spreading to a new host make a disease
    an emergent disease
  • HIV
  • Hantavirus
  • Ebola
  • The plague (emergent diseases arent all viral)
    not currently emerging.
  • Lyme disease
  • Asian Bird Flu
  • ???? Certain cancers

Link between cancer and virus
  • Some viruses do cause cancers in animals
  • Example is feline leukemia
  • Versions of oncogenes are found in normal cells
    something triggers them
  • Viruses may activate proto-oncogenes
  • Viroids circle of RNA that only infects plants,
    replicate in plant cell to interfere with enzymes
  • Prions infectious proteins that convert normal
    proteins to infectious proteins
  • Ex. Mad Cow aka Crueutzfeldt Jacob disease

  • Viral genomes often have much in common with the
    hosts DNA
  • Could have evolved as either plasmids or
  • Plasmids are small circular pieces of DNA that
    replicate rapidly with in bacteria
  • Transposons are pieces of DNA that move from
    location to location with in a genome

Bacterial Genetics
  • Bacteria are cells prokaryotic cells with a
    cell membrane, cytoplasm with ribosomes, and a
    circular piece of DNA in the nucleoid region. May
    also have plasmids
  • Bacteria are mm,
  • genome is about 4300 genes which is 100 x virus
    and 1/1000 of a euk. Cell
  • DNA is 500 longer than the cell
  • Divide by binary fission
  • Adaptable
  • Lots of habitats and host and modes of nutrition
  • Natural selection happens quickly because of
    generation time (hours to days)

Genetic Recombination
  • Transformation
  • Uptake of DNA from the environment
  • S. pneumonia coats
  • Transduction
  • Phages carry genes from one bacterial host to
  • May have research possibilities
  • Conjugation
  • Bridge called pili between two bacteria and
    plasmids are transferred. No new cells, not
  • Transfer resistance to antibiotics called R
    factor for resistance
  • Conjugation requires bacteria to have F
    (fertility) factor
  • Transposons
  • Regions of DNA that move within a bacteria,
    either to a new place on the chromosome or
    between the chromosome and the plasmids
  • Originally called jumping genes by McClintock,
    they moved within the genome of indian corn,
    turning the color genes on and off

Control of Bacteria genes
  • Restriction endonucleases
  • Transposons
  • Feed back inhibition from OPERONS
  • Transcription unit
  • Promoter RNA polymerase attaches
  • Operator acts as switch
  • Regulatory gene
  • Repressor keeps operator off
  • Inducer lets operator be on

  • trp operon
  • See pg. 338
  • If no tryptophan then operon on and making
  • If lots of trp then repressor in operator, no
    need to make if you already have
  • lac operon
  • See pg. 339
  • No lactose, no need for lactase enzyme.
  • Lactose actually inactivates the repressor to
    lactase can be made

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