Title: Definition%20of%20Immunology
1 Definition of Immunology The Immune system
discriminate self from non- self Self Non self
1. Forein Invader Organisms a. prion , b.
Virus , c. Bacteria , d. Fungi e. parasites
Wormes 2. Altered self (Neoplastic
transformed cells) 4. Foreign Tissues
(Transplantation/Graft) 5 . Envirnomental
Agents Definition
2Immunology 1. Vaccination 2. Immunotherapy
Serotherapy 3. Allergy/Hypersensitivity 4.
Immunohematology Blood Transfusion 5.
Transplantation Immunology 6. Tumor
immunology 7. Immunodeficiency 8. Autoimmune
Diseases 9. Immunology of infectious
Diseases 10. Immunogenetic 11. Immunochemistry 12.
Neuroimmunology 13. Immunopharmacology 14.
Reproductive Immunology 15. Veterinary
Immunology 16. Mucosal Immunology 17. Nutritional
Immunology 18. Behavioural Immunology 19.
Serology 20. Immunopathology
3- Immune System
- 1. Molecules ( Ig , TCR, Cytokines, MHC)
- 2. Cells (Lymphocytes, Monocytes .)
- 3. Lymphoid Organs ( Lymph node, Thymus, BM)
- Immune Response/Immunity
- Innate Immunity (Native/Natural)
- present before infection (Early line of
defense) - 2. Adaptive Immunity (Specific/Acquired)
- develops as response to infection
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6 Types of Adaptive immune responses 1.Humoral
Immunity Molecules (antibody/Ab) B
cells 2. Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI) Cells
T Lymphocytes FIg1-2 Protective Immunity a.
Active b. Passive
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8- Cardinal Features of Adaptive Immune Response
- Specifity Ig TCR
- 2. Diversity
- Lymphocyte Repertoire 109-1011
- 3.Memory
- fig 1-4
- 4.Specializaton humoral CMI
- 5.Self Limitation homeostasis
- 6.Non Reactivity to self
- Tolerance Autoimmunity
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10Cells of Adaptive immune Sustem 1. Lymphocytes
B cells T cells T helper (Th) T
Cytotoxic (Tc/CTL) Natural Killer (NK)
cells fig 1-5 2. Antigen Presenting Cells
(APC) Dendritic cells (DC)
Macrophages 3. Effector Cells Activated
CTL Ab secreting cells (Plasma cells)
Mononuclear phagocytes
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12- Phases of Adaptive Immune Responces
- Recognition of Antigen (Ag)
- Clonal selection hypothesis (Fig 1-7)
- 109 -1011 Antigenic Determinant
- Activation of Lymphocytes
- 2 signal hypothesis (Fig 1-8)
- Sig. 1 Ag? Specifity of Immune Response
- Sig. 2 cytokine or other molecules
- ?Synthesis of new proteins, proliferation,
effector cells - 3. Effector Phase? Elimination of Ag by Abs
CTL - Innat Immunity( phagosytosis NK)
- 4. Homeostasis
- 5. Memory
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