Title: The NCSX Engineering Web
1The NCSX Engineering Web An Overview
- Part I
- Work Planning, Project Files, Management Plans
and Procedures
- Provides overview indoctrination of several parts
of the NCSX Engineering Web - This module will focus on the first three parts
of the NCSX Engineering Web - Work Planning Project Control
- Project Files
- Management Plans Procedures
- Parts II-IV will provide overview indoctrination
of the other parts of the NCSX Engineering Web - Part II (Module 2B) - Specs, Design Criteria,
Statements of Work and Design Reviews, Analyses,
and RD - Part III (Module 2C) Design Data and
Fabrication, Assembly, and Installation Test
Plans - Part IV (Module 2D) Engineering Management
Systems Engineering and Other - Later modules to go into much further depth on
how the NCSX Project will do business - The NCSX Engineering Web is, to a major extent,
the electronic NCSX filing system - Exceptions are the models and drawings contained
in the Pro/INTERALINK data base and the hard copy
supplier and other PPPL documents stored in the
PPPL Operations Center - However bulk of files stored electronically on
this web
3Work Planning Project Control
- Work Planning Project Control
- Information Links
- Monthly Cost Performance Reports
- Work Plans (WPs)
- Jobs (WAFs)
- WP-WAF Map
- Cost Schedule Baselines
- Cost Schedule Basis
- Guidance Links
- Project Control System (PCS) Primer
4Cost Performance Reports Updated Monthly
- CPRs
- Job Status Barcharts
- Milestone Charts
- PPPL Job Cost Reports
- ORNL Job Cost Reports
- CPI/SPI Plots
- Performance Curves
5Work Planning (WP) Forms
- The NCSX Project follows the processes defined in
PPPL Engineering Procedure ENG-032, Work Planning
Procedure - This section of the Web Page contains three
links - WPs direct link to the PPPL Work Planning
System - PPPL Web Authorization (use e-mail username and
password) - Once Authorized, the link will take you to the
PPPL Work Planning System - Jobs (WAFs) latest versions of the NCSX WAFs
- Merely a link back to the Cost Performance Report
web page - NCSX WP to WAF Mapping
- Essential to ensure that every WAF is covered by
a WP
6PPPL Work Planning System
- WP Number
- Activity Description
- Project
- Cog Engineer
- Status
- Date Last Modified
7Jobs (WAFs)
- Cost Performance Report Page provides most recent
Jobs (WAFs) - This page merely provides link back to the CPR
Provides direct linking of WP to WAF
- WP Name of Work Activity
- Cog Engineer and RLM
- WP Status
- WP Risk Level
- Job/WAF
- Job Title
- Job Manager/WBS Manager/Project Engineer/RLM
- Comments Action Items
9Cost and Schedule Baselines
- Provides links to Cost and Schedule Baselines
- Links to appropriate baseline
- Configuration Management Web Page has greater
10Cost and Schedule Basis
- Provides Detailed Cost and Schedule Basis Details
for CD-2 Baseline - This information is password protected
11Information Link to the PCS Primer
Guidance Document Overview of PPPL NCSX PCS
12Project Control Information
- Memos and Meeting Records
- Memos organized by project personnel who
authored memo - Meeting records organized by date
13Project Files
Memos Organized by Project Personnel
- Links to Meeting Minutes and Presentations
- Organized by date
14Management Plans Procedures
- Management Plans and Procedures
- Information Links
- NCSX Procedures
- NCSX Plans
- PPPL Procedures
- NCSXPPPL Procedure Matrix - Intended to provide
a linkage showing how NCSX procedures augment
existing PPPL procedures gt currently under
construction - Guidance Links
- Document Reviews
- Style Instructions
- Sample Document
15NCSX Procedures
Link to Approved NCSX Procedure
Drafts/Revisions in Process
16NCSX Plans
Approved NCSX Plans
Drafts/Revisions in Process
17PPPL Procedures Link
18Information Link to Document Reviews
- Includes
- Review Report
- Review Close-Out Report
19Information Link to Guidance Documents
Style Instructions
Sample Document
- This introduction to the NCSX Engineering Web
module has covered several parts of the NCSX
Engineering Web - Work Planning Project Control
- Project Files
- Management Plans Procedures
- Other introductory modules will cover the
remaining parts of the NCSX Engineering Web - Module 2B Specs, Design Criteria, Statements of
Work, Design Reviews, Analyses, and RD - Module 2C - Design Data and Fabrication,
Assembly, and Installation Test Plans - Module 2D - Engineering Management Systems
Engineering and Other - More detailed modules will focus in depth on key
aspects of how the NCSX Project will do business