Community development in Quebec - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Community development in Quebec


Community development in Quebec Denis Bourque Universit du Qu bec en Outaouais Canada Research Chair in Community Organization Annual Public Health Days, November ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Community development in Quebec

Community development in Quebec
  • Denis Bourque
  • Université du Québec en Outaouais
  • Canada Research Chair in Community Organization
  • Annual Public Health Days, November 30, 2011

Community development
  • Different forms of structured joint action that,
    through the mobilization of the populations
    concerned and social actors (institutional,
    community, private, elected representatives),
    target the collective issues related to living
    conditions and quality of life. (Bourque, 2008,
    p. 8)
  • Transformation of collective problems into
    collective planning, first by community of
    identity or interests, then by geographical area

Origins two sources that have influenced each
  • 1- Evolution of forms of community response to
    their problems. Innovation by local stakeholders
    and actors
  • 2- Transformation by public action divided
    between two approaches instrumentalization and
    adaptation-ownership, which is more effective
    than fidelity

Current dynamic
  • Community development divided between two
    intersecting approaches
  • 1- Instrumentalization of communities in order to
    implement public/private program objectives and
  • 2- Ownership by actors and the public of the
    local issues where the responses are created
    jointly with the necessary contributions and
    controlled by the programs
  • In the field hybridization of the two
    approaches in a paradoxical dynamic

Descending-exogenous logic
Ownership tendency
Instrumentalization tendency
Autonomy tendency
Complementarity tendency
  • Ascending-endogenous logic

Tension between opposing logics
  • No community development without public (or
    private) programs and policies, but tension
    between instrumentalization and ownership
  • Administrative community development or sector
    procedures that proliferate around the management
    of programs with strong lifestyle components and
    individual changes vs. processes that structure a
    collective actor around a common good, building
    on social participation, joint action and the
    transformation of living environments

Types of Leadership
Procedural leadership
Expertise-based leadership
Community development
Community leadership
Challenges of community development practices
  • Having vision and strategic development plans for
    establishing constructive working relationships
    with programs and funders
  • Moving beyond addressing consequences and acting
    on the causes multiple levels
  • Building on meaningful participation
  • Also creating institutional transformation and

  • Community development social innovation, unique
    feature of Quebec and above all a lever for
    communal development
  • Sets out requirements and strategic or even
    ethical challenges for actors so that they meet
    their full potential

Thank you for your attention
  • Bilodeau, A. et al. (2004). Lexigence
    démocratique de la planification participative
    le cas de la santé publique au Québec, Nouvelles
    pratiques sociales, vol. 17, n 1, 50-65.
  • Bisset S (2008). Health program implementation, a
    socio-technical networking process. A case study
    of a school-based nutrition intervention.
    Montréal Département de médecine sociale et
    préventive, Université de Montréal. Thèse de
  • Bourque, D., Comeau, Y., Favreau, L. et L.
    Fréchette (dir.), (2007). Organisation
    communautaire, fondements, approches et champs de
    pratique, Québec, Presses de lUniversité du
    Québec, 534 pages.
  • Bourque, D. (2008). Concertation et partenariat
    entre levier et piège du développement des
    communautés, Québec, collection Initiatives,
    Presses de lUniversité du Québec, 142 pages.
  • CSBE (2001). L'appropriation par les communautés
    de leur développement, Québec, Conseil de la
    santé et du bien-être, 52 pages.
  • INSPQ (2002). La santé des communautés
    perspectives pour la contribution de la santé
    publique au développement social et au
    développement des communautés Revue de
    littérature, Québec, Institut national de santé
    publique, 50 pages.
  • Lachapelle, R. (dir.) (2003). L'organisation
    communautaire en CLSC. Cadre de référence et
    pratiques, Regroupement québécois des
    intervenants et intervenantes en action
    communautaire en CLSC, Québec, Presses de
    l'Université Laval, 293 pages.
  • MSSS (2008). Programme national de santé publique
    2003-2012, mise à jour 2008, Québec, ministère de
    la Santé et des Services sociaux, Direction
    générale de la santé publique, MSSS, 103 pages.
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