Domestic Violence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Domestic Violence


Children s Submission Domestic Violence Public Hearings of the Portfolio & Select Committee on Women, Youth, Children and People with Disabilities in Parliament – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Domestic Violence

Childrens Submission
  • Domestic Violence
  • Public Hearings of the Portfolio Select
    Committee on Women, Youth, Children and People
    with Disabilities in Parliament
  • Date Thursday 29th October 2009

Focus groups children
  • The following submission is based on the views
    and experiences of children who took part in the
    childrens focus group discussions for the
    Childrens Summit held in the following areas
  • Atlantis
  • Beaufort West
  • Delft
  • Guguletu / Nyanga
  • Mossel Bay
  • Saldana

Focus groups
  • 80 Children
  • 12 16 years

Our views on Domestic Violence
  • Child are neglected and hurt in the their homes
    and elsewhere by their parents, siblings, other
    family members or people they live with.
  • Children are neglected and abused
  • Children are not given enough food
  • Children are not supported and looked after
  • Children are beaten, kicked, pulled thrown with
    objects, stabbed, sexual abuse, raped and even

Who are the perpetrators?
  • Fathers mothers
  • Step fathers step mothers
  • Brothers Sisters
  • Step brothers step sisters
  • Grand parents
  • Aunts and uncles
  • Other family members
  • Foster parents
  • Other care givers
  • Others children live with those next door

Who are most at risk?
  • Babies and young children neglect, physical and
    verbal abuse - because they can not run away
  • Children between 6 and 10 years neglect, sexual
    abuse rape
  • Children between 11 and 14 years neglect,
    sexual abuse and rape (incest)
  • Older children neglect, physical and verbal
    abuse, sexual abuse rape (incest)

Impact of domestic violence
  • Physical trauma
  • Psychological trauma
  • Stress and depression
  • Sleeplessness bed wetting
  • Withdrawn quiet
  • Guilt and shame
  • Rebellious
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Violent and abusive behaviour
  • Drop-out of school
  • Become teen fathers mothers

Getting help / reporting domestic violence
  • Very few children tell and report
  • Guilt, shame and fear stop children from telling
  • Children are threatened
  • Domestic issues are settled privately
  • Children are told not to tell
  • Children are scared
  • Children suffer in silence
  • Police does not help!

Our Views on Crime
  • Crime is when people stab and kill each other.
  • Crime is when children are hurt and used to
    commit crime.
  • Children also commit crime.
  • Crime is violence and conflict with the law. It
    involves sex with children, abuse, harassment and
    treating children badly.
  • Crime is bullying, robbery, rape, domestic
    violence and house breaking.
  • How big is it?
  • Crime is a big problem it happens every minute,
    every hour and every day.
  • The rate of crime is very high- it is not going

Reasons for the high crime rate
  • Poor parenting and domestic violence
  • Shebeens make people fight and stab each other
    with knives.
  • Gangsterism in communities.
  • Poverty and unemployment.
  • Communities are not standing together.
  • The availability of alcohol and drugs.
  • Poor law enforcement Criminals are not in
    prison. Prison is a hotel that does not help.
    Laws are not implemented.
  • Youth commit crime as they have too much time
    sitting in corners doing nothing. They also dont
    listen to parents and give in to peer pressure.
  • A lack of recreational activities.

The nature of crime committed against children
  • Children are abuse and hurt by people they live
    with parents and family members
  • Children are raped, assaulted, kidnapped and
  • Many children are sexually and physically abused.
  • Sexual abuse, including the sexual exploitation
    of children and using children for sex work.
  • They are also neglected and dumped (abandoned).
  • Children are bullied and involved in fights.
  • Some children are being sent to buy drugs and
    taught how to use drugs.

The Impact of Crime on children
  • Being a victim of crime influences the
    performance of children at school and can lead to
    school dropout.
  • Some children can become criminals themselves
    because of their experience of crime.
  • It can cause suicide and depression. Some
    children become withdrawn and are outcasts in
    their community.
  • These experiences creates emotional instability
    as children are fearful, hurt inside, lack self
    esteem, are afraid, depressed, not free to do
    what they want to, feel unsafe and are cooped up
    at home.
  • They get out of their minds and loose the
    ability to trust and loose respect.
  • Some children stay on the streets as they are
    living with unsafe people.
  • Rape stays with you forever. You live in fear
    for the rest of your life. A child who was raped
    becomes reserved and looses self confidence.

Who commits crimes against children?
  • Drug dealers and drug addicts.
  • Convicted criminals.
  • Police and government leaders.
  • Stepfathers and parents.
  • Teachers.
  • Community leaders.
  • Gangsters.
  • In most of the focus groups, participants claimed
    that the majority of crimes against children were
    committed by local residents. A minority of these
    crimes were committed by people from outside
    areas. However, in one of the groups it was
    alleged that most of the perpetrators are from
    outside areas and obtain information from local

Reporting of crimes against children
  • In most of the focus groups, participants
    indicated that they would report crimes against
    children. However, this was said with reservation
    and ambivalence, as indicated below
  • Reporting a crime is not easy as they are being
    intimidated not to report, feel afraid and are
  • Some participants said they would report a crime
    but were not willing to be a witness because we
    are scared of dying.
  • Others said they would report crime but only if
    the police will not keep coming to their house
    for more information as this could jeopardize
    their safety and put them in danger.

Reasons for not report crimes against children
  • Robbers are always armed.
  • There is nothing you can do when someone tries
    to hurt you, as they normally have a knife or
    gun. You try to run away. Sometimes you are lucky
    and you get away without being hurt.
  • Sometimes it is safer not to tell anybody.
  • Participants indicated that they would report
    crime to the police, teachers, ngos, social
    workers, parents and relatives as well as
    friends. They would report crimes to anybody who
    is trustworthy.

Nature and availability of substances
  • A wide range of substances (both legal and
    illegal) are freely available - Cannabis (various
    types) , tik, alcohol, mandrax, cocaine,ecstasy,
    cigarettes, anaesthetics from hospital and glue
  • Substances can be obtained easily and in any of
    the following ways
  • One can go around the corner or around the
    block. You can send someone to get it for you or
    ask in the community.
  • Drugs can be obtained from shebeens and liquor
  • Family and friends.
  • Some children live in homes where drugs are being
  • Substances can also be obtained from druglords
    and drugdealers, tik houses and gangsters.
  • Some children sell drugs at school while other
    people sell drugs on street.

Substance abuse in families
  • Only a few participants said that substance abuse
    was a problem in their families.
  • Participants were reluctant to discuss this issue
  • Many children have personal experiences of the
    impact of substances Families abuse and assault
    each other. It changes peoples behaviour.
  • It makes family members argue and fight and
    results in the abuse of children. Substance abuse
    hurts children and families.
  • Substance abuse leads to the loss of jobs and
  • Families fall apart, members loose love and
    respect for each other.
  • Substance abuse also cause financial recklessness
    and irresponsibility as addicts are always in
    need of money and will steal family possessions
    and take money to buy substances.
  • Families become dysfunctional.

How children spend their time?
  • Electronic forms of entertainment such as
    computer and tv games
  • Doing household chores
  • Spending time with friends
  • Playing sport in the street or in sitting on the
    street corner
  • Hanging out at shebeens and drug houses and
    smoking with friends
  • In one of the focus groups it was reported that a
    significant number of children in the area some
    dagga, are sexually active and involved in gang
  • Doing homework

Community facilities for children
  • Very few young people participate in organized
    social and recreational activities
  • Lack of such opportunities in their communities.
  • Many young people joined gangs.
  • In areas where organized activities were
    available, young people joined church, youth,
    sport and cultural groups.
  • In all focus groups, an overwhelming need for the
    establishment of positive recreational
    opportunities and facilities for young people
    were expressed. These include the following

What children want?
  • Sporting facilities, outdoor and hiking clubs.
  • Cultural activities such as music, drama, dancing
    and movies. Cultural festivals and community
  • Community service.
  • Educational facilities such as studdy buddy
    clubs, reading facilities and book clubs.
  • Psycho-social services such as support groups,
    safe parks and safe places for children as well
    as after care programmes.
  • Entertainment facilities such as amusement parks.

How families can better care for their children
  • Parents should give their children more love and
  • They should know where their children are.
  • Families should sit down with their children and
    discuss issues. They must spend more time with
    their children. Parents must be open with their
  • Parents must trust their children more.
  • They must ensure that their homes are safe for
    children and teach their children about safety.
  • They must set boundaries and respect their
  • Parents must stop drinking and taking drugs, stop
    stealing, take responsibility for their actions
    and be responsible to their children and

Child care protection
  • There should be more police and health services.
  • The church should assist.
  • Assistance should be provided to families in
    distress. Provide jobs for unemployed parents.
  • Unsafe and open spaces must be build up.
  • Drug houses and shebeens must be closed down.
  • Shelters and places of safety for children must
    be provided.
  • Build bigger houses so that children can have
    proper beds.
  • The state must prioritise crime and act strictly
    against it.
  • Increase awareness and educational programmes.
  • Create safe communities.
  • Ensure that children attend school and study.
    Patrol communities to ensure that children attend
    school on time.

Child care and protection
  • Parents
  • Police
  • Hospitals
  • the state local government
  • Community ngos
  • families,
  • social and community workers
  • were identified as being responsible for the care
    and protection of children.

  • They must take their children to church.
  • Parents must be adaptable to changing situations
    and childrens evolving needs.
  • They must identify signs that their children are
    in difficulty.
  • Parents must support each other in hard times.
    Improve communication with kids. Respect their
    kids then they will respect you as a parent. Love
    your child at all times. Appreciate and care for
    your child.
  • Love your children unconditionally and
    consistently. Keep telling children that you love
    them. Give support to children in every problem
    they encounter with the greatest love.

Prevent Domestic violence
  • Jobs for parents
  • Parent support groups and services
  • Parenting programmes
  • Parents must stop abuse alcohol and drugs
  • Social workers and police must do regular
    check-ups to see how children are doing
  • Police must investigate and protect children in
  • Children at risk and those who are victims must
    be supported
  • Abusers and offenders must be removed from the

The law!
  • We dont know about the law the Domestic
    Violence Act.
  • Our parents dont know about the law!
  • Our community dont know about the law!
  • We need to inform children, parents, families and
    communities about the law and their rights.
  • We need to implement The Childrens Act, The
    Sexual Offences Act etc.
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