Title: Building Proteins
1Chapter 05
2Building Proteins
- DNAs instructions are translated into thousands
of proteins that do a cells work - Protein molecules communicate and coordinate
activities to perform lifes functions
3Roles of Proteins
- Enzymes
- Catalysts
- Have specific shapes that recognize specific
molecules (active sites) - Remain unchanged in reactions can be used over
4Roles of Proteins
- Transporters
- Located in cell membrane
- Function as tunnels and pumps allow material to
pass in and out of cell
5Transport ProteinsFacilitated Diffusion (top)
and Active Transport (bottom)
6Roles of Proteins
- Movers
- Protein chains can change shape in response to
energy (ATP)
7Roles of Proteins
- Supporters
- Long chains of folded or coiled proteins
- Form sheets or tubes
- Help support and shape the cell
8Types of Support Fibers Found in Cells
9Roles of Proteins
- Regulators
- Enzymes that respond to feedback
- Notice when enough final product accumulates and
stop assembly cycle
10Roles of Proteins
- Defenders
- Antibodies recognize and bind to foreign
substances so that scavenger cells can destroy
11Structure of an Antibody Molecule
12Roles of Proteins
- Communicators
- Example hormones
- Act as cells chemical messengers
13How Peptide Hormones Work
14Proteins at WorkExample Actin and Myosin
- Small molecular changes produce large effects
15Proteins at Work
- Actin and myosin line up and use ATP to shorten
and lengthen themselves
16Proteins at Work
- Muscle contraction is collective action of
millions of actin-myosin combinations
17Actin Microfilaments
- Chains of amino acids linked by strong covalent
bonds - 20 different amino acids
- Shape and function of protein are determined by
amino acid sequence
20Amino Acids
- All twenty contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
nitrogen - Two contain sulfur
- Ten have electrically charged side groups that
are attracted to water cluster on surface of
protein - Ten have no electrical charge cluster on inside
of protein
21Some Common Amino Acids
22Protein Folding
- Weak bonds between amino acids in a chain allow
protein to fold - Weak bonds are easily broken and reformed
provide flexibility and mobility
23Protein Folding
- Water environment fat-liking amino acids fold
inside protein molecule, water-liking amino acid
face out - Fat environment water-liking amino acids inside,
fat-liking amino acids face out
24Amino Acid Sequence Determines Protein Shape
- DNA is a chain of nucleotides
- Nucleotide triplets are translated into one of
twenty different amino acids - Average gene 1200 nucleotides translates into
protein 400 amino acids long
26Nucleotide Triplets are Translated into Amino
27How To Read the Genetic Code
28Overview of Protein Synthesis
- Copy nucleotide sequence of a gene into messenger
RNA (transcription) - Attach amino acids to transfer RNA
- Bring transfer RNA with amino acids and messenger
RNA to ribosome (protein synthesis factory) - Ribosome links amino acids to make a protein
29Overview of Protein Synthesis
30TranslationEnergizing Amino Acids and Linking
Them to Transfer RNA
- Key Players
- Amino Acid
- Transfer RNA (adaptor)
- Activating Enzyme
31Transfer RNA
32TranslationEnergizing Amino Acids and Linking
Them to Transfer RNA
- 1. ATP and an amino acid dock on the activating
enzyme and bond with each other
33TranslationEnergizing Amino Acids and Linking
Them to Transfer RNA
- 2. The amino acid is energized
34TranslationEnergizing Amino Acids and Linking
Them to Transfer RNA
- 3. Transfer RNA (adaptor) docks at a nearby site
on the enzyme
35TranslationEnergizing Amino Acids and Linking
Them to Transfer RNA
- 4. The transfer RNA and the amino acid are
joined. The spent ATP is released.
36TranslationEnergizing Amino Acids and Linking
Them to Transfer RNA
- 5. The transfer RNA is released with the amino
acid attached
37TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- Key Players
- Ribosomes-
- Organelles where proteins are manufactured
- Consists of two subunits
- Some attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum,
others bound to cytoskeletal fibers
38TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 1. Messenger RNA attaches to the smaller subunit
of the ribosome
39TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 2. The first transfer RNA matches the messenger
RNAs first three nucleotides
40TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 3. The larger ribosome subunit joins with the
smaller subunit
41TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 4. The second transfer RNA the second dock on
the messenger RNA
42TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 5. The backbones of the first two amino acid link
43TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 6. The messenger RNA shifts to the right and the
first transfer RNA drops off
44TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 7. The next transfer RNA arrives to add the next
amino acid
45TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 8. One by one, triplets are read and the protein
chain grows
46TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 9. The final triplet signals stop. No
transfer RNA fits here.
47TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 10. The ribosome separates and drops off the
messenger RNA
48TranslationAssembling the Protein Chain
- 11. For efficiency, the messenger RNA is read by
more than one ribosome simultaneously
49Translation Overview
50Overview of Protein Synthesis
51The Flow of InformationDNAs message is
transcribed into RNA and RNA is translated into
52The Unity of Biology
- All living creatures -
- Use DNA and RNA to store and replicate
information - Make nucleotides using similar pathways
- Translate nucleotide chains into proteins using
the same twenty amino acids and the same genetic
code - Use similar translation apparatus
- Have similar proteins
53Examples of Natures Unity
- Locomotion
- The cilia that propel many single cell creatures
also serve to protect our lungs by sweeping up
dirt particles.
- Bones
- A bone that was once part of a reptiles jaw has
evolved into a device in the ear for transmitting
sound waves.