Title: Force, Motion and Energy
1Force, Motion and Energy
- Grade 2
- SOL 2.2
- Created By
- Kim Smith
2What is a magnet?
- An object that is able to pull other objects
towards it. - A rock that pulls things.
- A piece of plastic that pulls things.
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3What does PULL mean when we are talking about
- Push away
- Attract
- Work
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4UNLIKE magnet poles attract.
- True
- False
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5LIKE poles repel.
- False
- True
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6What do we call it when two magnets PUSH away
from each other?
- Attraction
- Shoving
- Repel
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7What happens if you try to stick two south poles
- They attract
- They push away
- They argue
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8What are attracted to magnets?
- Glass containers
- Other magnets
- Plastic containers
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9What does the Earth and a magnet have in common?
- Metal
- Attraction
- Poles
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10What are the two ends of a magnet called?
- Ends
- Poles
- Bottoms
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11What are the two poles called?
- West and East
- North and South
- Right and Left
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12Magnets can attract objects made of____or____.
- Gold or silver
- Iron or nickel
- Plastic or glass
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13What is a compass?
- A tool that uses a magnet and needle to tell
- directionNorth, South, East, West.
- A tool that tells us the direction of the wind.
- A toy that has a magnet to pick up things with.
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14Who invented the compass?
- Christopher Columbus
- Ancient Chinese
- King Arthur
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15What do people use a compass for?
- Know what direction they are traveling in.
- Know what direction the wind is blowing.
- Know what time of day it is.
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16What other kinds of magnets can be found today?
- Compasses, paperclip holders
- Paper, cloth
- Plastic, glass
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