Title: Future%20of%20Organizational%20Development
1Future of Organizational Development
- Md. Musharrof Hossain
- Head- HRM, icddr,b
- President - BSHRM
2Contextual trends and their effect on ODs Future
- More concerned with cultural diversity
- More concentrated wealth
- More concerned ecologically
- Increasing diverse
- Increasingly educated
- Increasingly contingent
3Contextual trends and their effect on ODs Future
- More E-commerce
- Faster organizational process
- More productivity
- More networked
- More Knowledge, learning, and innovation based
4Contextual trends and their effect on ODs Future
- More embedded in the organization's operations
- More technologically enabled
- Shorter OD cycle times
- More interdisciplinary
- More diverse in client
- More cross cultural
- More concerned with organization
- Traditionalist argue that OD should be driven by
long established values of human potential,
equality, trust, and collaboration. It
is proposed that OD should do what is right by
assuring that organizations promote positive
social change and corporate citizenship.
- Related to increasing demands for professionaliza
tion of the field and an emphasis on relevance.
Championed by change management practices at
large consulting firms and some OD professional
associations, pragmatists argue that OD
practitioners should be certified like most other
professionals. OD should require certification of
members, create a common body of knowledge,
define minimum levels o f competencies, and
institute other regulatory infrastructure.
7 Scholarly
- Focuses on understanding, predicting an
controlling change. Unlike traditionalist
and pragmatist, scholars are concerned with
creating valid knowledge, and with generalizing
conclusions about how change occurs, how it is
triggered, under what conditions it works well
and so on
8Scholars proposed a research agenda w/c includes
- How multiple context and levels of analysis
affect organizational change - The inclusion of time, history, process and
action in theories of change - The link between change processes and
organization performance - The comparative analysis of international and
cross-cultural OD interventions - The study of receptivity, customization,
sequencing, pace, and episodic versus continuous
change processes - The partnership between scholars and
practitioners is studying organizational change
9Implication of ODs Future
- OD will have more conflicts in the Short term
- Traditionalist fear that OD is becoming too
corporate and may unwittingly get together
with powerful stakeholders to promote goals
inconsistent with ODs social responsibility and
humanistic values - Pragmatist on the other hand worry that
relying too heavily on traditional values will
reinforce ODs touchy feely orientation.
10Implication of ODs Future
- OD will have more conflicts in the Short term
- The debate over values demonstrates how difficult
it will be to gain agreement about standards,
competencies, enforcement mechanisms, and
11Implication of ODs Future
- OD will become more integrated in the long term
- There is a considerable common ground among the
diverse trends within the OD, and the emergence f
a more integrated view of the field seems likely
in the long term
12The Economy
- Increasing concern over social and ecological
consequences - Cultural diversity Governments face the
difficult choice of preserving their culture ant
the risk of being left out of the global economy. - Income distribution globalization of the
economy is closely related to an increasing
concentration of wealth in relatively few
individuals, corporation and nations. - Ecological sustainability there are
increasingly clear warnings that the ecosystem no
longer can be treated as a factor of production
and that success cannot be defined as the
accumulation of wealth and material goods at the
expense of the environment
13 The Workforce
- The workforce is becoming more
- Diverse organizations, whether they
operate primarily in their home country or
abroad, will need to develop policies and
operating styles that embrace the changing
cultural, ethnic, gender and age diversity of the
workforce. - Educated the workforce is becoming more
educated. A more educated workforce demands
higher wages, more involvement in decision making
and continued investment of knowledge and skills.
14 The Workforce--------
- The workforce is becoming more
- Contingent the continued high rate
of downsizings, re-engineering efforts, and
mergers and acquisitions is forcing the workforce
to become more contingent and less loyal.
15 Technology
- Internet the backbone of global economy.
- E-commerce an economy that knows no boundaries.
It involves buying and selling products and
services over the internet. Two types of
E-commerce relevant to ODs Future - Business-to-consumer garners much attention and
awareness because it is how the public
participates in E-commerce. - Business-to-business more complex
- Organization - involves increasingly networked
and knowledge based nature of organizations. The - interventions help organizations become more
streamlined and flexible, more capable of
improving themselves continuously in response to
economic and other trends and more effective.
Networks are highly adaptable and can disband
and reform along different task or market lines
as the circumstances demand.
17 OD will be more embedded in the organizations
- this suggest that OD practices will become more
embedded in the organizations normal operating
routines. OD skills, knowledge, and competencies
can and should become the daily work of managers
and employees.
18 OD process will be more technologically Enabled
- Information technology is pervasive and will have
a significant affect on OD practice. First, it
will enable OD to be synchronous and asynchronous
(anytime, anywhere) as well as virtual and less
face to face. Second, information technology will
provide much more data about the organization to
a greater number of participants in a shorter
period of time.
19OD Cycle Times will be Shorter
- new information technologies will expedite
certain steps in the change process. Incoming
years, new technologies such as groupware and
video conferencing, will increasingly be used to
bring more people together faster than ever
before. There is areal potential to reduce
dramatically the time required to perform many
OD practices.
20OD will be more Interdisciplinary
- OD will continue to become more interdisciplinary
and rely on different perspectives and approaches
to develop and change organizations. It will
balance human fulfillment and economic performance
, provide a fuller recognition of the systemic
and dynamic nature of organizations and develop
improved techniques for managing large scale, and
change w/n and across natural cultures.
21OD will be Applied to More Diverse Organizations
- In the future planned change will be applied to
amore diverse client base. Types of organizations
that are target of planned change - Small entrepreneurial start-ups important
underserved market for OD. - Governments increasingly applying OD
interventions such as strategic
planning, employee involvement, and performance
22Global Social Change Organizations--------
- the increasing concentration of wealth and
globalization of the economy will create a
plethora of opportunities for OD to assists
developing countries, disadvantage citizens and
23OD will become More Cross-Cultural
- As organizations and the economy become more
global, the recent growth of OD practice in
international and cross-cultural situations will
continue. The current trends of OD clearly point
to the need for OD applications that work across
cultures. -
24OD will Focus more on Ecological Sustainability
- Limits to the worlds ecosystem, including its
capacity to absorb population growth, function
with a depleted ozone layer, and operate
with polluted waters, provide serious challenges
to the traditional business model.
25 Thanks