Title: Vidyaniketan Public School
1Vidyaniketan Public School
2Urbanisation is the process of altering land uses
to create and further develop urban centers. It
is a process of social and economic change which
has accompanied industrial development.
Congestion in cities largely affects umpteen
spheres of activities, inducing an
imbalance. Challenges of water scarcity,
contamination of ground water, pollution of water
bodies have grown to confront us....
Urbanisation- Its Impacts on Water
3Urbanisation is the process of altering land uses
to create and further develop urban centers. It
is a process of social and economic change which
has accompanied industrial development.
Congestion in cities largely affects umpteen
spheres of activities, inducing an
imbalance. Challenges of water scarcity,
contamination of ground water, pollution of water
bodies have grown to confront us....
4Bangalore-bursting?? A sleepy city has grown to
be the haven of technological giants...but only,
the citys infrastructure remains largely
unsatisfactory...Bangalore has started devouring
surrounding villages, stretching basic facilities
like sanitation and water supply. The city has
eaten up its natural drainage channels and the
source of its water requirements.
5Ground reality. To meet its water needs,
Bangalore has resorted to ground water
extraction750 million litres of water is being
extracted every day...which is an alarming
number...at this rate, the quality and quantity
is sure to deplete in the near future. Lake
lack. Bangalore wouldnt have been in such a bad
shape if it was protected by its tanks and lakes,
which provided water and acted as
water-management systems, preventing floods and
providing natural drainage channels.
Unfortunately, these have been developed. The
number of functioning lakes has declined from 260
in 1960 to 63 in 2000.
1.Redesign project facilities to avoid floodprone
lands and natural stream channels. 2.Implement
storm water drainage and erosion control
strategies to avoid significant adverse water
quality impacts. 3.Incorporate facilities to
provide temporary or long-term storage of storm
water runoff to minimize increase in downstream
flood risk. 4.Provide facilities to allow
increased groundwater recharge of storm water or
reclaimed wastewater. 5.Design landscaped areas
of development sites to absorb runoff from roofs
and walkways. 6.Explore the feasibility of using
reclaimed wastewater for landscape irrigation or
other sub potable use. 7.Continue to comply with
permit requirements and applicable laws and
regulations in discharging wastewater effluent.